


詞    性


[英][klaun] [美][klaʊn] [1] 


Der Clown 火線戰將 ; 小丑奇兵 ; 前方戰將 ; 原名
Killer Clown 殺人小丑 ; 滅口小丑 ; 小丑殺手 ; 殺手小丑
The Clown 小丑 ; 醜臉驚魂 ; 醜臉的歲月 ; 醜族動漫
Sad Clown 悲傷小丑 ; 憂傷的小丑
Radgoll Clown 小丑闖天下
clown doctor 小丑醫生
clown care 小丑護理
Juggling Clown 輕鬆一笑
Clown College 瘋狂馬戲團第二章 ; 小丑學院 [1] 


  • 1Colour this clown, up and down.給這個小丑全身上下都塗上顏色。
  • 2The clown meets the audience.小丑與觀眾見面。
  • 3What are these, clown shoes?這些是什麼?小丑鞋?
  • 4There's a clown on my left.我左邊是個小丑。
  • 5Look, there! It's a clown.看那兒!是一個小丑!
  • 6The night the white clown snapped.那一夜,白色小丑崩潰了。
  • 7Where's the brown clown?棕色的小丑在哪裏?
  • 8Look at the funny clown!看看這個好玩的小丑!
  • 9How about a funny clown?要不扮成一個搞笑的小丑?
  • 10He looks like a clown.他看上去像個小丑。
  • 11Then a clown appeared.然後小丑出場了。
  • 12What did the clown do?小丑做了什麼?
  • 13Did you see my clown?你有沒有看見我的小丑?
  • 14The clown looks sad.這個小丑看起來很傷心。
  • 15The boy is a clown.那男孩兒是個小丑。
  • 16Stop being a clown.別像個小丑一樣。
  • 17He plays the clown.他扮演小丑。
  • 18I'm a happy clown.我是一個快樂的小丑。
  • 19The clown looks lively and funny at first.小丑一開始看起來活潑有趣。
  • 20I'm a clown!我是一個小丑!
  • 21I'm going to be a clown in a circus when I grow up.我長大後要在馬戲團裏當小丑。
  • 22The idea of being a clown recurred to him now, only to fill him with disgust.當小丑的念頭又出現在他的腦海裏,使他感到厭惡。
  • 23By using it, your emails can be read to the receiver by an attractive person or by a clown.通過使用它,一個有吸引力的人或小丑可以把你的電子郵件讀給接收者。
  • 24If you choose the clown, put a few rude words in an email and add some angry emotions, you're got a Psycho mail.如果你選擇小丑,在電子郵件中加入一些粗魯的詞語和一些憤怒的情緒,你就會得到一封不正常的郵件。
  • 25He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh.他在醫院裏花了很多時間和孩子們在一起,經常把一個特別的紅鼻子戴在臉上,看起來像個小丑,逗孩子們笑。
  • 26Chapman was the family clown, with a knack for making a joke out of any situation.查普曼是家裏的詼諧人物,他有訣竅在任何場合開玩笑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 27The clown drove a toy car.那個小丑開着一架玩具車。
  • 28You can say: You clown!你可以説:你真傻!
  • 29You always clown around with the kids.你老是在孩子面前胡鬧。
  • 30Who invited the clown to the classroom?誰把小丑邀請來教室的? [1] 
  • 1.    clown  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-12]