

Hu J
國    籍
民    族
Reward Inhibits Paraventricular CRH Neurons to Relieve Stress, Current Biology, 2019
職    稱
學    位


2009年開始在麻省理工學院Picower學習與記憶研究所(The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT )進行博士後研究工作。2013年1月回國,任職西安交通大學前沿科學技術研究院。2014年4月加入上海科技大學生命科學與技術學院任助理教授。2020年1月晉升為上海科技大學生命科學與技術學院常任副教授。2023年11月晉升為上海科技大學生命科學與技術學院終身正教授 [1] 


情感與動機的神經環路機制 [1] 


發展和應用光學成像、神經調控、遺傳學標記與神經環路示蹤等最新的方法精確地研究情感及其相關的精神類疾病的重要科學問題。實驗室擁有國際領先且全面的光學成像儀器(雙光子顯微鏡、梯度折射透鏡、光纖光度測量)和技術手段,同時也將結合單細胞測序,質譜技術等前沿的分子生物學手段,深入研究以下重要的神經科學問題:1.應激/壓力的神經機制;2.神經精神藥理的環路機制;3. 神經與精神疾病治療的新策略。研究將有助於重要的精神疾病比如抑鬱症焦慮症的治療。 [1] 


該成果發表於《自然》雜誌(Nature,2020,581:204-208),併入圍“2020年度中國生命科學十大進展”。 [2] 


Research Articles(*系通訊作者)
1. Duan. W.Y, Peng. K, Qin. H.M,Li. B.M, Xu. Y.X , Wang.D.J, Yu. L, Wang.H, Hu. J*, Wang. Q.X* (2023) ,“Esketamine accelerates emergence from isoflurane generalanaesthesia by activating the paraventricular thalamus glutaminergic neurons”. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2023
2. Zhan S.L., Qi Z.H., Cai F. ,Gao Z.L.*, Xie J.D.*, Hu J.*(2023),"Oxytocin neurons mediate stress-induced social memory impairment". Current Biology. 2023
3. Pan.Q, Guo, S.S, Chen. M, X.Y. Su, Z.L. Gao, Q. Wang, T.L. Xu*, M.G. Liu*, J. Hu* (2023), "Representation andcontrol of pain and itch by distinct prefrontal neural ensembles". Neuron. 2023
4. Zhu, X.N., Li. J, G.L. Qiu, C, Lu, Y.G.Guo, K.X. Yang, F. Cai, T.Xu*,T.F. Yuan*, J.Hu*, (2023) , "Propofol exerts anti-anhedoniaeffects via inhibiting dopamine transporter". Neuron. 2023
5. Lu, C., X. Zhu, Y. Feng, W. Ao, J. Li, Z.Gao, H. Luo, M. Chen, F. Cai, S. Zhan, H. Li, W. Sun*, and J. Hu*,(2023), "Atypical antipsychoticsantagonize GABA(A) receptors in the ventral tegmental area GABA neurons torelieve psychotic behaviors". MolecularPsychiatry. 2023
6. Ni, Y., Y. Feng, D. Shen, M. Chen, X.N. Zhu,Q. Zhou, Y. Gao, J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Shen, L. Peng, Z. Zeng, D. Yin, J. Hu*, and S. Chen*,(2022),"Anti-IgLON5 antibodies cause progressive behavioral and neuropathologicalchanges in mice". Journal Neuroinflammation. 19(1): p. 140.
7. Li, S., H. Luo, R. Lou, C. Tian, C. Miao, L.Xia, C. Pan, X. Duan, T. Dang, H. Li, C. Fan, P. Tang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Li,F. Xu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhong, J. Hu*,and W. Shui*,(2021), "Multiregional profiling of thebrain transmembrane proteome uncovers novel regulators of depression". Science Advances. 7(30).
8. Guo, J., M. Ran, Z. Gao, X. Zhang, D. Wang,H. Li, S. Zhao, W. Sun, H. Dong*, and J.Hu*,(2021), "Cell-type-specific imaging ofneurotransmission reveals a disrupted excitatory-inhibitory cortical network inisoflurane anaesthesia". EBioMedicine.65: p. 103272.
9. Zhang, X., B. Lei, Y. Yuan, L. Zhang, L. Hu,S. Jin, B. Kang, X. Liao, W. Sun, F. Xu, Y. Zhong*, J. Hu*, and H. Qi*,(2020), "Braincontrol of humoral immune responses amenable to behavioural modulation". Nature. 581(7807): p. 204-208.
10. Qiu, G., Y. Wu, Z. Yang, L. Li, X. Zhu, Y.Wang, W. Sun, H. Dong, Y. Li, and J. Hu*,(2020), "Dexmedetomidine Activation of Dopamine Neurons in theVentral Tegmental Area Attenuates the Depth of Sedation in Mice". Anesthesiology. 133(2): p. 377-392.
11. Li, J., C. Lu, Z. Gao, Y. Feng, H. Luo, T.Lu, X. Sun, J. Hu*,and Y. Luo*,(2020), "SNRIs achieve fasterantidepressant effects than SSRIs by elevating the concentrations of dopaminein the forebrain". Neuropharmacology.177: p. 108237.
12. Yuan, Y., W. Wu, M. Chen, F. Cai, C. Fan,W. Shen, W. Sun, and J. Hu*,(2019),"Reward Inhibits Paraventricular CRH Neurons to Relieve Stress". Current Biology. 29(7): p. 1243-1251e1244.
13.Yang, Y., H. Wang, J. Hu*, and H. Hu*,(2018), "Lateralhabenula in the pathophysiology of depression". Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 48: p. 90-96.
Review article(*系通訊作者)
14. Fang Luo; Yin Wei; Ziyue Wang; Minmin Luo;Ji Hu*, Genetically encoded neural activity indicators,Brain Science Advances, (2018)
15. Yan Yang; Hao Wang;Ji Hu; Hailan Hu,Lateral habenula in the pathophysiology of depression,Current Opinion in Neurobiology,2018.02,48: 90~96,(*co-corresponding author)
16. Minmin Luo; Liming Sun;Ji Hu,Neural detection of gases--carbon dioxide, oxygen--in vertebrates and invertebrates,Current Opinion in Neurobiology,2009.8,19(4): 354~361