


李海濤 [1]  [33]  [36]  ,男,教授(破格) [1] 碩士生導師博士生導師 [36]  ,機電產品包裝生物質材料國家地方聯合工程研究中心常務副主任(正處) [1]  ,南京林業大學生物質複合建築材料與結構國際聯合研究中心主任 [1]  。原南京林業大學土木工程學院副院長 [1]  [36] 同濟大學西澳大利亞大學(澳洲G8高校)聯合培養工學博士 [1]  [36]  ,林業工程(木材科學與技術專業)流動站博士後 [1]  [36] 東南大學土木工程流動站博士後 [1]  [36]  。鎮江新區科技顧問,國際竹藤組織INBAR Construction Task Force Key Expert [2]  ,ISO TC165 [3]  木/竹結構 [4]  標準委員會委員 [5]  ,The International Scientific Committee on theAnalysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH)專家委員 [1]  [33]  ,中國木材防護工業協會竹質工程材料分會副會長等 [1]  ;Journal of Renewable Materials (SCI)的Associate Editor [38]  ;國際期刊《Sustainable Structures》(Scopus、DOAJ等收錄)的Editor-in-Chief [1]  [34]  ;《林業工程學報》青年編委 [6]  。作為大會聯合主席主持國際學術會議4次 [1]  。國家林草局第四批林業和草原科技創新人才 [1]  [43]  ,江蘇省“333高層次人才培養工程”第二層次中青年領軍人才 [1]  [36]  ,江蘇省“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人 [1]  [33]  [36]  ,江蘇省“六大人才高峯”高層次人才 [1]  [33]  [36]  ,江蘇省外國留學生教育管理先進個人 [39]  。入選2022全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單“年度科學影響力排行榜” [37]  [40] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
職    務
教育部科技進步二等獎等 [1] 


教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎 [7]  (科學技術)二等獎(排名第1) [8] 
林草局梁希林業科學技術獎二等獎1項 [9]  (排名第1)
林業局梁希林業科學技術獎二等獎1項 [10]  (排名第1) [10] 
第十六屆林草青年科技獎1項(排名第1) [42] 
江蘇省高校微課教學比賽(本科組)二等獎1項(排名第1) [11] 
國家一流課程《現代竹木結構》(線下)(排名第1) [1]  [33]  [36] 
江蘇省首批一流課程《現代竹木結構》(在線)(排名第1) [1] 
江蘇省高校助力鄉村振興在線開放課程《竹材在鄉村建設中的應用與推廣》負責人 [1]  [36] 


2010年6月-今 [1]  [33]  [36]  南京林業大學土木工程學院(教學、科研等) [1]  [33]  [36] 


竹結構、木結構 [1]  [36-37]  、生物質複合建築材料與結構 [36]  、複合材料結構 [36]  、竹/木/鋼/FRP/混凝土組合結構等 [1]  [36] 


