


李學剛,男,西南大學藥學院教授 [1] 博士生導師 [2]  ,1964年6月生於四川省廣安市鄰水縣。
民    族
職    稱
職    務


1990~1992年於中國科學院生物物理所從事分子酶學專業博士後研究工作。 [3] 


1992~1993年, 中國科學院生物物理所分子酶學實驗室工作;
2012年,國家中醫藥總局“中藥化學”重點學科負責人。主要從事天然產物化學、藥物化學、生物化學、食品化學等方面的研究工作。 [3] 


1994年, 成為四川省首批跨世紀傑出青年學科帶頭人培養對象;
1995年, 被評為農業部部級有突出貢獻的中青年專家;
1996年, 獲得四川省第四屆青年科技獎;
1996年, 獲得四川省第三屆高校“十佳青年教師”;
1997年, 獲得“政府特殊津貼”;
1999年, 獲得重慶市“科技青年”獎;
1999年, 獲得重慶市“五四”青年提名獎;
1999~2005年, 成為重慶市生化協會副理事長, 重慶市高級職稱評審委員會化學學科組成員;


3、“藥用資源綜合開發利用”。主要從事保健食品、中獸藥、飼料添加劑等開發及研究;農副產品的深加工及應用。 [1]  [3] 


先後主持科技部支撐計劃項目1項(“石柱黃連規範化種植基地及其SOP優化升級研究”,2011BAI13B02-1)、國家重大新藥創制項目1項(“治療糖尿病併發症中藥新藥研究”, 2010ZX09401-306-3-10)、國家自然科學基金項目2項(“魚腥草素同系物與細菌細胞膜相互作用” ,20673084,2007~2009年;“表面活性劑與肌酸激酶和超氧化物歧化酶相互作用” ,29473117,1994~1997年)、重慶市科委十一五新藥創制重大專項“黃連綜合開發利用”(2008AA5021,2008~2011年)、以及其他省部級及橫向合作30餘項。在《Planta Medica》、《Eur. Chem. Med.》、《Journal of Chromatography B》、《Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters》、《Food Research International》、《J. Sep. Sci.》、《J. Agric. Food Chem.》、《Journal of Asian Natural Products Research》、《Fitoterapia》、《Journal of Ethnopharmacology》、《Med Chem Res》、《Journal of Medicinal Plants Research》、《Colloid and Surface》、《J.Colloid & Interf. Sci》、《中國中藥雜誌》、《中草藥》、《中藥材》、《中成藥》、《中國獸醫學報》、《化學學報》、《物理化學學報》、《有機化學》、《分析化學》、《營養學報》、《作物學報》等雜誌上發表論文200多篇(SCI收錄50多篇);申報技術發明專利32項,獲得技術發明專利授權18項;獲得“味連須中獸藥材”(二類)新藥臨牀批件1個,降糖醫院製劑“平抑舒膠囊”批件1個;“黃連綜合開發利用”獲得重慶市技術發明二等獎(2013);專著一本、成果獎二項。 [4] 


④、辣椒綜合開發利用(提取辣椒紅色素、辣椒鹼、辣椒渣利用)。幫助企業完成擴大生產規模的任務,全程參與全套工業生產和設計。將溶劑消耗減少四分之三,收率提高10%,產品質量顯著提高(溶劑殘留有300ppm降低到10ppm以下);開發了90%以上含量的辣椒鹼產品和色價300以上的高純度辣椒紅色素產品。 [5] 


3、“藥用資源綜合開發利用”。主要從事保健食品、中獸藥、飼料添加劑等開發及研究;農副產品的深加工及應用。 [6] 


1. Yaping Xiao, Yan Liu, Zhihui Lai, Jieyao Huang, Chunming Li, Yaru Zhang, Xiaobao Gong, Jianling Deng, Xiaoli Ye**, Xuegang Li*. An integrated network pharmacology and transcriptomic method to explore the mechanism of the total Rhizoma Coptidis alkaloids in improving diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 270 (2021) 113806.
2. Bing Han, Pu Jiang, Lingmin Jiang, XuegangLi*, XiaoliYe*.Three phytosterols from sweet potato inhibit MCF7-xenograft-tumor growth through modulating gut microbiota homeostasis and SCFAs secretion. Food Research International, Volume 141, March 2021, 110147.
