


肖峯,西南財經大學工商管理學院教授,大數據研究院副院長,博士生導師國家傑出青年科學基金國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金獲得者。研究方向包括人工智能算法與交通數據挖掘、交通網絡建模和優化、道路擁擠收費、多模式綜合交通系統研究、智能交通系統等。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    務


主持國家傑出青年科學基金國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目NSFC-RGC (內地-香港)等多項國家和省部級課題。在交通、管理、數據挖掘科學研究領域國際著名期刊和會議如Transportation Science,Transportation Research Part A、B、C、D,ISTTT, IEEE TKDE等發表同行評議論文40餘篇。
主要研究成果包括:考慮時間價值連續分佈函數的動、靜態交通網絡博弈模型、早高峯出行瓶頸模型、基於高佔有率車道(HOV)系統效率改善的收費策略等。曾任Transportation Research Part B、Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)、Modern Transportation (MT)等期刊編委, Transportation Science、Networks and Spatial Economics、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Research Part E、Transportmetrica、European Transport、The Journal of Advanced Transportation、The International Journal of Sustainable Transportation、西南交通大學學報等學術期刊審稿人。



機器學習與交通數據挖掘,網絡建模和優化,道路擁擠收費,交通經濟學,博弈模型。 [1] 


智能交通系統,數據科學與智能決策,土地利用和交通規劃,物流規劃。 [1] 


強化學習(博士生),交通擁堵建模與分析(博士生),交通網絡經濟學(研究生),交通運輸規劃原理(本科生),網絡建模與均衡分析(本科生)。 [1] 


  • 2004-2007 博士,土木工程交通工程專業, 香港科技大學
  • 2001-2004 碩士,土木工程交通工程專業,清華大學
  • 1997-2001 學士,土木工程結構工程,清華大學 [1] 


  • 教授,博士生導師,工商管理學院,大數據研究中心,西南財經大學,2016年1月至今。
  • 訪問學者,工業工程系,美國加州大學伯克利分校 (University of California, Berkeley),2016年8月-2017年1月。
  • 教授,博士生導師,交通運輸與物流學院,西南交通大學,2011-2015。
  • 博士後, 土木與環境工程系, 加州大學, 戴維斯分校, 2007-2011。
  • 交通規劃師, Maunsell諮詢公司亞洲分部, 香港, 2007。
  • 助理研究員, 土木工程系, 香港科技大學, 2004-2007。
  • 助理研究員, 土木工程系,清華大學, 2001-2004。 [1] 


