


國    籍
民    族
湖南農業大學 [1] 
性    別
職    稱



1996 –1997年大連外國語學院日語培訓。


1986.7-1994.7 湖南農學院基礎科學部植物生物化學教學,助教講師。
1994.8-1995.7 湖南農業大學理學院生物化學與分子生物學教學,副教授。
2003.6-湖南農業大學生物科學技術學院教授、博士生導師。湖南省作物基因工程重點實驗室常務副主任。 [1] 


湖南省普通高校學科帶頭人培養對象,“湖南省新世紀121人才工程”人選 [1] 


主要研究方向:水稻逆境分子生物學與基因工程。主要進行水稻耐非生物脅迫相關基因克隆鑑定,耐逆機制和轉基因研究 [1] 




博士研究生:生物化學與分子生物學研究進展專題。 [1] 


1. Xinbo Chen,S. Mark Goodwin,Virginia L. Boroff,Xionglun Liu,Matthew A. Jenks. 2003. Cloning and characterization of the WAX2 gene of Arabidopsis involved in cuticle membrane and wax production. Plant Cell. 15⑸,1170-1185. SCI 11.08.
⒈ Youngkoo Cho,Xinbo Chen,Andrew J. Wood. The Biochemistry,2003.Genetics and Physiology of Trigonelline Accumulation in Soybean. Recent Research Development in Plant & Cell Physiology. 2003 Vol.1. Research Signpost,India.ISBN:81-271-0034-X.
⒉ Xinbo Chen,Andrew J. Wood. 2003. The 26S proteasome of the resurrection plant Tortula ruralis: cloning and characterization of the TrRPT2 subunit. Biologia Plantarum Vol.46⑶ 363-368. SCI 0.43.
⒊ Xinbo Chen,Triwitayakom Kanokpom,Qin Zeng,Thea A. Wilkins,Andrew J. Wood. 2002.Characterization of the V-type H(+)-ATPase in the resurrection plant Tortula ruralis: accumulation and polysomal recruitment of the proteolipid C subunit in response to salt-stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 53(367),225-232. SCI 2.43
⒋ Xinbo Chen,Zeng Qin,Andrew J. Wood. 2002. The stress-responsive Tortula ruralis gene ALDH21A1 describes a novel eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenase protein family. Journal of Plant Physiology N0.159. 677-684. SCI 1.02.
⒌ Xinbo Chen,Zeng Qin,Andrew J. Wood. 2002. Aldh7B6 encodes a turgor-responsible aldehyde dehydrogenase homologue that is constitutively expressed in Tortula ruralis gametophytes. The Bryologist Vol.105 ⑵ 177-184. SCI 0.83.
⒍ Qin Zeng Xinbo Chen,Andrew J. Wood. 2002. Two early light-inducible protein (ELIP) cDNAs from the resurrection plant Tortula ruralis are differentially expressed in response to desiccation,rehydration,salinity,and high light. Journal of Experimental Botany 53 (371) 1197-1205. SCI 2.43.
⒎ Xinbo Chen,Bressan,Ray Jenks,Matthew A. 2002.8. Resurrection Controls a Unique Developmental Program in Arabidopsis Associated with Resistance to Powdery Mildew (Abstract) ASPB annual meeting,Abs # 58.
⒏ Youngkoo Cho,Victor N. Njiti,Xinbo Chen,Kanokporn Triwatayakorn,My Abdelmajid Kassem,Khalid Meksem,David A. Lightfoot,Andrew J. Wood. 2002. Quantitative trait loci associated with foliar trigonelline accumulation in Glycine Max L. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Vol2 ⑶:151-157.
⒐ Youngkoo Cho,Xinbo Chen,Andrew J. Wood 2001. Crop improvement by genetic engineering: enhancing abiotic stress tolerance using the compatible solutes glycinebetaine & trigonelline. Research Signpost,INDIA Research Advances in Phytochemistry.研究年評ISBN 81-7736-026-7 Vol.2: 109-122.
⒑ Andrew J. wood,Melvin J. Oliver,Xinbo Chen,Youngkoo Cho,Qin Zeng. 2002. Tortula ruralis,Desication-tolerence and ESTs: what have we learned from structural genomics? In:Moss 2000:a meeting dedicated to moss biology,June 30-July 2,2002,Villars/Ollon-Switzerland.
⒒ Andrew J. Wood,Youngkoo Cho,Xinbo Chen. 2000. Trigonelline (Nicotinic acid betaine) biosynthesis in plants: NaCl- & Drought-stress induced accumulation in cultivated soybean (Glycine max). Research Signpost,INDIA Recent Research Developments in Phytochemistry. 研究年評 ISBN 81-7736-026-0 Vol.4:89-98.
⒓ Hironori Itoh,Tanaka-Ueguchi,Hiroshi Kawaide,Xinbo Chen,Yuji Kamiya,Makoto Matsuoka. 1999. The gene encoding tobacco gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase is expressed at the site of GA action during stem elongation and flower organ development. The Plant Journal,20 ⑴:15-24. SCI 5.79
⒔ 陳信波 [2]  ,廖愛君,羅澤民. 大穗型水稻生育後期葉片和根系理的特性. 生命科學研究,1999,⑶:250-255.
⒕ 林良斌,官春雲,李栒,王國槐,周小雲,陳信波 油菜高效轉化系統的研究. 作物學報 1999⑷447-450.


