


李曄,男,1977年生,上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院 [1]  授、研究員、博士生導師,浙江温州人。工學學士(2000,船舶與海洋工程,上海交通大學), [2]  工學碩士(2004,機械工程,不列顛哥倫比亞大學),工學博士(2007,機械工程,不列顛哥倫比亞大學)。畢業後先後工作於美國太平洋西北國家實驗室海洋技術組,以及美國國家可再生能源實驗室,並作為高級研究員擔任海洋能研究組組長。 [1] 


2008 Ph.D. University of British Columbia
12/2013-Present, 上海交通大學,教授,上海交通大學多功能拖曳水池主任,
09/2011–Present visiting senior research fellow 能源和氣候變化中心, 英國南安普頓大學,University of Southampton, U.K.
07/2009 – 12/2013 美國國家可再生能源國家實驗室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA),高級研究員,
12/2007 - 07/2009 美國西北太平洋國家實驗室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA),海洋科學組和能源技術組,雙聘研究員 [1] 


Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics,Fluid Structure Interaction,Vortical Flow
Optimization,Renewable Energy System [1] 

李曄學術 成果

Li,Y.,Yi,J.,Song,H.,Wang,Q.,Yang,Z.,Kelley,N., and Lee K. “On Natural Frequency of Tidal Power Systems” Applied Physics Letters, 105(2), 023902 (2014)
Li,Y. Kerri,N. and Wang,Q. “Three-dimensional numerical analysis on blade response of vertical axis tidal current turbine AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6, 043123 (2014)
Yi J. and Li,Y. “ Effects of Rotor Control Algorithms and Wind Data on Optimal Blade Shape of Wind Turbines” Wind and Structures, 2014,18,195-213
Li, Y. “On the definition of the efficiency of tidal current energy devices.” Renewable Energy,2014,68,868-875
Li,Y. “The Status of Large Scale Wind Turbine Technology Development” Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics2013, 34(10): 1003-1011
? Churchfield, M., Li, Y. and Moriarty, P. “A LES simulation of a large-scale tidal current turbine farm and a large scale wind turbine farm.” Philosophical transaction of Royal Society A DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0421
Yu, Y. and Li, Y. “A numerical study of the heave response of a two-body floating point absorber wave energy system” Computer and Fluids DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.10.007
Maniaci, D. and Li.Y. “Preliminary investigation of introducing added mass effect into the general dynamic wake theory for tidal current turbines” Marine Technology Society Journal 2012,46(4),71-78
Li, Y. and Yu, Y. “A comprehensive review of numerical methods on studying point absorber type of wave energy converter.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2012,16,4352-4364
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Modeling of twin-turbine systems with vertical axis tidal current turbines: Part II-Torque Fluctuation.” Ocean Engineering, 2011,38,550-558
Li Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Three-dimensional effects and arm effects on modeling a vertical axis tidal current turbine.” Renewable energy, 2010, 35(10), 2325-2334
Li, Y. and Calisal, S.M. “Estimating power output from a tidal current turbine farm with first order approximation of hydrodynamic interaction between devices.” International Journal of Green Energy, 2010, 7(2), 153-163
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Modeling of twin-turbine systems with vertical axis tidal current turbines: Part I-Power output.” Ocean Engineering, 2010, 37, 627-637
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “A discrete vortex method for simulating a stand-alone tidal current turbine: modeling and validation.” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2010, 132(3),1102-1110
Li, Y. and Calisal, S. M. “Numerical analysis of the characteristics of vertical axis tidal current turbines.” Renewable Energy, 2010, 35(2), 435-442
Li, Y. and Willman L. “Feasibility analysis of offshore renewables penetrating local energy systems in remote oceanic areas” Applied Energy,2014,117,42-53
Li, Y. Lence, B. J. and Calisal, S. M. “An integrated model for estimating energy cost of a tidal current turbine farm.” Energy Conversion and Management, 2011,52,1677-1687 [1] 