  • 項目主持人,國家傑出青年科學基金資助項目(72025104):城市交通系統博弈建模與定價優化,2021~2025;
  • 參與,國家重點研發計劃“綜合交通運輸與智能交通”專項(2018YFB1600902):可計算城市多模式交通網絡模型及承載能力分析方法,2019~2021;
  • 項目主持人,NSFC-廣東大數據科學中心項目(U1811462)課題三:構建地方金融運行動態及區域性系統性風險等智能監測與預警系統,2019~2022;
  • 項目主持人,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目NSFC-RGC (內地-香港)(71861167001):基於網約車平台數據和人工智能算法的乘客流動性分析,2019~2022;
  • 項目主持人,國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目(71622007):交通系統建模與管理優化,2017~2019;
  • 子課題負責人,國家自然科學基金重點項目(71431003):低碳導向型城市交通系統優化與管理,2015-2019;
  • 子課題負責人,國家社科基金重大項目(13&ZD175):城市地鐵系統脆弱性評價及控制策略研究,2014~2018;
  • 項目主持人,山東省城市商業銀行聯盟,基於機器學習算法的銀行卡磁條交易風險控制模型,2017;
  • 項目主持人,中央高校基本科研業務費創新團隊項目(JBK170501):城市交通數據挖掘與智能決策,2017~2019;
  • 項目主持人,成都市科技惠民技術研發項目:基於手機信令數據的成都市交通出行分析系統,2016~2017;
  • 項目主持人,成都市創新環境優化工程軟科學研究項目:基於視頻識別的人羣集會風險評估與控制策略研究,2016.01-2016.12;
  • 項目主持人,國家博士點基金項目(新教師類,20120184120017):具有信用評分機制的出租車派送系統研究,2013~2015;
  • 項目主持人,國家青年科學基金項目(71201135):基於可交易信用證券的道路擁堵收費模型和緩堵策略研究,2013~2015;
  • 項目主持人,中央高校科研業務費科技創新項目:逐日動態交通流建模及其優化控制問題,2014-2015;
  • 項目主持人,四川省應用基礎計劃項目(2013JY0037):以出租車智能派送系統為核心的LBS交互式移動平台,2013~2014;
  • 項目主持人,中央高校專題研究項目(SWJTU11ZT12):城市綠色交通規劃理論與系統設計,2011~2013;
  • 項目主持人,四川省應用基礎研究面上項目(2018JY0254):基於城市交通多源數據與人工智能算法的居民出行特徵分析,10萬,2018-2019;
  • 項目主持人,成都恆圖科技有限責任公司,基於端對端(End-to-end)循環神經網絡算法的醫療語音識別,2017;
  • 項目主持人,山東省城市商業銀行聯盟,基於深度學習的銀行賬户交易風險預警系統,2018;
  • 項目主持人,深圳市龍崗區貨運OD矩陣反推及預測,2011;
  • Credit-based pricing on multi-class network. 加州大學戴維斯分校可持續發展交通研究中心項目, April 2010-April 2011. $12,000.
  • The optimal coarse toll for heterogeneous commuters in the morning commute. 加州大學戴維斯分校可持續發展交通研究中心項目, April 2009-April 2010. $12,000.
  • Evaluation of I-5 closure in downtown Sacramento. 美國加州政府交通部項目. May 2008-Jan 2009. $249,988.
  • Provision of road capacity through privately built roads: capacity, pricing and competition issues. 美國加州政府交通部創新項目基金, Jan.01-Dec.31, 2008. $25,000.
  • Evaluation and comparison of different strategies for Fifth Street Corridor Improvement. 加州大學戴維斯分校可持續發展交通研究中心項目, 2008. $12,000.
  • 九廣西鐵與周邊公交系統的整合研究, 2007;
  • Lung Yuk Tau 12A 住宅小區交通影響分析, 2007;
  • 大連軟件園二期交通影響分析, 2007. [3] 