主要論文 [1] 
[1]李海濤等編著. 現代竹木結構. 北京:中國建築工業出版社, 2020.08,“十三五”江蘇省高等學校重點教材 [1]  [33]  [35-36]  [41] 
[2]Haitao Li*, Zhenyu Qiu, Gang Wu, Ottavia Corbi, Dongdong Wei, Li-bin Wang, Ileana Corbi, Conggan Yuan. Slenderness ratio effect on eccentric compression performance of parallel strand bamboo lumber columns [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE. 2019, 145(8): 04019077 [12]  (SCI&EI)
[3]Haitao Li*, Gang Wu, Zhenhua Xiong, Ileana Corbi, Ottavia Corbi, Xiaohong Xiong, Huizhong Zhang, Zhenyu Qiu. Length and orientation direction effect on static bending properties of laminated Moso bamboo [J]. EuropeanJournal ofWoodandWoodProducts. 2019, 77(4), 547-557 [13]  (SCI&EI)
[4]Haitao Li*, Rong Liu, Rodolfo Lorenzo, Gang Wu, Li-bin Wang. Eccentric compression properties of laminated bamboo lumber columns with different slenderness ratios [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 2019, 172(5): 315-326 [14]  (SCI&EI)
[5]Haitao Li*, Zhenyu Qiu, Gang Wu*, Dongdong Wei, Rodolfo Lorenzo, Conggan Yuan, Huizhong Zhang, Rong Liu. Compression behaviors of parallel bamboo strand lumber under static loading [J]. Journal of Renewable Materials. 2019, 7(7): 583-600 [15]  (SCI&EI)
[6] Haitao Li [16]  , Gang Wu, Qisheng Zhang, Deeks A.J., Jingwen Su. Ultimate bending capacity evaluation of laminated bamboo lumber beams [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 160: 365-375 [16]  (SCI&EI)
[7] Chaokun Hong, Haitao Li*, Rodolfo Lorenzo, Gang Wu, Ileana Corbi, Ottavia Corbi, Zhenhua Xiong, Dong Yang, and Huizhong Zhang. Review on connections for original bamboo structures [J]. Journal of Renewable Materials. 2019, 7(8): 713-730 [17]  (SCI&EI)
[8] Haitao Li [18]  , Guo Chen, Qisheng Zhang, Mahmud Ashraf, Bin Xu, Yanjun Li. Mechanical properties of laminated bamboo lumber column under radial eccentric compression [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 121: 644-652 (SCI&EI) 
[9] Haitao Li [19]  , Deeks A.J., Qisheng Zhang, Gang Wu. Flexural performance of laminated bamboo lumber Beam [J]. BioResources. 2016, 11(1): 929-943(SCI&EI)
[10] Haitao Li [20]  ,Gang Wu, Qisheng Zhang, Jingwen Su.Mechanical evaluation for laminated bamboo lumber along two eccentric compression directions [J]. Journal of wood science, 2016, 62(6):503-517 (SCI&EI)
[11] Haitao Li, Jing-wen Su, Deeks A.J., Qisheng Zhang, etc. Eccentric compression performance of parallel bamboo strand lumber column [J] [21]  . BioResources. 2015, 10(4): 7065-7080 (SCI&EI) DOI: 10.15376/biores.10.4.7065-7080
[12] Haitao Li [22]  , Jing-wen Su, Qisheng Zhang, Deeks A.J., David Hui. Mechanical performance of laminated bamboo column under axial compression [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015, 79: 374-382. DOI information: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.04.027 (SCI&EI)
[13] Haitao Li [23]  , Qisheng Zhang, Dongsheng Huang, Deeks A.J.. Compressive performance of laminated bamboo [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering.2013,54(1):319-328(SCI&EI)
[14] Haitao Li [24]  , Deeks A.J., Xiaozu Su. Experimental Study on Compressive Bond Anchorage Properties of 500 MPa Steel Bars in Concrete [J]. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 2013,139(12). (SCI&EI).
[15] Haitao Li [25]  , Xiaozu Su, Deeks A.J.. Evaluation of the Adequacy of Development Length Requirements for 500 MPa Reinforcing Bars[J]. Advances in structural engineering, 2011, 14(3) : 367-378. (SCI&EI).
[16] Haitao Li [26]  , Deeks A.J., Lixin Liu, Dongsheng Huang and Xiaozu Su. Moment Transfer Factors for Column-Supported Cast-in-situ Hollow Core Slabs[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2012, 13(3): 165-173. (SCI&EI)
[17] Haitao Li [27]  , Deeks A.J., Xiaozu Su, Dongsheng Huang. Tensile Bond Anchorage Properties of Australian 500N Steel Bars in Concrete [J]. Journal of Central south University, 2012, 19(10): 2718-2725. (SCI&EI)
[18] Haitao Li [28]  , Deeks A.J., Lixin Liu, Xiaozu Su. Comparison of Chinese and Australian 500MPa reinforcing steels[J]. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 2010, 10(2) : 137-144.(EI)
[19] 李海濤 [29]  , 張齊生,吳剛. 側壓竹集成材受壓應力應變模型[J]. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2015,45(6) : 1130-1134. (EI)
[20] 李海濤 [30]  , 蘇靖文, 張齊生,陳國. 側壓竹材集成材簡支梁力學性能試驗研究[J]. 建築結構學報, 2015, 36(3): 121-126. (EI)
[21] 李海濤 [31]  ,吳剛, 張齊生, 陳國. 側壓竹集成材弦向偏壓試驗研究[J]. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 2016,43(5): 90-96. (EI)
[22] 李海濤 [32]  ,魏鼕鼕, 蘇靖文, 袁從淦,陳國.竹重組材偏心受壓試驗研究[J]. 建築材料學報, 2016,19(3): 561-565. (EI) [42] 
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