研究成果曾獲湖南省自然科學獎二等獎1項、湖南省科技進步三等獎2項、湖南省教學成果一等獎1項,湖南省自然科學優秀論文一等獎1項。在Plant Cell、Plant Physiology等國內外學術刊物上發表科研論文100多篇,其中SCI收錄32篇。其中近五年主要研究論文有:
1. Xiaoyun Zhou, Linzhi Li, Jianhua Xiang, Guofu Gao, Faxi Xu, Ailing Liu, Xianwen Zhang, Yan Peng, Xinbo Chen*, Xiangyuan Wan*. (2015) OsGL1-3 is Involved in Cuticular Wax Biosynthesis and Tolerance to Water Deficit in Rice. PLoS ONE, 10(1): e116676.
2. Guangyu Luo, Ting Su, Cuifang Liu, Jie Zou, Ailing Liu and Xinbo Chen*. (2014) Advances in highly specific plant gene silencing by artificial miRNAs. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13(19):1929-1932
3. Xianwen Zhang Hairong Xiong, Ailing Liu, Xiaoyun Zhou, Yan Peng, Zhuoxue Li, Guangyu Luo, Xiangrong Tian, Xinbo Chen*. (2014) Microarray Data Uncover the Genome-wide Gene Expression Patterns in Response to Heat Stress in Rice Post-meiosis Panicle. Journal of Plant Biology, 57(6): 327-336
4. Xiaoyun Zhou, Matthew A Jenks, Juan Liu, Ailing Liu, Xiangwen Zhang, Jianhua Xiang, Jie Zou, Yan Peng, Xinbo Chen*. (2014) Overexpression of Transcription Factor OsWR2 Regulates Wax and Cutin Biosynthesis in Rice and Enhances its Tolerance to Water Deficit. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 32(3):719-731
5. Wirat Rerksiri, Xianwen Zhang, Hairong Xiong, Xinbo Chen*. (2013) Expression and Promoter Analysis of Six Heat Stress-inducible Genes in Rice. Scientific World Journal, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 397401
6. Xianwen Zhang, Wirat Rerksiri, Ailing Liu, Xiaoyun Zhou, Hairong Xiong, Jianhua Xiang, Xinbo Chen*, Xingyao Xiong*. (2013) Transcriptome profile reveals heat response mechanism at molecular and metabolic levels in rice flag leaf. Gene, 530(2): 185–192
7. Jianhua Xiang, Jing Ran, Jie Zou, Xiaoyun Zhou, Ailing Liu, Xianwen Zhang, Yan Peng, Ning Tang, Guangyu Luo, Xinbo Chen*. (2013) Heat shock factor OsHsfB2b negatively regulates drought and salt tolerance in rice. Plant Cell Reports, 32(11):1795-1806
8. Dian Zou, Dongsheng Zou*, Xinbo Chen*. (2013) Sequencing, De Novo Assembly, Annotation and SSR and SNP Detection of Sabaigrass (Eulaliopsis binata) Transcriptome. Genomics, 102(1):57-62
9. Qiming Wang, Xiaoju Tu, Jihong Zhang, Xinbo Chen, Liqun Rao. (2013) Heat stress-induced BBX18 negatively regulates the thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Molecular Biology Reports, 40(3):2679–2688
10. Ai-Ling Liu, Jie Zou, Cui-Fang Liu, Xiao-Yun Zhou, Xian-Wen Zhang, Guang-Yu Luo, Xin-Bo Chen*. (2013) Over-expression of OsHsfA7 enhanced salt and drought tolerance in transgenic rice. BMB Reports, 46(1):31-36
11. Xianwen Zhang, Jiaping Li, Ailing Liu, Jie Zou, Xiaoyun Zhou, Jianhua Xiang, Wirat Rerksiri, Yan Peng, Xingyao Xiong*, Xinbo Chen*. (2012) Expression profile in rice panicle: insights into heat response mechanism at reproductive stage. PLOS ONE, 7(11): e49652.
12. Song-Hua Long, Xin Deng, Yu-Fu Wang, Xiang Li, Rui-Qing Qiao, Cai-Sheng Qiu, Yuan Guo, Dong-Mei Hao, Wan-Qi Jia, Xin-Bo Chen* (2012). Analysis of 2,297 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a cDNA library of flax (Linum ustitatissimum L.) bark tissue. Molecular Biology Reports, 39(5):6289–6296
13. Jie Zou, Cuifang Liu, Ailing Liu, Dian Zou, Xinbo Chen*. (2012) Overexpression of OsHsp17.0 and OsHsp23.7 enhances drought and salt tolerance in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology. 169(6):628-635.
14. Meixia Chen, Chenglin Wei, Jianmin Qi, Xingbo Chen, Jianguang Su, Aiqing Li,Aifen Tao, Weiren Wu. (2011). Genetic linkage map construction for kenaf using SRAP, ISSR and RAPD markers. Plant Breeding. 130(6): 679–687.
15. Jie Zou,Cuifang Liu, Xinbo Chen*. (2011). Proteomics of rice in response to heat stress and advances in genetic engineering for heat tolerance in rice. Plant Cell Reports. 30(12):2155–2165
16. Xin Deng, Songhua Long, Dongfeng He, Xiang Li, Yufu Wang, Dongmei Hao, Caisheng Qiu and Xinbo Chen*. (2011). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (5): 734-739
17. Mingli Yan, Xianjun Liu, Chunyun Guan, Xinbo Chen, Zhongsong Liu. (2011) Cloning and expression analysis of an anthocyanidin synthase gene homolog from Brassica juncea. Molecular Breeding, 28(3):313–322. [1] 