3. Yaping Xiao, Jianling Deng, Chunming Li, Xiaobao Gong, Zhenwei Gui, Jieyao Huang, Yaru Zhang, Yan Liu, Xiaoli Ye * , Xuegang Li*. Epiberberine ameliorated diabetic nephropathy by inactivating the angiotensinogen (Agt) to repress TGFβ/Smad2 pathway. Phytomedicine 83 (2021) 153488. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phymed.2021.153488。
4. Bin Wang , Heshan Xu, Xiaoyin Hu, Wenyu Ma, Jian Zhang, Yuanfeng Li, Min Yu, Yaru Zhang, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye*. Synergetic inhibition of daidzein and regular exercise on breast cancer in bearing-4T1 mice by regulating NK cells and apoptosis pathway. Life Sciences, Volume 245, 15 March 2020, 117387。
5. Xiaojiang Liu, Yaru Zhang, Siqi Wu Minmin Xu, YoufengShen, Min Yu, Jinhua Fan, Sijia Wei, Chaohang Xu, Lu Huang, Han Zhao, XuegangLi*, XiaoliYe*. Palmatine induces G2/M phase arrest and mitochondrial-associated pathway apoptosis in colon cancer cells by targeting AURKA. Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020, 113933 。
6. Siqi Wu, Deqing Yu, Wuyang Liu, Jian Zhang, Xiaojiang Liu, Jiankang Wang, Min Yu, Zhaoxing Li, Qianfeng Chen, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye*. Magnoflorine from Coptis Chinese has the potential to treat DNCB-induced Atopic dermatitis by inhiting apoptosis of keratinocyte. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 28(2) 115093。
7. Min Yu, Li Ren, Fan Liang, Yaru Zhang, Lingmin Jiang, Wenyu Ma, Chunming Lib, Xuegang Li*, and Xiaoli Ye*. Effect of epiberberine from Coptis chinensis Franch on inhibition of tumor growth in MKN-45 xenograft mice. Phytomedicine, 2020,Volume 76, September 2020, 153216。
8. Bing Han,Lingmin Jiang, Pu Jiang, Deqi Zhou, Xiaoxin Jia, Xuegang Li,* Xiaoli Ye2,**. Daucosterol linolenate from Sweet Potato Suppresses MCF7- Xenograft- Tumor Growth through Regulating PI3K/AKT Pathway. Planta Medica, accepted May 5, 2020, DOI: 10.1055/a-1176-1884。
9.Wenyu Ma , Yaru Zhang, Min Yu, Bin Wang, Shiyu Xu, Jian Zhang, Xuegang Li,*, and Xiaoli Ye,*. In-vitro and in-vivo anti-breast cancer activity of synergistic effect of berberine and exercise through promoting the apoptosis and immunomodulatory effects. International Immunopharmacology, 2020,87:106787,1-12。
10.Yaru Zhang, Xiaojiang Liu , Min Yu, Minmin Xu, Yaping Xiao, Wenyu Ma, Lu Huang, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye*. Berberine inhibits proliferation and induces G0/G1 phase arrest in colorectal cancer cells by downregulating IGF2BP3. Life Sciences, 2020, 260: 11843 (2020.11.1)
11. Meimei Wang1,2#, Hang Ma1,2#, Zhaoxing Li1, Yang Yu1, Liangyu Liu1, Xuegang Li1,2*, Xiaoli Ye2*。SPG-56 from Sweet potato Zhongshu-1 delayed growth of tumor xenografts in nude mice by modulating gut microbiota。Journal of Functional Foods。52:291-301,2019。
12. Hang Ma, Yang Yu, Meimei Wang, Zhaoxing Li, Heshan Xu, Cheng Tian, Jian Zhang, Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li. Correlation between microbes and colorectal cancer: tumor apoptosis is induced by sitosterols through promoting gut microbiota to produce short chain fatty acids。Apoptosis (2019) 24:168–183。
13. Hang Ma,Kai He,Jianwei Zhu,Xuegang Li,Xiaoli Ye。The anti-hyperglycemia effects of Rhizoma Coptidis alkaloids: A systematic review of modern pharmacological studies of the traditional herbal medicine。Fitoterapia,134 (2019): 210–220。