[1] Zhang, D.P., Xiao, F.*, Shen, M.Y. and Zhong, S.P., 2020. DNEAT: ANovel Dynamic Node-Edge Attention Network for Origin-destination DemandPrediction. Transportation Research Part C. In press.
[2] Ye, H.B., Xiao, F.*, Yang, H.,2020. Day-to-day dynamics with advanced traveler information. TransportationResearch Part B. In press.
[3] Ke, J.T., Xiao, F.*, Yang, H.and Ye, J.P., 2020. Learning to delay in ride-sourcing systems: a multi-agentdeep reinforcement learning framework. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge andData Engineering. doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3006084.
[4] Chen, Jia; Kou, Gang; Peng, Yi; Chao, rui; Xiao, Feng; Alsaadi,Fawaz E,2020. Effect of Marketing Messages and ConsumerEngagement on Economic Performance: Evidence from Weibo. InternetResearch.
[5] Gan Wan, Gang Kou*, Tie Li, Feng Xiao, Yang Chen, 2020. Pricingpolicies in a Retailer Stackelberg O2O green supply chain. Sustainability12(8), 3236.
[6] Sun, J., Wu, J.Y., Xiao, F.,Tian, Y.*, Xu, X.D., 2020. Managing Bottleneck Congestion with Incentives. TransportationResearch Part B 134, 143-166.
[7] Kou, G., Yang, P., Peng, Y., Xiao,F., Chen, Y., Alsaadi, F. E., 2019. Evaluation of feature selection methodsfor text classification with small datasets using multiple criteriadecision-making methods. Applied Soft Computing 86, 105836.
[8] Li, L., Lo,H.K.*, Xiao, F., 2019. Mixed BusFleet Scheduling under Range and Refueling Constraints. Transportation Research Part C104,443-462.
[9] Xiao,F.*, Shen, M.Y.,Xu, Z.T., Li, R.J., Yang, H. and Yin, Y.F., 2019. Day-to-day Flow Dynamics forStochastic User Equilibrium and A General Lyapunov Function. TransportationScience 53(3), 683-694.
[10] Xiao, F., Zhang, D.P., Kou, G., Li, L.*, 2020. LearningSpatiotemporal Features of Ride-sourcing Services with Fusion ConvolutionalNetwork. arXiv:1904.06823 [cs.LG].
[11] Xiao, F., Long, J.C., Li, L.*, Kou, G. and Nie, Y., 2019.Promoting Social Equity with Cyclic Tradable Credits. Transportation Research Part B121(2019), 56-73.
[12] Li, L., Lo,H.K.*, Xiao, F., Cen, X.K., 2018.Mixed Bus Fleet Management Strategy for Minimizing Overall and EmissionsExternal Costs Transportation. Transportation Research Part D 60,104-118.
[13] Ge, Y.E.*, Long, J.C., Xiao, F., Shi, Q., 2018. Trafficmodeling for low-emission transport. Transportation Research Part D 60, 1-6.
[14] Ye, H.B., Xiao, F.*, Yang, H.,2018. Exploration of day-to-day route choice models by a virtual experiment. Transportation Research Part C 94, 220-235.
[15] Tu, W.W., Xiao, F.*, Fu, L.P., Pan, G.Y., 2018. A deep learning model for trafficflow state classification based on smart phone sensor data. arXiv:1709.08802 [cs.LG].
[16] Xu, L., Zhang, C., Xiao, F.* and Wang, F., 2017. A RobustApproach to Airport Gate Assignment with a Solution-dependent UncertaintyBudget. Transportation Research Part B 105, 458-478.
[17] Bao, Y., Xiao, F., Gao, Z.H.,Gao, Z.Y.*, 2017. Investigation of the traffic congestion during public holidayand the impact of the toll-exemption policy. Transportation Research Part B104, 58-81.
[18] Ye, H.B., Xiao, F.*, Yang, H.,2017. Exploration of day-to-day route choice models by a virtual experiment. Transportation Research Procedia 23, 679-699.
[19] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Ye, H.B., 2016. Physics of Day-To-DayNetwork Flow Dynamics. Transportation Research Part B 86, 86-103.
[20] Nie, Y.M. *, Ghamami, M.,Zockaie, A. and Xiao, F., 2016.Optimization of Incentive Polices for Plug-in Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B 84,103-123.
[21] Zhu, J.C., Xiao, F.* and Liu,X.B., 2015. Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge? Journal of Advanced Transportation49(1), 96-113.
[22] Xiao, F. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2014. Pareto-Improving Toll andSubsidy Scheme on Transportation Networks. European Journal of Transport andInfrastructure Research 14(1), 46-65.
