


國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    稱


1993/07-至今,中國農業大學生物學院 [1] 


主要從事玉米和馬鈴薯等植物發育相關基因的功能和表達調控研究,以及利用基因工程方法提高玉米中賴氨酸和蛋白質含量的研究。在國家自然科學基金的資助下,對馬鈴薯花粉特異表達基因SBgLR的表達調控機制做了深入研究,發現SBgLR基因的表達調控是非常複雜和精細的,在-345~-9區段內分佈着幾乎所有調控在花粉中特異表達的順式元件,足以驅動基因在花粉中特異表達。其中在 -269~-227之間,存在一個正調控元件,它克服了-227下游的抑制元件在花粉中的抑制作用,確保基因在花粉中表達;-227~-209間的迴文結構很可能承擔了抑制元件的功能。研究還發現SBgLR基因的5¢UTR也參與基因轉錄水平和翻譯水平的調控。由此提出了SBgLR基因表達的核心轉錄調控模型。 在國家“863”和轉基因專項的資助下,從植物中克隆了多個高賴氨酸蛋白基因,將克隆的高賴氨酸基因轉入玉米中,在種子中特異表達,獲得了高賴氨酸高蛋白的轉基因玉米,為玉米的品質改良育種提供了有用的基因資源和種質資源。 [1] 


《植物基因工程實驗技術》 [1] 