14. Zhaoxing Li1, 2+, Yang Yu1 +, MeimeiWang1, HeshanXu3, Bing Han1, Pu Jiang1, Hang Ma1, YuanfengLi3, Cheng Tian1, DeqiZhou4,XiaoliYe3*, Xuegang Li1*。Anti-breast Cancer Activity of SPG-56 from Sweet Potato in MCF-7 Bearing Mice in Situ through Promoting Apoptosis and Inhibiting Metastasis。Scientific Reports。(2019) 9:146 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29099-x。
15. Bing Hana,1, Pu Jianga,1, Heshan Xub, Wuyang Liua, Jian Zhangb, Siqi Wua, Liangyu Liua, Wenyu Mab, Xuegang Lia,c,*, Xiaoli Yeb,c,**。8-Cetylcoptisine, a new coptisine derivative, induces mitochondriadependent apoptosis and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in human A549cells。Chemico-Biological Interactions,299:27-36,2019。
16. Jian Zhang, Li Ren, MinYu, Xiaojiang Liu, Wenyu Ma, Lu Huang, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye*. S-equol inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells via regulating miR-10a-5p and PI3K/AKT pathway. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2019, 672, 15 September 2019, 108064 .
17. Jiang, Pu; Han, Bing; Jiang, Lingmin; Li, Yuanfeng; Yu, Yang; Xu, Heshan; Li, Zhaoxing; Zhou, Deqi; Jia, Xiaoxin; Li, Xuegang*; Ye, Xiaoli*.Simultaneous separation and quantitation of three phytosterols from the sweet potato, and determination of their anti-breast cancer activity. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2019, 174: 718-727.
18. Tian, Cheng; Wang, Meimei; Liu, Shanshan; Ma, Hang; He, Kai; Zhou, Deqi*; Li, Yanlin; Ye, Xiaoli; Li, Xuegang*. A new glycoprotein SPG-8700 isolated from sweet potato with potential anti-cancer activity against colon cancer. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33(16): 2322-2328 .
19. Yubo Xiao, Cheng Tian, Tao Huang, Bing Han, Meimei Wang, Hang Ma, Zhaoxing Li,Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li 。8-Cetylberberine inhibits growth of lung cancer in vitro and in vivo。Life Sciences. 192(2018):259-269.
20. Bing Han,Shuming Kou,Kai He,Yulong Han,Yue Wang,Tao Huang,Xia Zhou,Yubo Xiao,Xuegang Li,Xiaoli Ye. Anti-hypercholesterolemic Effect of Berbamine Isolated from RhizomaCoptidis in Hypercholesterolemic Zebrafish Induced by High-Cholesterol Diet. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2018,17 (1):292-306.
21. Fang-Ni Chai a , Jiang Zhang a , Hong-Mei Xiang a , He-Shan Xu a , Yuan-Feng Li a , Wen-Yu Ma a ,Xue-Gang Li b , Xiao-Li Ye a,. Protective effect of Coptisine from Rhizoma Coptidis on LPS/D-GalN-induced acute liver failure in mice through up-regulating expression of miR-122. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 98, February 2018, Pages 180–190.
22. Fang-Ni Chai, Wen-Yu Ma, Jian Zhang, He-Shan Xu, Yuan-Feng Li, Qi-De Zhou, Xue-Gang Lib, Xiao-Li Yea. Coptisine from Rhizoma coptidis exerts an anti-cancer effect on hepatocellular carcinoma by up-regulating miR-122. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 103 (2018) :1002–1011.
23. Xiao Yubo, Feng Min, Ran Haiying, et al. (1899). Identification of key differentially expressed genes associated with non‑small cell lung cancer by bioinformatics analyses. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2018, 17:6379-6386.
24. Han, Bing; Jiang, Pu ; Liu, Wuyang ; Xu, Heshan ; Li , Yuanfeng ; Li , Zhaoxing ; Ma, Hang ; Yu, Yang ; Li, Xuegang; Ye, Xiaoli。 Role of daucosterol linoleate on breast cancer: studies on apoptosis and metastasis。Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry。66(2018):6031-6041.
