


趙明,2001年畢業於南開大學環境化學專業,2006年獲清華大學環境工程碩士學位,2010年於澳大利亞悉尼大學取得化學工程博士學位,後曾任職於英國利茲大學帝國理工學院。2014年6月回國,於清華大學環境學院任副教授。入選北京市優秀人才、清華大學骨幹人才計劃。 [1] 
趙明 [1] 
國    籍
中國 [1] 
民    族
悉尼大學 [1] 
博士 [1] 
職    業
教師 [1] 
環境與能源 [1] 
國家公派留學博士,澳洲能源協會優秀博士論文,北京市優秀人才,清華大學骨幹人才 [1] 
167篇(截至2019年7月) [2] 


1997.9~2001.6:南開大學,環境科學院與工程學院,環境化學學士 [1] 
2003.9~2006.6:清華大學,環境科學與工程系,環境工程碩士 [1] 
2006.7~2010.8:悉尼大學,化學與生物分子工程系,化學工程博士 [1] 


2010.10~2012.10:悉尼大學,可持續技術實驗室,博士後 [1] 
2012.11~2013.12:利茲大學,過程、環境與材料工程學院,博士後 [1] 
2014.01~2014.06:帝國理工學院,化學工程系,博士後 [1] 
2014年6月31日至今:清華大學,環境學院,副教授 [1] 


1、二氧化碳捕集、利用與封存(CCUS [1] 
2、生物質(廢物)能源化與高價值化學品製備 [1] 
3、工業廢物高附加值再生技術 [1] 
4、微藻捕碳與能源轉化 [1] 


清華大學環境學院本科三年級,《低碳技術與管理》,主講,32學時 [1] 
清華大學建築學院本科四年級,《城市生態與環境規劃》,合講(環境規劃部分),16/32學時 [1] 


1、入選北京市優秀人才計劃,2014 [1] 
2、入選“清華大學骨幹人才支持計劃”,2014 [1] 
3、教育部“春暉計劃”海外專家,2012 [1] 
4、第八屆清華大學 橫山亮次優秀論文,2011 [1] 
5、首屆澳大利亞十大傑出華人青年(金合歡獎)– 專業學術界獲獎人,2011 [1] 
6、澳大利亞能源協會優秀博士論文,2010 [1] 


