


楊瓊,男,博士,湘潭大學材料科學與工程學院教授,博士生導師。 [1] 
職    業



2004/09-2008/06,湘潭大學材料與光電物理學院,理學學士 [1] 


2014/01-2016/12,湘潭大學材料科學與工程學院,講師 [1] 


電介質物理 [1] 


楊瓊,男,博士,教授博士生導師,湖南省優秀青年基金獲得者,湖南省普通高校青年骨幹教師,韶峯學者,湖南省重點實驗室副主任。主要從事面向新一代信息存儲芯片技術的鐵電多鐵薄膜及存儲器件的結構設計電學性能研究。主持國家自然科學基金面上和青年項目各一項、湖南省自然科學基金青年和優秀青年項目各一項、湖南省教育廳重點和優秀青年項目各一項、橫向項目一項等,同時作為骨幹成員參與了多項國家自然科學基金等項目。目前已在Nano Letters、ACS Nano、npj Computational Materials、Acta Materialia、Physical Review Applied、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Applied Physics Letters等國際著名學術期刊發表SCI論文多篇。 [1] 


3、湖南省教育廳重點項目,HfO2基鐵電薄膜的原子尺度極化翻轉機制研究,2021/09-2024/12 [1] 


[1] Z. J. Chen, Q. Yang*, L. L. Tao*, and E. Y. Tsymbal*, Reversal of the magnetoelectric effect at a ferromagnetic metal/ferroelectric interface induced by metal oxidation, npj Computational Materials 7, 204(1-7) (2021)
[2] A. Dmitriyeva, V. Mikheev, S. Zarubin, A. Chouprik, G. Vinai, V. Polewczyk, P. Torelli, Y. Matveyev, C. Schlueter, I. Karateev, Q. Yang, Z. J. Chen, L. L. Tao, E. Y. Tsymbal*, and A. Zenkevich*, Magnetoelectric coupling at the Ni/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 interface, ACS Nano 15 (9), 14891–14902 (2021)
[3] C. Huang, Y. K. Zhang, S. Z. Zheng, Q. Yang*, and M. Liao*, Interface effects induced by a ZrO2 seed layer on the phase stability and orientation of HfO2 ferroelectric thin films: A first-principles study, Physical Review Applied 16, 044048(1-9) (2021)
[4] Q. Chen,Y. K. Zhang. W. Y. Liu, J.Jiang*, Q. Yang*, and L. M. Jiang*, Ferroelectric switching behavior of nanoscale Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 grains, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 212 (15), 106828 (1-9) (2021)
[5] W. T. Ding, Y. K. Zhang, L. L. Tao, Q. Yang*, and Y. C. Zhou*, The atomic-scale domain wall structure and motion in HfO2-based ferroelectrics: A first-principle study, Acta Materialia 196, 556–564 (2020)
[6] Y. K. Zhang, Q. Yang*, L. L. Tao, E. Y. Tsymbal*, and V. Alexandrov*, Effects of strain and film thickness on the stability of the rhombohedral phase of HfO2, Physical Review Applied 14, 014068(1–8) (2020)
[7] W. Y. Liu, J. J. Liao, J. Jiang*, Y. C. Zhou*, Q. Chen, S. T. Mo, Q. Yang, Q. X. Peng, and L. M. Jiang, Highly stable performance of flexible Hf0.6Zr0.4O2 ferroelectric thin films under multi-service conditions, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8, 3878-3886 (2020)
[8] Q. Yang*, L. L. Tao, Y. K. Zhang, M. Li, Z. Jiang, E. Y. Tsymbal*, and V. Alexandrov*, Ferroelectric tunnel junctions enhanced by a polar oxide barrier layer, Nano Letters 19, 7385–7393 (2019)
[9] Q. Yang*, L. L. Tao, Z. Jiang, Y. C. Zhou, E. Y. Tsymbal*, and V. Alexandrov*, Magnetoelectric effect at the Ni/HfO2 interface induced by ferroelectric polarization, Physical Review Applied 12, 024044(1–7) (2019)
[10] P. Fan, Y. K. Zhang, Q. Yang*, J. Jiang, L. M. Jiang, M. Liao, and Y. C. Zhou*, Origin of the intrinsic ferroelectricity of HfO2 from ab initio molecular dynamics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 21743–21750 (2019)
[11] Y. Zhou, Y. K. Zhang, Q. Yang*, J. Jiang, P. Fan, M. Liao, and Y. C. Zhou*, The effects of oxygen vacancies on ferroelectric phase transition of HfO2-based thin film from first-principle, Computational Materials Science 167, 143–150 (2019)
[12] J. Jiang, Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Y. Li, P. W. Shao, Y. H. Hsieh, H. J. Liu, Q. X. Peng, G. K. Zhong, X. Q. Pan, Y. H. Chu*, and Y. C. Zhou*, Self-assembled ferroelectric nanoarray. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 2205-2210 (2019)