1. 泰國優質耐逆水稻基因資源引進、創新與利用,湖南省科技廳國際合作重點項目, 2014-2016,項目負責人
2. OsDREBA5-1基因同時調控水稻耐逆性和葉夾角的分子機理,教育部博士學科點專項科研基金,2013-2015,項目負責人
3. 擬南芥轉錄因子AT1G25560的功能鑑定,湖南省教育廳研究生科研創新項目,陳信波 2012-2013,指導導師
4. 用於發展雜交水稻的耐旱和耐熱生理和分子機理研究,湖南省科技廳國際合作項目,2011-2012,項目負責人
5. 用於發展雜交水稻的耐旱和耐熱生理和分子機理研究,科技部國際合作項目,2010-2012,項目負責人
7. 水稻耐高温和耐旱基因的克隆,湖南省科技重大專項《超級雜交稻分子育種研究》, 2009-2011,子課題負責人
8. 30870206 水稻幼穗耐熱相關基因的功能鑑定 國家自然科學基金,2009-2011, 項目負責人 [1] 


⒈ 2002.7 美國. 擬南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)蠟質基因(WAX2)專利註冊
註冊號AY131334 Jenks,M.A. Chen,Xinbo.
⒉ 2002.美國. 念珠藻(Tortula ruralis)26S 蛋白酶體調控亞基Ⅳ基因(RPT2)專利註冊
註冊號 AF432345. Wood,A.J. Chen,X.inbo
⒊ 2002.7 美國. 念珠藻(Tortula ruralis)已醛脱氫酶基因(RNP123)專利註冊
註冊號 AY034888 Wood,A.J. Chen,Xinbo.
⒋ 2002.6 美國. 念珠藻(Tortula ruralis)已醛脱氫酶基因(RNP129b)專利註冊
註冊號 AY034889 Wood,A.J. Chen,Xinbo.
⒌ 2002.4美國. 念珠藻(Tortula ruralis)光誘導蛋白ELIPA基因專利註冊
註冊號AY034890 Wood,A.J.,Zeng,Q.,Chen,Xinbo.
⒍ 2002.4美國. 念珠藻(Tortula ruralis)光誘導蛋白ELIPB基因專利註冊
註冊號AY034891 Wood,A.J.,Zeng,Q.,Chen,Xinbo.
⒎ 松茯苓深加工系列產品研製及在食品加工中的應用 1989年湖南省科技進步三等獎,第三名
⒏ 甘薯深加工產品的研製與應用 1998年湖南省科技進步三等獎,第四名
⒐ 發揮學科羣體優勢,不斷提高研究生培養質量 1997年湖南省教學成果一等獎,第五名
近年來在《Plant Cell》、《Plant Physiology》和《Plant Journal》等國際國內刊物上發表科研論文48篇,其中英文刊物15篇,SCI收錄10篇,影響因子總計高達33,英文年評文章3篇,12個克隆基因在Genbank登記。在日本名古屋大學訪問期間,參與赤黴素合成重要基因T3β-羥化酶的克隆鑑定工作,論文在《Plant Journal》雜誌發表並被大量引用。在美國Southern Illinois大學博士後訪問研究期間,從耐旱模式植物念珠藻中克隆和鑑定7個基因,提出了乾燥條件下的存活及覆水修復機制。確定了甲基-煙酸與大豆耐旱相關性,分離純化了其合成酶蛋白並定位了該基因。由於研究的前沿性,發表了三篇特邀年評文章。在普渡大學博士後訪問研究期間,克隆和鑑定了WAX2和RST1兩個重要植物基因。WAX2基因研究對角質層與植物耐旱、抗病和育性的關係研究有重要意義和應用價值,論文在Plant Cell發表兩年已被SCI收錄文章引用21次。RST1是首個發現的影響表面蠟質逆境脅迫保護和種子發育的重要基因,對作物在逆境下保護和種子發育有重要作用,對提高作物結實率和產量有重要理論和應用前景,該論文2005年在Plant Physiology上發表。AX2和RST1的研究新聞均被國內外網上科研媒體報道,研究水平均處於同領域國際領先水平。
  • 1.    陳信波  .湖南農業大學生物科學技術學院[引用日期2019-04-15]
  • 2.    陳信波  .湖南農業大學 [引用日期2015-07-29]