[23] Xiao, F.* and Zhang, H.M., 2014. Pareto-Improving andSelf-Sustainable Pricing for the Morning Commute with Nonidentical Commuters. TransportationScience 48(2), 159-169.
[24] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2013. Managing BottleneckCongestion with Tradable Credits. TransportationResearch Part B 56(0), 1-14.
[25] Xiao, F., Shen, W. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2012. The Morning Commuteunder Flat Toll and Tactical Waiting. Transportation Research Part B46(10), 1346-1359.
[26] Qian, Z., Xiao, F., Zhang, H.M.*,2012. Managing morning commute with parking. Transportation Research Part B46(7), 894–916.
[27] Qian, Z., Xiao, F. and Zhang,H.M.*, 2011. The Economics of Parking Provision for the Morning Commute. TransportationResearch Part A, 45(9),861-879.
[28] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, H.M.*, 2010. Morning commuteproblem with coarse toll and nonidentical commuters. Networks and Spatial Economics,11 August 2010, 1-27.
[29] Yang, H.* and Xiao, F., 2009.Private road competition and equilibrium with traffic equilibrium constraints. The Journal of Advanced Transportation43(1), 21-45.
[30] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2008. Efficiency loss of private road withcontinuously distributed value of time. Transportmetrica4(1), 19-32.
[31] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Guo, X.L., 2007. Bounding theinefficiency of toll competition among congested roads. Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007(ISTTT17) (editedby Richard E. Allsop),Elsevier, 27-54. Imperial College London, UK.
[32] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Han, D.R., 2007. Competition andefficiency of private toll roads. TransportationResearch Part B 41(3), 292-308.
[33] Xiao, F. and Yang, H.*, 2007. Three-player game-theoretic modelover a freight transportation network. TransportationResearch Part C 15(4), 209-217.
[34] 劉星委, 劉建瑋, 肖峯. 基於深度學習的交通流預測方法可行性研究[J]. 河北交通教育. 2018,(02):45-47+56.
[35] 肖峯*,塗雯雯,陳冬. 基於手機運動傳感器數據的交通流擁擠識別[J]. 西南交通大學學報,2016, 51(3):553-562.
[36] 鄧雪,肖峯*,鄭夢雷. 闖黃燈處罰對交叉口通行效率的影響[J]. 西華大學學報(自然科學版), 2016.7, (04): 108~112.
[37] 張大鵬, 肖峯*. 基於個人空間理論的人羣疏散機理研究[J]. 交通運輸工程與信息學報, 2016,14(2):144-152.
[38] 祝進城, 肖峯*, 帥斌. 城市出租車擁擠收費[J]. 吉林大學學報:工學版, 2015, 45(1):89-96.
[39] 鄭夢雷, 肖峯*, 朱文熙. 電動汽車充電站規模優化模型研究[J]. 西華大學學報(自然科學版), 2015,34(5):103-107.
[40] Zhang, M. and Xiao, F.*, 2013. Bus Arrival TimePrediction based on GPS Data. Proceedingsof the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCEConf. Proc.,2013
[41] Xiao, F.*, 2011. Investment,Pricing, and Efficiency of Private Road with Heterogeneous Trip‐Makers. Proceedings of the Third InternationalConference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc.
[42] Zhang, D., Xiao, F., Kou, G., Luo, J. and Yang, F., 2023. Learning Spatial-Temporal Features of Ride-Hailing Services with Fusion Convolutional Networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023.
[43] Wan, Y., Xiao, F. and Zhang, D., 2022. Early-stage phishing detection on the Ethereum transaction network. Soft Computing, pp.1-13.
[44] Yan, X., Kou, G., Xiao, F., Zhang, D. and Gan, X., 2022. Region-based demand forecasting in bike-sharing systems using a multiple spatiotemporal fusion neural network. Soft Computing, pp.1-14.
[45] Liu, X., Yang, H. and Xiao, F., 2022. Equilibrium in taxi and ride-sourcing service considering the use of e-hailing application. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 18(3), pp.659-675.
[46] Li, P., Tian, L., Xiao, F. and Zhu, H., 2022. Can day-to-day dynamic model be solved analytically? New insights on portraying equilibrium and accommodating autonomous vehicles. Transportation research part B: methodological, 166, pp.374-395.
[47] Feng, S., Ke, J., Xiao, F. and Yang, H., 2022. Approximating a ride-sourcing system with block matching. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 145, p.103920.
