


邱兆文,男,江蘇豐縣人,工學博士(後),教授博士生導師,現任長安大學汽車學院副院長,專業建設A崗責任教授。曾赴清華大學、美國康奈爾大學訪問學習。 [1-2] 
國    籍
職    業


2012.8-2013.8,康奈爾大學訪問學者。 [1] 


4.物流系統環境保護。 [1] 



主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家標準制修訂項目、中國博士後基金面上項目、陝西省自然科學基金面上項目、陝西省科技統籌工程項目、陝西省博士後基金一等資助項目、陝西省地方標準項目等省部級課題20餘項。 [1] 
11.住房和城鄉建設部研究開發項目:面向城市道路立體交叉規劃設計的交通污染評估方法研究,2016. [1] 


發表論文80餘篇(其中第一作者(或通訊作者)SCI高水平論文30餘篇)。 [1] 
  • 論文代表作(第一作者/通訊作者,2015年以來):
  1. Ren F., Qiu Z*, Liu Z., Bai H., Gao HO. Trees help reduce street-side air pollution: A foucus on cyclist and pedestrian eposure risk. Building and Environment, 2023, 229, 109923. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109923
  2. Qiu Z*, Wang X., Liu Z., Luo J. Quantitative assessment of cyclists’ exposure to PM and BC on different bike lanes. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2022, 13, 101588
  3. Nie D., Qiu Z*, Wang X., Liu Z. Characterizing the source apportionment of black carbon and ultrafine particles near urban roads in Xi’an, China, Environmental Research, 2022, 215, 114209 (TOP Journal)
  4. He R, Qiu Z*. Exposure characteristics of ultrafine particles on urban streets and its impact on pedestrians, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194(10), 735
  5. Gao J, Qiu Z*, Cheng W, Gao H. Children’s exposure to BC and PM pollution, and respiratory tract deposits during commuting trips to school. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 232:113253(IF=6.291, TOP)
  6. 邱兆文,王樽,李唯真. 城市高架橋對顆粒物擴散分佈的影響. 中國公路學報,2022.5: 202-210
  7. Wencai Zhou; Zhaowen Qiu* et al. A novel risk evaluation for vehicle failure modes using a hybrid method under fuzzy environment. International Journal of Crashworthiness.2022, 27 (4): 1111-1117
  8. Author links open overlay panelJianqiang Gong,Yaping Luo, Zhaowen Qiu*, XiangdongWang. Determination of key components in automobile braking systems, based on ABC classification and FMECA. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). 2022, 9 (1): 69-77
  9. Zun Wang, Zhaowen Qiu*, Di Nie, Rong He, Wenyue Liu. Spatial distribution of the size-fractional PNC and Pedestrian exposure to PM at an urban signalized intersection. Building and Environment, 204, 2021, 108127(IF=6.456,TOP)
  10. Bing Li, Zhaowen Qiu*, Jinlong Zheng, Impacts of noise barriers on near-viaduct air quality in a city: A case study in Xi'an, Building and Environment, 196, 2021, 107751, (IF=6.456,TOP)
  11. Jinlong Zheng, Zhaowen Qiu*, H.Oliver Gao, Bing Li, Commuter PM exposure and estimated life-expectancy loss across multiple transportation modes in Xi’an, China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 214, 2021, 112117, (IF=4.872, TOP)
  12. Huitao Lv , Haojie Li, Zhaowen Qiu*, et al. Assessment of pedestrian exposure and deposition of PM10, PM2.5 and ultrafine particles at an urban roadside: A case study of Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 12.4(2021):112-121.(IF=3.527)
  13. Song J, Ren G, Qiu Z, Lv H. Investigating the impacts of traffic signal timing on the urban traffic-related particulate matters (PMs): A case study in Xi’an, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2021, 12: 1-9
  14. Song J, Qiu Z,* Ren G, Li X, Prediction of pedestrian exposure to traffic particulate matters (PMs) at urban signalized intersection, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 60, 102153.(IF=4.642)
  15. Qiu, Z.*, Cao, H. Commuter exposure to particulate matter in urban public transportation of Xi’an, China. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 2020, 18: 451–462 .(IF=2.773)
  16. Zhi H., Qiu Z*., Wang W, et al. The influence of a viaduct on PM dispersion in a typical street: Field experiment and numerical simulations, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, 11:815-824 (IF=2.918)
  17. Qiu Z, Lv H, Zhang F, et al. Pedestrian exposure to PM2.5, BC and UFP of adults and teens: A case study in Xi’an, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 51, 101774(SCI,SSCI,IF=4.624)
  18. Zhaowen Qiu, Wenyue Liu, H Oliver Gao & Jianghao Li (2019) Variations in exposure to in-vehicle particle mass and number concentrations in different road environments, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 69:8, 988-1002(SCI,IF=1.858)
  19. Qiu Z, Wang W, Zheng J, et al.Exposure assessment of cyclists to UFP and PM on urban routes in Xi'an, China, Environmental Pollution 250 (2019) 241-250(SCI,IF=5.714, Top)
  20. Investigating traffic-related PM exposure on and under pedestrian bridges: A case study in Xi'an, China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018.(SCI,IF=2.152)
  21. Investigation into pedestrian exposure to traffic PM around grade separations: a case study in Xi’an, China, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2018.1-13(SCI,IF=2.662)
  22. Commuter exposure to particulate matter for different transportation modes in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research,2017, 7:940-948(SCI,IF=2.152)
  23. Pedestrian exposure to traffic PM on different types of urban roads: A case study of Xi’an, China . Sustainable Cities and Society, 2017, 32: 475-485 (SCI,IF=3.073)
  24. Potential of diesel emissions reduction strategies in Xi’an, China.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2016,18(8):2717-2724 (SCI,IF=3.331)
  25. Qiu, Z., Li, X., Hao, Y., et al. Emission inventory estimation of an intercity bus terminal. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 367(SCI,IF=1.687)
  26. At-grade intersection configuration influences on pedestrian exposure to PM2.5, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2015 (SCI,IF=3.331)
  27. Investigating the impact of urban grade-separation on pedestrian PM2.5 exposure, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2015 (SCI,IF=3.331) [1] 
  • 主編出版教材:
  1. 《汽車與環境》人民交通出版社(2021)
  2. 《汽車檢測與診斷技術》人民交通出版社(第三版,2021)