1. Li WY, Yu D, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Zhao Q*(2018)Functional Analysis of Maize Silk-Specific ZmbZIP25 Promoter. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 822; doi:10.3390ijms19030822.
2. Chang YJ, Yan M, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Zhao Q* (2017) The 5'untranslated region of potato SBgLR gene contributes to pollen-specific expression, Planta 246: 389~403.
3. Chang YJ, Shen EL, Wen LY, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Zhao Q*(2015)Seed-Specific Expression of the Arabidopsis AtMAP18 Gene Increases both Lysine and Total Protein Content in Maize. Plos One DOI:10.1371journal.pone.0142952.
4. Wang BS, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Chan YJ, Zhao Q* (2014) Maize ZmRACK1 Is Involved in the Plant Response to Fungal Phytopathogens Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15: 9343-9359; doi:10.3390ijms15069343.
5. Wang BS, Wang YZ, Zhao Q* (2011) The uncertainty of assessing aflatoxin B1-producing ability using aflR gene in Aspergillus species Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 5(31):5603-5606.
6. Wang BS, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Zhao Q* (2011) Maize defensin ZmDEF1 is involved in plant response to fungal phytopathogens Afr. J. Biotech. 10(72):16128-16137.
7. Zhou P, Yang F, Yu JJ, Ao GM, Zhao Q* (2010) Several cis-elements including a palindrome involved in pollen-specific activity of SBgLR promoter Plant Cell Rep. 29(5);503-511.
8. Xu YG, Wang BS , Yu JJ, Ao GM, Zhao Q* (2010) Cloning and Characterization of ZmZLP1, a Gene Encoding an Endoplasmic Reticulum-localized Zinc Transporter in Zea mays. Funct. plant boil. 37(3);194-205.
9. Liu YH, Feng XY, Xu YG, Yu JJ, Ao GM, Peng ZY, Zhao Q* (2009)Overexpression of millet ZIP-like gene (SiPf40) affects lateral bud outgrowth in tobacco and millet. Plant physiol. Bioch. 47: 1051-1060.
10. Lang ZH, Zhou P, Yu JJ, Ao GM, Zhao Q*(2008)Functional characterization of the pollen-specific SBgLR promoter from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Planta 2008, 277: 387-396.
11. Dai XY, Yu JJ, Ma JX, Ao GM, Zhao Q*(2007)Overexpression of Zm401, an mRNA-like RNA, has distinct effects on pollen development in maize Plant growth regul. 52:229–239.
12. Liu YH, Yu JJ, Ao GM, Zhao Q* (2007) Factors Influencing Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica). 中國生物化學與分子生物學報23 (7): 531-536.
13. 夏玉鳳,趙倩*,於靜娟,敖光明 (2005) PF40的亞細胞定位研究 生物化學與生物物理進展 32(11):1-7.
14. Lang ZH, Zhao Q*, Yu JJ, Zhu DY, Ao GM (2004) Cloning of potato SBgLR gene and its intron splicing in transgenic maize. Plant Science 166:1227-1233.
15. 趙倩, 於靜娟, 朱登雲, 敖光明 (2004) 番茄花粉特異表達的高賴氨酸蛋白基因(tsb)的克隆與特性分析 中國生物化學與分子生物學報 20(2):275-279.
16. 趙倩, 於靜娟, 朱登雲, 敖光明 (2004) 改變AK和DHDPS調控活性提高玉米中游離賴氨酸含量 農業生物技術學報 12(3):247-252.
17. 張革平, 於靜娟, 朱登雲, 敖光明, 趙倩* (2004)外源高賴氨酸蛋白質基因對轉基因玉米種子中蛋白質組分的影響 中國農業科學 37(12):1946-1950.
18. 朗志宏, 於靜娟, 朱登雲, 趙倩*, 敖光明 (2004)高賴氨酸蛋白基因SBgLR的克隆及其對提高玉米種子中蛋白質和賴氨酸的作用 農業生物技術學報 12(5):487-492.
19. 趙倩, 梁華, 馬崇烈, 敖光明 (1999),玉米19KD醇溶貯藏蛋白基因啓動子種子特異性表達控制區段的分析 植物學報 41(1):51-54.
20. 趙倩, 劉俊起,敖光明 (1999)大腸桿菌天冬氨酸lysC基因的克隆及定點突變 農業生物技術學報 7(4):348-352.
21. 趙倩, 敖光明 (1991)牛生長激素基因在馬鈴薯中的表達 植物學報 37(11):842-847。
22. 趙倩, 姚益華, 劉淑蘭, 韓碧文(1991)番茄和矮牽牛薄層培養的器官發生及部分生理生化分析 中國農業大學學報4 (2) :10.
1. Li SX, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ(2018)A DREB-Like transcription factor from Maize (Zea mays), ZmDREB4.1, plays a negative role in plant growth and development. Front. Plant Sci. 04 April
2. Qi X, Li S, Zhu Y, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ (2017)ZmDof3, a maize endosperm-specific Dof protein gene, regulates starch accumulation and aleurone development in maize endosperm. Plant Mol Biol 93: 7. doi:10.1007s11103-016-0543-y.
3. Liu C, Li SX, Yue J, Xiao WH, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ(2015)Microtubule- associated protein SBgLR facilitates storage protein deposition and its expression leads to lysine content increase in transgenic maize endosperm. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16: 29772–29786.
4. Pan YL, Ma X, Liang HW Liang, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ(2015)Spatial and temporal activity of the foxtail millet (Setaria italica) seed-specific promoter pF128. Planta 241: 57–67.
5. Wang MZ, Li P, Li C, Pan YL, Jiang XY, Zhu DY, Zhao Q, Yu JJ(2014)SiLEA14, a novel atyptical LEA protein, confers abiotic stress resistance in foxtail millet. BMC Plant Biol. 14: 290.
6. Yue J, Li C, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ (2014)Seed-specific expression of a lysine-rich protein gene, GhLRP, from cotton significantly increases the lysine content in maize seeds. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15: 5350-5365; doi:10.3390ijms15045350.