25. Bing Han, Pu Jiang, Zhaoxing Li, Yang Yu, Tao Huang, Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li.Coptisine-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells (HCT-116) is mediated by PI3K/Akt and mitochondrial-associated apoptotic pathway. Phytomedicine, 2018, 48:152-160。
26. Heshan Xua,1, Yuanfeng Lia,1, Bing Hanb, Zhaoxing Lib,c, Bin Wanga, Pu Jiangb, Jian Zhanga, Wenyu Ma, Deqi Zhoud, Xuegang Li*,and Xiaoli Ye*。β-Sitosterol-D-glucoside from sweet potato exerts an anti-breast cancer activity by upregulating microRNA-10a and PI3K/Akt signaling pathway。Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry。J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 9704−9718。
27. Yuli Hu, Shoujun Fan, Xiaobing Liao, Chao Chen, Liang Su, Xuegang Li*. Pharmacokinetics, excretion of 8-cetylberberine and its main metabolites in rat urine. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 132 (2017) 195–206。
28. Min Feng,Zongyao Zou,Xia Zhou,Yinran Hu, Hang Ma,Yubo Xiao,Xuegang Li,Xiaoli Ye. Comparative effect of berberine and its derivative 8-cetylberberine on attenuating atherosclerosis in ApoE−/−mice。International Immunopharmacology, 43 (2017):195–202。
29. Yin-Ran Hu, Hang Ma, Zong-Yao Zou, Kai He, Yu-Bo Xiao, Yue Wang, Min Feng, Xiao-Li Ye, Xue-Gang Li.* Activation of Akt and JNK/Nrf2/NQO1 pathway contributes to the protective effect of coptisine against AAPH-induced oxidative stress。Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy。85(2017):313–3。
30. Tao Huang, Yubo Xiao, Lin Yi, Ling Li, Meimei Wang, Cheng Tian, Hang Ma, Kai He, Yue Wang, Bing Han, Xiaoli Ye*, and Xuegang Li*. Coptisine from Rhizoma Coptidis Suppresses HCT-116 Cells-related Tumor Growth in vitro and in vivo. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:38524 | DOI: 10.1038/
31. Kai He,Hang Ma,Heshan Xu,Zongyao Zou,Min Feng,Xuegang Li,Xiaoli Ye。Anti-hyperlipidemic effects of Rhizoma Coptidis alkaloids are achieved through modulation of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and cross-talk between the gut microbiota and the liver. Journal of Functional Foods. 35,(2017),205-215.
32. Meimei Wang1,2, Hang Ma1,2, Cheng Tian1,2, Shanshan Liu1 , Xiaoli Ye2, Deqi Zhou3,Yanlin Li4, Nie Hui3*,Xuegang Li1,2*。Bioassay-guided isolation of glycoprotein SPG-56 from sweet potato Zhongshu-1 and its anti-colon cancer activity in vitro and in vivo。Journal of Functional Foods. 35,(2017),315-324.
33. Min Feng, Shu-Zhen Kong , Zhen-Xu Wang , Kai He, Zong-Yao Zou, Yin-Ran Hu, Hang Ma, Xue-Gang Li, Xiao-Li Ye。 The protective effect of coptisine on experimental atherosclerosis ApoE-/- mice is mediated by MAPK/NF-kB-dependent pathway。Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 93 (2017) 721–729。
34. Kai He a,b, Yinran Hua, HangMa a, Zongyao Zou a, Yubo Xiaoa, Yong Yangb, Min Feng a,Xuegang Li a,, Xiaoli Ye c。Rhizoma Coptidis alkaloids alleviate hyperlipidemia in B6 mice by modulating gut microbiota and bile acid pathways。Biochimica et Biophysica Acta。 1862: 1696–1709 ,2016。
35. Kai He, Shanghua Song, Zongyao Zou, Min Feng, Dezhen Wang, Yanzhi Wang, Xuegang Li* and Xiaoli Ye*. The Hypoglycemic and Synergistic Effect of Loganin, Morroniside, and Ursolic Acid Isolated from the Fruits of Cornus officinalis. Phytotherapy Reserch (Phytother. Res.)。30: 283–291 (2016)。
36. Kai He, Shuming Kou, Zongyao Zou, Yinran Hu, Min Feng, Bin Han, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye*. Hypolipidemic Effects of Alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis in Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Hamsters. Planta Medica, 2016, 82:1-9 。
37. Shuming Kou, Bing Han, Yue Wang, Tao Huang, Kai He, Yulong Han, Xia Zhou, Xiaoli Ye*, Xuegang Li*. Synergetic cholesterol-lowering effects of main alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis in HepG2 cells and hypercholesterolemia hamsters. Life Science, 2016,151:50-60。
38. Zong-YaoZou,Yin-RanHu,HangMa,MinFeng,Xue-GangLi,Xiao-LiYe。Epiberberine reduces serum cholesterol indiet-induced dyslipidemia Syrian golden hamsters via network pathways involving cholesterol metabolism。European Journal of Pharmacology。774:1-9,2016。
39. Xia Zhou, Yaozong Peng, Ling Li, Kai He, Tao Huang, Shaoxia Mou, Min Feng, Bing Han, Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li. Effects of dietary supplementations with the fibrous root of Rhizoma Coptidis and its main alkaloids on non-specific immunity and disease resistance of common carp. Veterinal Immnology and Immunopathology. 173:34-38, 2016.