曾獲長安大學教學優秀獎、陝西省教學成果一等獎、國家級教學成果二等獎、陝西省科技進步二等獎等。 [1] 
  1. 2005年獲長安大學教學優秀獎;
  2. 2006年長安大學教學競賽優秀獎;
  3. 2007年優秀共產黨員;
  4. 2008年獲河南交通科技進步一等獎;
  5. 2010年《汽車診斷技術》校級精品課程(負責人);
  6. 2011年長安大學優秀共產黨員;
  7. 2011年《汽車診斷技術》省級精品課程(負責人);
  8. 2012年長安大學優秀教師;
  9. 2015年陝西省教學成果一等獎;
  10. 2019年長安大學第六屆中國“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽(銀獎)指導教師;
  11. 2020年長安大學第六屆中國國際“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽(金獎、銅獎)指導教師;
  12. 2021年陝西省科技進步二等獎(關中地區機動車細顆粒污染控制技術研究);
  13. 2022年長安大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師。 [1] 


  1. 世界交通運輸大會 交通工程學部 交通與環境技術委員會聯合主席;
  2. 中國機械工業教育協會高等工程教育汽車服務工程專業教學委員會 副主任委員;
  3. 世界交通運輸大會 交叉學部 交通污染技術委員會委員;
  4. 第二十和二十一屆COTA國際交通科技年會,交通排放,環境和可持續專題聯合主席;
  5. 交通科技與經濟 期刊編委。 [1] 