[13] X. Y. Li, Q. Yang*, J. X. Cao, L. Z. Sun, Q. X. Peng*, Y. C. Zhou, and R. X. Zhang, Domain wall motion in perovskite ferroelectrics studied by the nudged elastic band method, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 3091–3100 (2018)
[14] J. L. Peng, D. L. Shan, Y. Y. Liu*, K. Pan, C. H. Lei, N. B. He, Z. Y. Zhang, and Q. Yang, A thermodynamic potential for barium zirconate titanate solid solutions, npj Computational Materials 4, 66 (2018)
[15] Q. Yang, J. X. Cao*, Y. C. Zhou*, L. Z. Sun, and X. J. Lou, Dead layer effect and its elimination in ferroelectric thin film with oxide electrodes, Acta Materialia 112, 216-223 (2016)
[16] X.W. Jiang, Q. Yang, and J.X. Cao*, The effect of domain walls on leakage current in PbTiO3 thin films, Physics Letters A 380, 1071-1074 (2016)
[17] W.Q. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y.C. Zhou*, and J.X. Cao, Interface effect on leakage current of ferroelectric film, Computational Materials Science 115, 120-124 (2016)
[18] J. S. Zhen, Q. Yang*, Y. H. Yan, X. W. Jiang, S. A. Yan, W. Chen, and X. Q. Guo, Molecular dynamics study of structural damage in amorphous silica induced by swift heavy-ion radiation, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 171, 340-349 (2016)
[19] H. Liao, Q. Yang, Y. C. Zhou*, Y. Zhang, and L. M. Jiang, Tuning the physical properties of BNT ferroelectric film by miscut Si substrate, Ferroelectrics 478, 54-59 (2015)
[20] L. M. Jiang, Y. C. Zhou*, Y. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y. Gu, and L. Q. Chen, Polarization switching of the incommensurate phases induced by flexoelectric coupling in ferroelectric thin films, Acta Materialia 90, 344-354 (2015)
[21] L. M. Jiang, J. Y. Tang, Y. C. Zhou*, Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, L. L. Guo, and X. L. Zhong, Simulations of local-mechanical-stress-induced ferroelectric polarization switching by a multi-field coupling model of flexoelectric effect, Computational Materials Science 108, 309-315 (2015)
[22] 張文慶,楊瓊,曹覺先,周益春*,SrTiO3緩衝層引起的鐵電薄膜極化對稱性破缺,現代應用物理 6,286-292 (2015)
[23] 姜傑,楊瓊,周益春*,蔣麗梅,溶膠-凝膠法制備Mn摻雜的BaTiO3鐵電薄膜,現代應用物理 6,209-213 (2015)
[24] Q. Yang, J. X. Cao*, Y. C. Zhou*, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, and X. J. Lou, Tunable oxygen vacancy configuration by strain engineering in perovskite ferroelectrics from first-principles study, Applied Physics Letters 103, 142911(1-5) (2013)
[25] Q. Yang, J. X. Cao*, Y. Ma*, Y. C. Zhou, L. M. Jiang, and X. L. Zhong, Strain effects on formation and migration energies of oxygen vacancy in perovskite ferroelectrics: A first-principles study, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 184110(1-5) (2013)
[26] Q. Yang, J. X. Cao*, Y. Ma, Y. C. Zhou*, X. J. Lou, and J. Yang, Interface effect on the magnitude and stability of ferroelectric polarization in ultrathin PbTiO3 films from first-principles study, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 034109(1-6) (2013)
[27] Q. Yang, J. X. Cao, Y. Ma, and Y. C. Zhou*, First principles study of polarization-strain coupling in SrBi2Ta2O9, AIP Advances 3, 052134(1-7) (2013)
[28] Q. Yang, H. Liao, J. X. Cao, Y. Ma, and Y. C. Zhou*, Spontaneous polarization and its strain effects for orthorhombic and monoclinic Bi4Ti3O12: A first principle study, International Journal of Modern Physics B 27, 1350138(1-7) (2013)
[29] J. H. Wen, Q. Yang, J. X. Cao*, and Y. C. Zhou, Strain control of the leakage current of the ferroelectric thin films, Acta Physica Sinica 62, 067701(1-5) (2013)