[48] Fan, W., Tang, Z., Ye, P., Xiao, F. and Zhang, J., 2022. Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment With Incomplete Origin–Destination Data. Transportation Research Record, p.03611981221123805.
[49] Zhang, Z., Zhai, G., Xie, K. and Xiao, F., 2022. Exploring the nonlinear effects of ridesharing on public transit usage: A case study of San Diego. Journal of Transport Geography, 104, p.103449.
[50] Fan, W. and Xiao, F., 2022. Managing bottleneck congestion with tradable credits under asymmetric transaction cost. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158, p.102600.
[51] Dapeng, Z. and Xiao, F., 2021. Dynamic auto-structuring graph neural network: a joint learning framework for origin-destination demand prediction. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
[52] Xiao, F. and Ke, J., 2021. Pricing, management and decision-making of financial markets with artificial intelligence: introduction to the issue. Financial Innovation, 7, pp.1-3.
[53] Wang, Z., Safdar, M., Zhong, S., Liu, J. and Xiao, F., 2021. Public preferences of shared autonomous vehicles in developing countries: a cross-national study of Pakistan and China. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, pp.1-19.
[54] Kou, G., Yang, P., Peng, Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, F., Chen, Y. and Alsaadi, F.E., 2021. A cross-platform market structure analysis method using online product reviews. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(5), pp.992-1018.
[55] Chen, X.M., Chen, X., Zheng, H. and Xiao, F., 2021. Efficient dispatching for on-demand ride services: Systematic optimization via Monte-Carlo tree search. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127, p.103156.
[56] Tu, W., Xiao, F., Li, L. and Fu, L., 2021. Estimating traffic flow states with smart phone sensor data. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 126, p.103062.
[57] Li, L., Lo, H.K., Huang, W.* and Xiao, F., 2021. Mixed bus fleet location-routing-scheduling under range uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B 146, 155-179.
[58] Yang, H.T.*, Zhang, Z.L., Fan, W.B. and Xiao, F., 2021. Optimal Design for Demand Responsive Connector Service Considering Elastic Demand. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
[59] Liu, X.H., Yang, H.T.* and Xiao, F., 2021. Equilibrium in Taxi and Ride-sourcing Service Considering the Use of E-hailing Application. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-22.
[60] Zhong, S.P., Gong, Y.H., Zhou, Z.J., Cheng, R. and Xiao, F.*, 2021. Active learning for multi-objective optimal road congestion pricing considering negative land use effect. Transportation Research Part C 125, 103002.
[61] Ye, H.B., Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2021. Day-to-day dynamics with advanced traveler information. Transportation Research Part B 144, 23-44.
[62] Zhang, D.P., Xiao, F.*, Shen, M.Y. and Zhong, S.P., 2021. DNEAT: A Novel Dynamic Node-Edge Attention Network for Origin-destination Demand Prediction. Transportation Research Part C 122, 102851.
[63] Yan, X., Kou, G., Xiao, F., Zhang, D. and Gan, X., 2020. Predicting Hourly Demand in Station-free Bike-sharing Systems with Video-level Data. CoRR.
[64] Liu, X., Ding, Y.*, Tang, H. and Xiao, F., 2020. A data mining-based framework for the identification of daily electricity usage patterns and anomaly detection in building electricity consumption data. Energy and Buildings, 110601.
[65] 肖峯, 繆立新*. 有效性原理在運輸定價中的運用[J]. 中國物流與採購, 2003(10):18-19.
[66] 肖峯, 繆立新*. 面臨環境挑戰的中國物流業[J]. 中國物流與採購, 2003(8):26-27. [3] 


  • 肖峯,塗雯雯,陳冬,沈旻宇. 一種基於手機運動傳感器數據的交通流擁擠判斷方法及裝置:中國,專利號:ZL 2016 1 0275421.4, 授權公告日:2018-11-02,發明專利
  • 肖峯,沈旻宇,塗雯雯,鄭夢雷. 一種基於胎壓的載重檢測方法、基於胎壓檢測的公交車客流量計算方法及裝置: 中國,專利號:ZL 2014 1 0366580.6, 授權公告日:2017-03-29, 發明專利;
  • 肖峯,沈旻宇,陳冬,“的信”,2013SRO84788,軟件著作權
  • 肖峯,沈旻宇,陳冬,“智慧公交”,2013SRO84783,軟件著作權。 [2] 

