

badge,英語單詞,主要用作動詞名詞。作動詞時意為“授給…徽章”,作名詞時意為“ 徽章;證章;標記”。 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性
釋    義


英 [bædʒ] 美 [bædʒ]
n. 徽章,獎章;標記,象徵
v. 給予……徽章(或標記)
[ 複數 badges 第三人稱單數 badges 現在分詞 badging 過去式 badged 過去分詞 badged ] [1] 


White Badge 白色戰爭 ; 白色徽章 ; 白色軍徽
The Red Badge of Courage 紅色英勇勳章 ; 紅色勇敢勳章 ; 鐵血雄師
Film badge 膠片襟章劑量計 ; 膠片劑量儀 ; [核] 膠片劑量計 ; 照射量測定軟片
badge punch [計] 標記穿孔機 ; 標記穿孔
badge reader [計] 標記閲讀器 ; 識別證閲讀機 ; 小卡片讀數器
arm badge 臂章 ; 徽標 ; 佩帶在衣袖上表明身分等的標誌 ; 袖章
Name Badge 名牌 ; 姓名牌 ; 胸牌
detective boys badge 偵探徽章 [1] 


  • 1All delegates must wear a badge.所有代表都要佩戴徽章。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She pinned the badge onto her jacket.她把徽章別到外衣上。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Can we get him a badge?我們能給他弄個徽章嗎?
  • 4They want more than the occasional coupon or reward, badge or crown.他們要的不只是那些偶爾的贈券或者獎勵、徽章或者皇冠。
  • 5She stopped at one vendor, flashed her badge, and picked a handful of mushrooms.她在一個小販跟前停住了,亮了亮徽章,然後抓起一把蘑菇。
  • 6At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they build and fire model rockets.在太空營,學員可以製作和發射火箭模型,以此獲得太空探索徽章。
  • 7Their "scoreboard" requires little or no interaction from the user other than to look and to wear an active badge.他們的“分數板”需要尋找以及活動徽章的佩戴,而要求很少或不要求來自用户的交互。
  • 8At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they try simulated flying to space with the crew from all over the world.在太空營,學員可以嘗試與來自世界各地的宇航員一起模擬飛往太空,以此獲得“太空探索”徽章。
  • 9His gun was a badge of power for him.他的槍對他而言是權力的標誌。《牛津詞典》
  • 10She wore a badge saying 'Vote for Coates'.她戴着一枚徽章,上面寫着“投科茨一票”。《牛津詞典》
  • 11He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.他拿出工作證,説他是警察。《牛津詞典》
  • 12Earn yourself an official Junior Ranger Badge!為自己贏得一個正式的初級護林員徽章!
  • 13He bore no badge of mourning but a knot of purple ribbon on his shoulder.他肩上繫着一根紫色的絲帶,身上沒有其它孝服的標誌。
  • 14Today, consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor.如今,同時為五家企業提供諮詢或自由職業服務是一種榮譽。
  • 15As it is, sleep is so undervalued that getting by on fewer hours has become a badge of honor.事實上,睡眠的重要性被嚴重低估,以至於睡得更少已經成為一種榮譽。
  • 16To earn a Plant Science merit badge, a scout can choose between agronomy, horticulture, or field botany.要獲得植物科學獎章,偵察員可以在農學、園藝學或野外植物學之間進行選擇。
  • 17The thing about the scorpion badge is that it bestowed upon the car a certain specialness; this was no ordinary Fiat, but an Abarth.這個蠍子車標的意義在於它賦予了這台車的獨特之處;這不是一台普通的菲亞特,它是阿巴斯。
  • 18A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science—for example, by affixing an 'open-data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.一些心理學雜誌已經創建了激勵機制來提高人們對可複製科學的興趣——例如,在明確説明可以在哪裏獲得數據的文章上附上“開放數據”的標籤。
  • 19A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science for example, by affixing an 'open data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.一些心理學雜誌已經創造了激勵機制來增加對可再生科學的興趣,例如,通過在文章上貼上一個‘開放數據’的標籤來明確説明數據在哪裏可以獲得。
  • 20She toweled the perspiration off her face and then checked her film badge.她用毛巾擦了擦汗水,然後檢查了她的膠片式輻射計量器。
  • 21Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.將條形碼讀入器的端部在商品標籤、信用卡和僱員證的磁性編碼條紋上掃掠。
  • 22The boy pins a badge on his jacket.這個男孩子把一枚徽章別在外套上。
  • 23Wisdom is the badge of maturity.智慧是成熟的象徵。
  • 24His collar badge designates his rank.他的領章表明他的級別。
  • 25But you need a badge to get in here.但是你得有證件才能進來。
  • 26We wear the school badge on our coats.我們把校徽別在外套上。
  • 27Badge of honour?榮譽徽章?
  • 28All he wanted in return was a federal agent's badge.作為回報,他只要一枚聯邦特派員的徽章。
  • 29Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge?你看見那個佩戴刺繡的徽記的好人了嗎? [1] 