40. Ling Li, Tao Huang, Cheng Tian, Yubo Xiao, Shuming Kou, Xia Zhou, Shanshan Liu,Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li。The defensive effect of phellodendrine against AAPH-induced oxidativestress through regulating the AKT/NF-κB pathway in zebrafish embryos。Life Sciences,157:97-106,2016。
41. Ma,Yinran Hu, Zongyao Zou,Min Feng,Xiaoli Ye and Xuegang Li1*。Antihyperglycemia and Antihyperlipidemia Effect of Protoberberine Alkaloids From Rhizoma Coptidis in HepG2 Cell and Diabetic KK-Ay Mice。DRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH, 77 : 163–170 (2016)。
42. Yue Wang, Yulong Han, Fangni Chai, Hongmei Xiang, Tao Huang,Shuming Kou , Bing Han, Xiaobao Gong, Xiaoli Ye*, Xuegang Li*. The antihypercholesterolemic effect of columbamine from Rhizoma Coptidis in HFHC-diet induced hamsters through HNF-4α/FTF-mediated CYP7A1 activation. Fitoterapia, 2016,115:111-121.
43. Kai He, Zongyao Zou, Yinran Hu ,et al. Purification of α-glucosidase from mouse intestine by countercurrent chromatography coupled with a reverse micelle solvent system. Journal of separation science. 2016, 39,703–708.
44. Na Ning, Kai He, Hao Wu, Yanzhi Wang, Zongyao Zou, Xuegang Li*, Xiaoli Ye. Hypolipidemic Effect and Mechanism of Palmatine from Coptis chinensis in Hamsters Fed High-Fat Diet, Phytotherapy Research, 2015, 29:668-673,
45. Kai He, Xiaoli Ye, Hao Wu, YanZhi Wang, Zongyao Zou, Na Ning, Yinran Hu, Biao Chen, Xuedong Fang, Xuegang Li*. The safety and antihypercholesterolemic effect of Coptisine in Syrian golden hamsters. Lipids, 50(2): 185-194 (2015).
46. Na Ning, Yanzhi Wang, Zongyao Zou, Dezhou Zhang, Dezhen Wang, Xuegang Li*. Pharmacological and safety evaluation of fibrous root of Rhizoma Coptidis. Environmentan Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2015, 39(1): 53-69,
47. Zong-Yao Zou, Yin-Ran Hu, Hang Ma, Yan-Zhi Wang, Kai He, Shuang Xia, Hao Wu, Dong-Fang Xue, Xue-Gang Li*, Xiao-Li Ye*. Coptisine attenuates obesity-related inflammation through LPS/TLR-4-mediated signaling pathway in Syrian golden hamsters. Fitoterapia, 2015, 105(9): 139–146.
48. Yong Yang, Zaiqi Zhang, Shuping Li, Xiaoli Ye, Xuegang Li, Kai He. Synergy effects of herb extracts: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic basis. Fitoterapia. 92 (2014):133–147.
