


李文浩,男,1982年4月生,甘肅武威人,博士西北農林科技大學副教授,博士生導師。 [1] 
職    業


2015年1月-至今,西北農林科技大學,食品科學與工程學院,副教授。 [1] 


澱粉科學與技術、穀物功能性成分研究、糧油食品研究及產品開發。 [1] 


主要承擔本科生《糧油食品工藝學》《食品工藝學》《食品物性學》和研究生《穀物科學》等課程的理論、實驗及實習教學工作。 [1] 


[1] “十三五”國家重點研發計劃子項目,青稞中主要活性物質成分的定性定量及其保持調控技術研究(2017YFD0401203-01),2017-2020,25萬。
[2] 陝西省農業科技創新轉化重大科技研發項目,橡子澱粉生產關鍵技術研究與產業化,2017-2019,30萬。
[3] 生物活性物質與功能食品北京市重點實驗室開放課題,不同色澤青稞酚類物質的定性定量分析及抗氧化活性研究,2018-2020,6萬。
[4] 楊淩示範區科技計劃項目,雜糧加工中功能活性成分變化機制及其保持調控技術研究,2018-2020,5萬。
[5] 國家自然科學基金青年基金,小麥A、B澱粉顆粒理化性能差異的精細分子結構機制研究(31301557),2014-2016,22萬元。
[6] 中央高校基本科研業務費,2014-2016,10萬元。
[7] 西北農林科技大學博士科研啓動基金,2011-2014,10萬元。 [1] 


