


Buddy是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞形容詞,主要意思為“與……成為朋友; <非正式>朋友”等。 [1] 
釋    義
發    音
詞    性


英 [ˈbʌdi] 美 [ˈbʌdi]
n. <非正式>朋友;<美,非正式>老兄,兄弟;夥伴,搭檔
v. 與……成為朋友,與……結交
adj. 講述友情的
【名】 (Buddy)(英)巴迪(人名)
[ 複數 buddies 第三人稱單數 buddies 現在分詞 buddying 過去式 buddied 過去分詞 buddied ] [1] 


buddy system 兩人同行制;夥伴系統
Buddy child 哥們兒
His buddy 老搭檔
Old Time Buddy 難兄難弟
Buddy Rush 夥伴向前衝 ; 夥伴往前衝 ; 巴迪沖沖衝 ; 巴迪向前衝 [1] 


  • Buddy totalled his car. 巴迪徹底撞毀了他的車。
  • "Hey, buddy," says the guard. “嘿,夥計。”衞兵説。
  • Buddy, hot down here. 夥計,這裏很熱。
  • You can slide forward to make your buddy run faster. 您可以向前滑動來讓你那夥計跑快點。
  • You can set a temporary password for the buddy list of your family and friends. 您可以為家人和朋友的好友列表設置臨時密碼。
  • Buddy was given a physical checkup when he arrived at Tokyo's International Airport. 巴迪在抵達東京國際機場時接受了一次體檢。
  • The dog owner's beloved 10-year-old dog named Buddy took an unexpected 16-hour flight to Tokyo following a mix-up by the airline. 由於航空公司的失誤,寵物狗主人這條10歲的名叫巴迪的愛犬出人意料地乘坐了16個小時的飛機去了東京。
  • Both of the dogs had been sent to the wrong destinations on connecting flights from Denver, with Buddy mistakenly being sent to Japan instead. 這兩條狗都是在丹佛轉機時被送往了錯誤的目的地,而巴迪被錯誤地送到了日本。
  • 'Where to, buddy?' the driver asked. “去哪兒,老兄?”司機問道。
  • The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students. 學校採用結伴制讓每個新生跟一較大的學生結伴以獲得照顧。
  • You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable. 你同你的鄰居或許應該結伴旅遊,熱鬧一點。
  • Last night, when he was parking my car, he met up with a buddy he had at Stanford. 昨晚他為我泊車時,遇見了他在斯坦福時的一位朋友。
  • As his buddy, I encourage him. 作為他的朋友,我鼓勵他。
  • What does a buddy do? 夥伴是做什麼的呢?
  • In Japanese aibou means "buddy". 在日語中,aibou 的意思是“兄弟”。
  • Three more new sprouts have grown around Buddy! 巴迪周圍又長出了三顆新芽!
  • "Hyun, I want you to be John's buddy this term," said Mr Turner. “玄,我想讓你這學期做約翰的朋友。”特納先生説。
  • I love volunteering for Buddy Ball because I know I'm doing something meaningful! 我喜歡為夥伴球做志願者,因為我知道我正在做有意義的事情!
  • In the film EI, Buddy is a naive person who grows up with elves. 在電影《EI》中,巴迪是一個和精靈一起長大的天真的人。
  • Mr. Turner always gave new students a buddy with the same hobbies as them. 特納先生總是會把新來的學生和與其愛好相同的同學安排在一起。
  • At the moment, I am a buddy for an eleven-year-old boy called Tom. 此時,我是一個叫湯姆的11歲男孩的夥伴。
  • Without much change in the past six days, I finally see some new progress on Buddy as it has grown taller. 過去六天沒有太多變化,但我終於看到巴迪身上有了一些新的進展,因為它長高了。
  • Ally is a buddy for Clara, a kid with very few language skills. 艾麗是克拉拉的好朋友,克拉拉是一個語言能力很差的孩子。
  • Calm down, buddy [old chap]. What's the trouble? 壓壓氣,老兄。有什麼麻煩嗎?
  • Buddy: What about hard work? 巴迪:那麼賣命地工作呢?
  • Run with a buddy or join a group. 找個同伴或者加入一個羣體一起跑步。
  • Find a wake up early buddy. 找一個也能早起的同伴。 [1] 