


BRONZE,主要用作名詞動詞形容詞,主要意思為“青銅;青銅色;青銅製的”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [brɒnz] 美 [brɑːnz]
n. 青銅;青銅色,古銅色;青銅藝術品銅牌
adj. 青銅製的;青銅色的,古銅色的
v. 使被太陽曬黑;鑲上青銅面
【名】 (Bronze)(葡)布龍澤(人名)
[ 複數 bronzes 第三人稱單數 bronzes 現在分詞 bronzing 過去式 bronzed 過去分詞 bronzed ] [1] 


bronze /brɒnz/ CET6 TEM4
1.N-UNCOUNT Bronze is a yellowish-brown metal which is a mixture of copper and tin. 青銅
2.COLOR Something that is bronze is yellowish-brown in colour. 青銅色的 [1] 


bronze medal 銅牌;銅質獎章
bronze age 銅器時代;青銅器時代
bronze ware 銅器;青銅器
bronze statue 銅像;青銅像
bronze powder 青銅粉
tin bronze [化]錫青銅
aluminum bronze 鋁青銅;鋁銅;礬銅
phosphor bronze [冶]磷青銅
bronze casting 青銅鑄件
beryllium bronze n. 鈹青銅
silicon bronze 硅青銅,硅銅
cast bronze 鑄造青銅
bronze medalist 第三名;銅牌獲得者
tungsten bronze n. [化]鎢青銅
aluminium bronze 鋁青銅
casting bronze 鑄造青銅 [1] 


  • Her hair shone bronze and gold. 她的頭髮閃耀着青銅色和金黃色的光彩。
  • He won three golds and a bronze. 他獲得三枚金牌和一枚銅牌。
  • She's an Olympic bronze medallist. 她是奧林匹克銅牌得主。
  • She won (a) bronze at the Olympics. 她在奧林匹克運動會上贏得了一枚銅牌。
  • Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. 青銅是一種銅錫合金。
  • The team won two silvers and a bronze. 這個運動隊獲得兩枚銀牌和一枚銅牌。
  • A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues. 用黏土模具來澆鑄青銅塑像。
  • The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs. 青銅門上覆有浮雕。
  • This tripod is made of bronze. 這個鼎是青銅鑄就的。
  • Bronze was used to made money back then. 在當時,青銅是被用來賺錢的。
  • It was then named the Dover Bronze-Age Boat. 它當時被命名為“多佛青銅時代的船”。
  • These ancient weapons are all cast out of bronze. 這些古兵器都是用青銅鑄成的。
  • It's a spear that you thrust and it's got a bronze point. 它是一種刺人的長矛,鋭利的一端是銅質的。
  • Inside the box, bronze gears would have rotated the displays. 在盒子裏,青銅齒輪轉動着顯示屏。
  • It had a butt made also of bronze, which could be a lethal weapon. 它的尾部也是銅質的,同樣也可作為一種致命的武器。
  • Exploring further, he uncovered several other timbers and a bronze gun. 在進一步的探索中,他發現了其他幾根木材和一把青銅槍。
  • He would have had a breastplate made of bronze, perhaps as much as 40 pounds. 他會有一個青銅胸牌,大概能有四十磅重。
  • Perhaps it had been "ritually killed" at the end of its life, like other Bronze-Age objects. 也許像其他青銅時代的物品一樣,它在生命結束時被“儀式性地殺死”了。
  • Of course part of what made this find so unusual is that the Antikythera Mechanism is constructed of bronze. 當然,令這一發現如此不尋常的部分原因是天球儀由銅構成。
  • Then they shipped these plaster casts to workshops all over the empire, where they were replicated in marble or bronze. 然後他們把這些石膏模型運到帝國各地的工廠,而後以大理石或青銅為材進行復刻。
  • The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age. 在公元前3000年到公元前1000年,即青銅器被廣泛使用的這一時期,通常被稱為青銅時代。
  • A full-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had been made in 1996, primarily to see how Bronze-Age replica tools performed. 1996年對中部進行了全面的重建,主要是為了瞭解青銅時代的複製工具是如何工作的。
  • Now, it is not that bronze was all that rare in Greece then, it is just that bronze was valuable and could easily be recycled. 現在,並不是説青銅在當時的希臘很罕見,只是青銅很有價值,容易回收利用。
  • It would have been relatively easy for a person with knowledge of metals to melt down bronze objects and forge them into coins. 對懂金屬的人來説,熔化青銅製品並將其鍛造成硬幣是相對容易的。
  • For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. 例如,在意大利文藝復興早期,有一種揚起一條前腿的青銅馬雕塑,其馬蹄下通常有一個炮彈。
  • We are talking about the Neolithic period here, which was the time before stone tools began to be replaced by tools made of bronze and other metals. 我們這裏在説的是新石器時代,是石器開始被青銅和其他金屬製工具所取代之前的那個時代。
  • Former Olympic champion Angel Matos of Cuba faces a life ban after kicking a referee in the face during his taekwondo bronze medal match in Beijing. 在北京奧運會一場跆拳道銅牌爭奪戰中,前奧運冠軍古巴選手馬託斯因踢打裁判面臨終身禁賽。
  • Archaeological evidence was beginning to suggest a Bronze-Age community straddling the Channel, brought together by the sea, rather than separated by it. 考古證據開始指向一個橫跨(英吉利)海峽的青銅時代聚落,它是被大海連接的,而不是被大海分開。
  • Kenya won several medals during the Beijing Olympics, six gold, four silver and four bronze, making it Africa's most successful nation in the 2008 Olympics. 肯尼亞在北京奧運會上獲得了多枚獎牌:六金、四銀、四銅,成為2008年奧運會上最成功的非洲國家。
  • Since the discovery of bronze masks in the 1970s, archeologists have located 100 sites that belonged to the Ba people, each considered a historical archive. 自從20世紀70年代發現銅面具以後,考古學家確定了100處巴族人的遺蹟,每個遺蹟都是一座歷史檔案館。 [1] 