7. Dong X, Wang DX, Liu P, Li CX, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ(2013)Zm908p11, encoded by a short open reading frame (sORF) gene, functions in pollen tube growth as a profilin ligand in maize. J Exp. Bot. 64: 2359-2372.
8. Liu C, Qi X, Zhao Q, Yu JJ(2013) Characterization and Functional Analysis of the Potato Pollen-Specific Microtubule-Associated Protein SBgLR in Tobacco. PLoS ONE 8 (3): e60543. doi:10.1371journal.pone.0060543.
9. Wang MZ, Liu C, Li SX, Zhu DY, Zhao Q, Yu JJ(2013)Improved nutritive quality and salt resistance in transgenic maize by simultaneously overexpression of a natural lysine-rich proteingene, SBgLR, and an ERF transcription factor gene, TSRF1. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 14, 9459-9474; doi:10.3390 ijms14059459.
10. Kang MM, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ(2012)Characterization of microRNAs expression during maize seed development. BMC genomics 13: 360-371.
11. Chen XY, Wang DX, Liu C, Wang MZ, Wang T, Zhao Q, Yu JJ(2012) Maize transcription factor Zmdof1 involves in the regulation of Zm401 gene. Plant Growth Regul. 66: 271–284.
12. Wang MZ, Pan YL, Li C, Liu C, Zhao Q, Ao GM and Yu JJ(2011) Culturing of immature inflorescences and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of foxtail millet (Setaria italica). Afr. J. Biotech. 10 (73): 16466-16479.
13. Luan YX, Wang BS, Zhao Q, Ao GM, Yu JJ(2010)Ectopic expression of foxtail millet Zip-like gene, SiPf40, in transgenic rice plants causes a pleiotropic phenotype affecting tillering,vascular distribution and root development. Chinese Science-- Life Sciences 151 (11): 1-9.
14. Wang DX, Li CX, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Ao GM and Yu JJ(2009)Zm401p10, encoded by an anther-specific gene with short open reading frames, is essential for tapetum degeneration and anther development in maize. Funct. Plant Biol.36:73-85.
15. Xu XP, Zhu DY , Zhao Q, Ao GM, Ma CL and Yu JJ.(2009)RNA silencing generated by directed repeats in maize. Mol. Biotech. 41 (3): 213-223.
16. Zhao LN, Zhao Q, Ao GM, Yu JJ(2009)The foxtail millet Si69 gene is a Wali7 (wheat aluminum induced protein 7) homologue and may function in aluminum tolerance. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(10): 1697-1706.
17. Prommee W, Wang M, Zhao Q, Ao GM, Yu JJ(2009) Efficient Agrobacterium- mediated transformation of maize using embryogenic callus. Chinese J Biochem. Mol. Biol.25 (11): 1010-1016.
18. Ma JX , Yan BX, Qu YY, Qin FF, Yang YT, Hao XJ, Yu JJ, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Ao GM (2008)Zm401, a short-open reading-frame mRNA or noncoding RNA, is essential for tapetum and microspore development and can regulate the floret formation in maize. J. Cell. Biochem.105 (1): 136-146.
19. Qin FF, Zhao Q, Ao GM, Yu JJ(2008)Co-Suppression of Si401, a maize pollen specific zm401 homologous gene, results in aberrant anther development in foxtail millet. Euphytica 163:103-111.
20. Wang X, Zhu L, Liu BQ, Wang C, Jin LF, Zhao Q, Yuan M (2007) Arabidopsis MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN18 Functions in Directional Cell rowth by Destabilizing Cortical Microtubules Plant Cell 19: 877–889.
21. Huang SL, Jin LF, Du JZ, Li H, Zhao Q, Ou GS, Ao GM, Yuan M (2007) SB401, a pollen-specific protein from Solanum berthaultii, binds to and bundles microtubules and F-actin Plant J.51, 406–418.
22. Xu X, Wu M, Zhao Q, Li R, Chen J, Ao G and Yu J(2007)Designing and transgenic expression of melanin gene in tobacco trichome and cotton fiber. Plant Biology 9: 41-48.
23. Zhao Y, Zhao Q, Ao GM, Yu JJ(2006)Characterization and functional analysis of a pollen-specific gene st901 in Solanum tuberosum. Planta 224 (2): 405-412.
24. Wang DX, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Ao GM, Yu JJ (2006)Particle-bombardment- mediated co-transformation of maize with a lysine rich protein gene (sb401) from potato. Euphytica 150: 75-85.
25. Ma JX, Zhao Q, Yu JJ , Ao GM (2005)Ectopic expression of a maize pollen specific gene, zm401, results in aberrant anther development in tobacco. Euphytica 144: 133–140.
26. Yu JJ, Peng P, Zhang XJ ,Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Sun XH, Liu JQ, Ao GM (2004)Seed-specific expression of a lysine rich protein sb401 gene significantly increase both lysine and total protein content in maize seeds. Mol. Breeding 14:1-7.
27. Dai XY, YuJJ, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Ao GM(2004)Non-coding RNA for ZM401, a pollen-specific gene of Zea mays. Acta Botanica Sincia 46 (4):497-504. [1] 


主持了兩項國家自然科學基金,一項國家轉基因專項,作為子課題任務承擔人蔘加了“十一五”、“十二五”和“十三五”的國家轉基因專項,協助主持了兩項“863”項目。此外還參加了多項國家自然科學基金、“863”和國家轉基因專項等。 [1] 


獲得6項國家發明專利。 [1] 


獲1項北京市科學技術三等獎。 [1] 
  • 1.    趙倩  .中國農業大學生物學院[引用日期2013-03-13]