


CROW,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“烏鴉;啼叫聲”等。 [1] 
英    音
美    音
釋    義


英 [krəʊ] 美 [kroʊ]
n. 烏鴉;(公雞或像公雞的)啼叫聲;克勞人(分佈在美國西部的美洲土著居民);<非正式>婦人,醜婦
v. 歡叫,高興地説;自鳴得意
[ 複數 crows 第三人稱單數 crows 現在分詞 crowing 過去式 crowed或crew 過去分詞 crowed ] [1] 


eat crow 丟臉;被迫收回自己説的話
as the crow flies 筆直地
crow about 吹噓
House Crow 家鴉
carrion crow 小嘴烏鴉 ; 吃腐肉的烏鴉 ; 小咀烏鴉 ; 黑兀鷹
Collared Crow 白頸鴉
jungle crow 大嘴烏鴉 ; 巨嘴鴉
Pied crow 非洲白頸鴉 ; 染色
Rainbow Crow 虹彩幻鴉 [1] 


  • The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun. 烏鴉的翅膀遮不住太陽。
  • I do so want to see Dickon, the fox and the crow. 我的確很想看看狄肯、狐狸和烏鴉。
  • The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver. 那隻烏鴉帶着一塊生肝臟飛過了河。
  • The wings of a crow cannot shut out the rays of the sun. 烏鴉的翅膀擋不住太陽的光輝。
  • A thirsty crow once came upon a pitcher with very little water in it. 有一次,一隻口渴的烏鴉碰巧遇到一隻大水罐,裏面只有一點點水。
  • One after another the doctors came, a Crow, an Owl, and a Talking Cricket. 醫生們一個接一個地來了,一隻烏鴉、一隻貓頭鷹,還有一隻會説話的蟋蟀。
  • You looked like a young plucked crow when you first came into this garden. 你第一次來到這個花園的時候,看上去就像一隻被拔過毛的小烏鴉。
  • "When the dead weep, they are beginning to recover," said the Crow solemnly. “當死者哭泣的時,他們就開始恢復了。”烏鴉嚴肅地説。
  • Just then, the crow saw a pebble beside the pitcher and it gave him an idea. 就在這時,烏鴉看到水罐旁邊有塊小鵝卵石,這讓他想到一個主意。
  • The fox and the crow were with him again and this time, he had brought two tame squirrels. 狐狸和烏鴉又和他一起,這次,他帶來了兩隻馴服的松鼠。
  • Another crow, called Barney, has demonstrated his skill at using sticks to forage for food. 另一隻叫巴尼的烏鴉展示了它用棍子尋找食物的本領。
  • "I am sorry," said the Owl, "to have to contradict the Crow, my famous friend and colleague." “很抱歉,”貓頭鷹説,“我不得不反駁烏鴉,我傑出的朋友和同事。”
  • At this invitation, the Crow stepped out and felt Pinocchio's pulse, his nose, his little toe. 聽到這個請求,烏鴉走出來,摸摸皮諾喬的脈搏、鼻子和小腳趾。
  • It was for neither a scream nor a crow that she was watching, it was for the reappearance of Peter. 她等待的不是尖叫,也不是鳴叫,而是彼得的再次出現。
  • The ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier. 象牙喙啄木鳥不像鳥那樣大。它的大小和烏鴉差不多,但更華麗。
  • Mary hoped the crow was not going to stay inside and she pushed the door open wondering if he would. 瑪麗希望那隻烏鴉不會待在裏面,於是邊想邊推開了門。
  • It was the biggest crow she had ever seen, plump and sleek, with rainbows shining in its black feathers. 這是她見過的最大的一隻烏鴉,它豐滿而且光滑,黑色的羽毛閃爍着彩虹般的光芒。
  • The crow, pleased with the flattery, and chuckling to think how she would surprise the fox with her caw, opened her mouth. 烏鴉聽了甜言蜜語很高興,一想到自己的叫聲會使狐狸大吃一驚,就咯咯地笑起來,張開了嘴。
  • When politicians crow that happy days are here again because jobs are on the rise, it's these jobs they're really talking about. 當政客們因工作機會增加而歡呼快樂的日子又來了的時候,他們真正在談論的就是這些工作。
  • She gave a little crow of triumph. 她輕輕地發出了勝利的歡呼聲。
  • He wanted to make his critics eat crow. 他想迫使批評他的人們認錯。
  • Jim Crow laws were strongest in the south. 種族隔離法律在南方最為強硬。
  • The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies. 這些村莊直線距離相隔不超過一英里。
  • We heard the crow of a rooster. 我們聽到了公雞的啼叫聲。
  • What did his crow sound like? 他的叫聲叫起來像什麼?
  • Just then a crow came and sat on Jina's head. 就在這時,一隻烏鴉過來,坐在了吉娜的頭上。
  • Jina the giraffe nodded and walked away with the crow happily. 長頸鹿吉娜點點頭,和烏鴉一起開心地走了。
  • How did the crow feel about his life at the beginning? 烏鴉一開始對自己的生活是什麼感覺?
  • A crow lived in a thick forest filled with many birds. 一隻烏鴉住在滿是鳥的茂密森林裏。
  • Curiosity defeated the crow, who was determined to look for the beautiful peacock. 烏鴉沒能克服自己的好奇心,決心去尋找美麗的孔雀。 [1] 