[1] Xu M.J., Ahmed S.M.S., Gong B., Li B., Jing L.Z., Gou M., Jiang H., Li W.H.The effect of repeated versus continuous annealing on structural, physicochemical, and digestive properties of potato starch.Food Research International. 2018, 111, 324-333.
[2] Xu M.J., Ahmed S.M.S., Liu Y., Jing L.Z., Zhao K., Wu H., Zhang G.Q., Ouyang S.H., Li W.H.The changes in structural, physicochemical, and digestive properties of red adzuki bean starch after repeated and continuous annealing treatments. Starch-Stärke, 2018, 70, 1700322.
[3] Li W.H.,Gao J.X., Ahmed S.M.S., Tian X.L., Wang P., Jiang H., Zhang G.Q. The modifications in physicochemical and functional properties of proso millet starch after ultra-high pressure (UHP) process. Starch-Stärke, 2018, 70, 1700235.
[4] Zhao K., Li B., Xu M.J., Jing L.Z., Gou M., Yu Z.Z., Zheng J.M., Li W.H. Microwave pretreated esterification improved the substitution degree, structural and physicochemical properties of potato starch esters.LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2018, 90, 116-123.
[5] Zhao K., Ahmed S.M.S., Li B., Wu H., Liu Y., Zhang G.Q., Li W.H.Effects of conventional and microwave pretreatment acetylation on structural and physicochemical properties of wheat starch. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2018, DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13845.
[6] Gong B., Xu M.J., Li B., Wu H., Liu Y., Zhang G.Q., Ouyang S.H., Li W.H.Repeated heat-moisture treatment exhibits superiorities in modification of structural, physicochemical and digestibility properties of red adzuki bean starch compared to continuous heat-moisture way. Food Research International, 2017, 102, 776-784.
[7] Li W.H.,Gao J.M., Wu G.L., Zheng J.M., Ouyang S.H., Luo Q.G., Zhang G.Q. Physicochemical and structural properties of A- and B-starch isolated from normal and waxy wheat: Effects of lipids removal. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 60, 364-373.
[8] Li W.H.,Wu G.L., Luo Q.G., Jiang H., Zheng J.M., Ouyang S.H., Zhang G.Q. Effects of removal of surface proteins on physicochemical and structural properties of A- and B-starch isolated from normal and waxy wheat. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 2016, 53, 2673-2685.
[9] Li W.H.,Tian X.L., Wang P., Saleh A.S.M, Luo Q.G., Zheng J.M., Ouyang S.H., Zhang G.Q. Recrystallization characteristics of high hydrostatic pressure gelatinized normal and waxy corn starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 83, 171-177.
[10] Li, W.H.,Tian, X.L., Liu, L.P., Wang, P., Wu, G.L., Zheng, J.M., Ouyang, S.H., Luo, Q.G., Zhang, G. High pressure induced gelatinization of red adzuki bean starch and its effects on starch physicochemical and structural properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 45, 132-139.
[11] Li W.H., Guo H.M., Wang P., Tian X.L., Zhang W., Saleh A.S.M., Zheng J.M., Ouyang S.H., Luo Q.G., Zhang G.Q. Physicochemical characteristics of high pressure gelatinized mung bean starch during recrystallization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 131, 432-438.
[12] Li W.H., Xiao X.L., Guo S.W. Ouyang S.H., Luo Q.G., Zheng J.M., Zhang G.Q. Proximate composition of triangular pea, white pea, spotted colored pea, and small white kidney bean and their starch properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014, 7, 1078-1087.
[13] Li W.H.,Xiao X.L., Zhang W.H., Zheng J.M., Luo Q.G., Ouyang S.H., Zhang G.Q. Compositional, morphological, structural and physicochemical properties of starches from seven Naked Barley cultivars grown in China. Food Research International, 2014, 58, 7-14.
[14] Li W.H.,Cao F., Fang J., Ouyang S.H., Luo Q.G., Zheng J.M., Zhang G.Q. Physically modified common buckwheat starch and their physicochemical and structural properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 40, 237-244.
[15] Li W.H.,Shan Y.L., Xiao X.L., Luo Q.G., Zheng J.M., Ouyang S.H., Zhang G.Q. Physicochemical properties of A- and B- starch granules isolated from hard red and soft red winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 6477−6484.
[16] Li W.H.,Shan Y.L., Xiao X.L., Zheng J.M., Luo Q.G., Ouyang S.H., Zhang G.Q. Effect of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization on accumulation characteristics and physicochemical properties of A- and B- wheat starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 2418-2425.
[17] Li W.H.,Bai Y.F., Mousaa S.A.S., Zhang Q., Shen Q. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on physicochemical and structural properties of rice starch. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5, 2233-2241.
[18] Li W.H.,Bi Y., Ge Y.H., Li Y.C., Wang J.J., Wang Y. Effects of postharvest sodium silicate treatment on pink rot disease and oxidative stress-antioxidative system in muskmelon fruit. European Food Research and Technology, 2012, 234, 137-145.
[19] Li W.H.,Bai Y.F., Zhang Q., Hu X.S., Shen Q. Effects of potassium alum addition on physicochemical, pasting, thermal and gel texture properties of potato starch. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2011, 46, 1365-2621.
[20] Li W.H.,Shu C., Zhang P.L. Shen Q. Properties of starch separated from ten mung bean varieties and seeds processing characteristics. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2011, 4, 814-821.
[21] Li W.H.,Zhang F.S., Liu P.L., Bai Y.F., Gao L., Shen Q. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on physicochemical, thermal and morphological of mung bean starch. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 103, 388-393.
[22] Li W.H.,Shu C., Yan S.Q., Shen Q. Characteristics of sixteen mung bean cultivars and their protein isolates. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2010, 45, 1205-1211. [1] 


[1] 副主編《糧油加工實驗技術》(普通高等教育農業部“十二五”規劃教材),北京:中國農業大學出版社, 2014.
[2] 參編《食品物性學》(普通高等教育 “十三五”精品課程建設教材),北京:中國農業大學出版社, 2016.
[3] 參編《食品安全與日常飲食》,北京:中國農業大學出版社, 2010. [1] 
  • 1.    教師  .西北農林科技大學[引用日期2019-11-10]