1、 Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Peter Clough, Joseph Yao, Xia Zhong, Mohammad Zaki Memon, Nilay Shah, Edward J. Anthony and Paul S. Fennell*. An overview of advances in biomass gasification. Energy & Environmental Science, (2016) DOI: 10.1039/C6EE00935B. Published online: 02 June 2016. Front Cover; (IF=20.523) [1] 
2、 Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Ming Zhao, Sicong Tian, Kaiming Li, Tianran Li. A green and scalable synthesis of highly stable Ca-based sorbents for CO2 capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2015) ACCEPTED; (IF=6.626) [1] 
3、 Ming Zhao*, Jeffrey Shi, Xia Zhong, Sicong Tian, John Blamey, Jianguo Jiang*, and Paul S. Fennell*. Novel Calcium Looping Absorbent Incorporated with Polymorphic Spacers for CO2 Capture and Hydrogen Production. Energy & Environmental Science, (2014) 7, 3291-3295 (IF=15.49); [1] 
4、 Ming Zhao*, Bilton M, Brown AP, Cunliffe AM, Dupont VA, Comyn TP and Milne SJ. Durability of CaO-CaZrO3 adsorbents prepared by a wet chemical method. Energy & Fuels, (2014) 28, 1275-1283 (IF=2.733); [1] 
5、 Ming Zhao*, Minett AI and Harris AT*. A review of techno-economic models for the retrofitting of conventional pulverized-coal power plants for post-combustion capture (PCC) of CO2. Energy & Environmental Science, (2013) 6, 25-40 (IF=15.49); [1] 
6、 Das A, Choucair M, Southon PD, Mason JA, Ming Zhao, Kepert CJ, Harris AD, D'Alessandro DM. Application of the Piperazine Grafted CuBTTri Metal-Organic Framework in Postcombustion Carbon Dioxide Capture. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, (2013) 174, 74-80, (IF=3.209); [1] 
7、 Yang X, Yuan L, Peterson V, Minett AI, Ming Zhao, Kirby N, Mudie S and Harris AT. Pre-treatment Control of Carbon Nanotube Array Growth for Gas Separation: Alignment and Growth Studied Using Microscopy and Small Angle X-ray Scattering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2013) 5, 3063-70, (IF=5.900); [1] 
8、 Ming Zhao*, Yang, X, Church TL and Harris AT. Novel CaO-SiO2 sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for selective H2 synthesis from cellulose, Environmental Science & Technology, (2012) 46, 2976-2983 (IF=5.481); [1] 
9、 Ming Zhao*, Florin NH, Fennell PS and Harris AT. Synthesis of CaO-scaffold adsorbent with superior stability for high-temperature CO2 Capture, 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings; [1] 
10、 Das A, Southon PD, Ming Zhao, Kepert CJ, Harris AT and D'Alessandro DM. CO2 adsorption using physisorption and chemisorption Interactions in piperazine-grafted Ni2(1,4-dioxido-2,5-benzenedicarboxylate). Dalton Transactions, (2012) 41, 11739-11744 (IF=4.097); [1] 
11、 Church TL, Fallani S, Liu J, Ming Zhao and Harris AT. Novel biomorphic Ni/SiC catalysts that enhance cellulose conversion to hydrogen, Catalysis Today, (2012) 190, 98-106 (IF=3.309); [1] 
12、 Widyaningrum RN, Church TL, Ming Zhao and Harris AT. Mesocellular foam silica-supported Ni catalyst to enhance H2 production from cellulose pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2012) 37, 9590-960 (IF=2.93); [1] 
13、 Ming Zhao*, Church TL and Harris AT. SBA-15 supported Ni-Co bimetallic catalysts for enhanced hydrogen production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (2011) 101, 522-530 (IF=6.007); [1] 
14、 Ming Zhao*, Yang X, Church TL and Harris AT. Interaction between a bimetallic Ni-Co catalyst and micrometer-sized CaO for enhanced H2 production during cellulose decomposition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2011) 36, 421-431, (IF=2.93); [1] 
15、 Ming Zhao* and Harris AT. Novel SiO2 supported CaO sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for sorption-and-catalysis-enhanced H2 production from biomass. 241st National Meeting & Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society, (2011) 241, 34-Fuel; [1] 
16、 Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. Mesoporous supported cobalt catalysts for enhanced H2 production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (2010) 97, 142-150, (IF=6.007); [1] 
17、 Yang Z, Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. Synthesis and characterization of CaO nanopods for high temperature CO2 capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2009) 48, 10765-10770 (IF=2.235); [1] 
18、 Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. The influence of supported Ni catalysts on the product gas distribution and H2 yield during cellulose pyrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (2009) 92, 185-193 (IF=6.007); [1] 
19、 Zhao M, Li J, Yu K, Zhu F, Wen X. Measurement of pyrolysis contamination during crushing of waste printed circuit boards. Journal of Tsinghua University, (2006) 46, 1995-1998. [1] 


1、 美國2015高登研究會(GRC)碳捕集、利用與封存會議(2015.6),美國伊斯頓; [1] 
2、 出任美國化學會(ACS)秋季年會CCUS分會主席(2015.8),美國波士頓; [1] 
3、 澳大利亞2015國際煤炭科學與技術大會ICCS&T(2015.9),澳大利亞墨爾本; [1] 
4、 英國化學工程師協會(IChemE)CO2分離技術國際會議(2013.4),英國愛丁堡; [1] 
5、 英國化學工程師協會(IChemE)能源催化國際會議(2012.12),英國伯明翰; [1] 
6、 美國化學工程師協會(AIChE)年會(2012.10),美國匹茲堡; [1] 
7、 第241屆美國化學會(ACS)年會(2011.03),美國安納海姆 [1] 
8、 第6屆世界環境催化大學(2010.9),中國北京; [1] 
9、 第1屆可持續環境工程國際會議(2009.11),澳大利亞墨爾本 [1] 
10、 第8屆世界化學工程大會(2009.8),加拿大蒙特利爾; [1] 
11、 新興經濟體的可持續設計國際會議(2005.10),德國柏林。 [1] 