


性    質
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈeɪliən] 美 [ˈeliən,ˈeljən] [1] 


Alien Swarm異形叢生 ; 異星蟲羣 ; 異形羣體
Alien 3異形 ; 異形3雙語版 ; 同形
alien autopsy解剖外星人 ; 剖解外星人 ; 解剖外星人專輯 ; 詳細翻譯
Alien Huang黃鴻升 ; 外文名
Alien Rangers外星戰隊 ; 召喚了五名外星戰士 ; 呼喚了五名外星兵士
Alien Shooter孤膽槍手 ; 孤單槍手 ; 孤膽槍手系列 ; 異型打擊者
Alien Empire昆蟲帝國 ; 蟲豸帝國 ; 昆蟲世界
alien to與 ; 不相容的 ; 相反 ; 與……相反
Alien Resurrection浴火重生 ; 異形4浴火重生 ; 異形復活 ; 異形 [1] 


  • 1Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.這種態度對大多數商人都很陌生。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2In a world that had suddenly become alien and dangerous, he was her only security.在一個突然變得陌生而危險的世界裏,他是她唯一的守護神。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He finds himself on a starship populated by escaping political prisoners from various alien cultures.他發現自己在一艘載有來自不同外星文化的在逃政治犯的星際飛船上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It is a paradise of romance for alien life.它是外星生命的浪漫天堂。
  • 5Alien languages are signals carrying pictures and music.外星語言是攜帶着圖片和音樂的信號。
  • 6Both the TV commercials and the supermarkets are alien to them.電視廣告和超市對他們來説都是陌生的。
  • 7He believes that even an alien language will have its own structure.他認為,即使是一種外來語言也會有自己的結構。
  • 8This alien terrain tended by robots is still a while away, he says "but it will happen."這些由機器人打理的陌生地形可能還未出現,他説“但它會出現的”。
  • 9As a possible home for alien life, it has been voted the planet least likely to succeed.作為外星生命可能生活的家園,它被認為是最不可能有生命的星球。
  • 10To a man, however, this is an alien concept because he only talks when he has a solution to offer.然而,這對一個人來説完全是一種陌生的觀念,因為他只有在能提供方案時才會説話。
  • 11Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10% are invasive.在美國總共15萬的物種中,有7000種外來物種,當中只有10%是入侵物種。
  • 12Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10 percent are invasive.在美國總共15萬的物種中,有7000種外來物種,當中只有10%是入侵物種。
  • 13Ecologists generally define an alien species as one that people, accidentally or deliberately, carried to its new location.生態學家通常把外來物種定義為人們偶然或故意帶到新地方的物種。
  • 14A number of scientists question the assumption that the presence of alien species can never be acceptable in a natural ecosystem.一些科學家質疑這樣的假設,即在自然生態系統中,外來物種的出現是絕對不會被接受的。
  • 15The humans shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.人類不停地朝變形金剛開火,不過在科幻片的歷史上,還從來沒有外星人被槍炮傷到的記錄。
  • 16Another image that is evidence of European arrival is that of horses; an animal that would have been very alien to the Australian landscape.另一個歐洲人到來的證據是馬匹;這種動物對澳大利亞的環境來説是非常陌生的。
  • 17"Alien Contact," for example, is an exercise developed for middle-school students who use hand-held devices that can determine their location.例如,“Alien Contact”是為中學生開發的一種練習,他們可以使用手持設備來確定自己的位置。
  • 18It should not be a completely alien user experience. The user still needs to know or easily figure out how to get done what they need to get done.它不應該是完全陌生的用户體驗。用户仍然需要知道如何更容易去完成他們的事情。
  • 19Songs include "Help Me Help You", "Spank It" (a hair-metal song), and "Reckless", in which one character imagines marrying an alien in outer space.歌曲包括 “Help Me Help You”, “Spank It”(一首微金屬歌曲)和 “Reckless”(歌中一個角色想象自己與一個外星人在外太空結婚)。
  • 20The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.唯一主要的反對意見來自大法官安東寧·斯卡利亞,他甚至為可追溯到《外國人與煽動叛亂法》的州特權提供了更強有力的辯護。
  • 21"Only a small percentage of alien species cause problems in their new habitats," said Don Smith, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tennessee.田納西大學生態學和進化生物學教授唐·史密斯説:“只有一小部分外來物種會在新棲息地引發問題。”
  • 22"Only a small percentage of alien species cause problems in their new habitats,'' said Don Smith, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tennessee.“只有一小部分外來物種會在它們的新棲息地引發問題。”田納西大學生態學和進化生物學教授唐·史密斯説。
  • 23Imagine that an alien species landed on Earth and, through their mere presence, those aliens caused our art to vanish, our music to homogenize, and our technological know-how to disappear.想象一下,外星物種登陸地球,而他們的存在會讓我們的藝術消逝,同化我們的音樂,也讓我們的技術知識消失了。
  • 24Cruelty was quite alien to him.他絕無殘忍之心。《牛津詞典》
  • 25The idea is alien to our religion.這種思想與我們的宗教不相容。《牛津詞典》
  • 26He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.他在第二次世界大戰爆發時被作為敵國僑民扣押了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 27He said they were opposed to what he described as the presence of alien forces in the region.他説他們反對他所描述的在該地區有外國軍隊的存在。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 28You're just a boastful (自誇的), spoiled alien.你只是一個喜歡自吹自擂又嬌生慣養的外鄉人。
  • 29He wrote, "My sister says I act like an alien."他寫道:“我妹妹説我的舉止像外星人。”
  • 30"What are those?" asked the alien, pointing to a pair of chopsticks.“那是什麼?”外星人指着一雙筷子問道。 [1] 
  • 1.    alien  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-11]