49. Hao Wua, Kai He, YanZhi Wang, DongFang Xue, Na Ning, Zongyao Zou, Xiaoli Ye∗, Xuegang Li∗, DeZhen Wang, Jie Pang。The antihypercholesterolemic effect of jatrorrhizine isolated from Rhizoma Coptidis。 Phytomedicine。 21 (2014):1373–1381
50. Yangping Ding,Xiaoli Ye,Jiaying Zhu,Xiaokang Zhu,Xuegang Li*,Bingcan Chen。Structural modification of berberine alkaloid and their hypoglycemic activity。JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS。7(2014):229–237。
51. Jun Yi, Xiaoli Ye, Dezhen Wang, Kai He, Yong Yang, Xujing Liu, Xuegang Li. Safety evaluation of main alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2013.145:303-310。
52. Jinfeng Wu, Xiaoli Ye, Xuelong Cui, Xuegang Li, Lifeng Zheng and Zhu Chen. Reducing the inhibitory effect of cigarette smoke on oral peroxidase activity by addition of berberine in cigarette filter. Toxicology and Industrial Health. 2013. 29(4):317.
53. Kai He, Xiaoli Ye∗, Xuegang Li∗∗, Hongying Chen, Lujiang Yuan, Yafei Deng, Xin Chen, Xiaoduo Li。Separation of two constituents from purple sweet potato by combination of silica gel column and high-speed counter-current chromatography。Journal of Chromatography B。2012,881-882:49~54.
54. Cytotoxicity and antihyperglycemic effect of minor constituents from Rhizoma Coptis in HepG2 cells.Hong-Ying Chen, Xiao-Li Ye, Xue-Long Cui, Kai He, Ya-Nan Jin, Zhu Chen, Xue-Gang Li. Fitoterapia。 2012, Vol 83, Iss 1, pp 67-73.
55. Yafei Denga, Kai He, Xiaoli Ye, Xin Chen, Jing Huang, Xuegang Li, Lujiang Yuan*, Yalan Jin,Qing Jin, Panpan Li. Saponin rich fractions from Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce with more potential hypoglycemic effects. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,141 (2012) 228– 233。
56. Chen Zhu, Ye Xiaoli, Yi jun, Chen Xin, Li Xuegang. Synthesis of 9-O-glycosyl-berberine derivatives and bioavailability evaluation. Med Chem Res, 2012.V21(8):1641~1646.
57. Baoshun Zhang,Tingting Chen,Zhu Chen,Mingxue Wang,Dengyu Zheng,Jinfeng Wua,Xiaofei Jiang, Xuegang Li。Synthesis and anti-hyperglycemic activity of hesperidin derivatives。Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters。2012,22:7194-7197。
58. Kai He, Xuegang Li, Xiaoli Ye, Lujiang Yuan, Xiaoduo Li, Xin Chen, Yafei Deng. A mitochondria-based method for the determination of antioxidant activities using 2’,7’‐dichlorofluorescin diacetate oxidation. Food Research International 48 (2012) 454–461.
59. Xiaoli Ye,Kai He,Xiaokang Zhu,Baoshun Zhang ,Xin Chen,Jun Yi,Xuegang Li. Synthesis and antihyperlipidemic efficiency of berberine-based HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitorreductase inhibitor。Med Chem Res, (2012) 21:1353–1362.
60. Jinfeng Tian a, Xiaoli Ye a, b,, Xuegang Li a,*。Preparative isolation and purification of harpagoside and angroside C from the root of Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsley by high-speed counter-current chromatography。J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 2659–2664。
61. Teng-Wen Ma, Xiao-Li Ye, Xue-Gang Li, Bao-Shun Zhang, Xiao-Fei Jiang and Zu Chen. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 8-Alkylpalmatine Derivatives.Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2011, 8,464~468.
62. Yang yong, Ye xiao-li, Zhang Bao-shun, Li Xue-gang. Effect of 8-alkyberberine homologues on erythrocyte membrane. Indian Journal of experimemtal biology. 2011. 49(5):319~323.
63. Xiaoli Ye, Xin Chen, Kai He, Jun Yi, Xuegang Li, Ping Li and Xiaohong Wang. Study of antihyperlipidemic effect on rabbits of 8-alkylberberine derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2011, 5(8), 1390-1394.
64. Baoshun Zhang, Xiaoli Ye, Zhu Chen, Xiaofei Jiang, Lujiang Yuan, Jun Yi, Xuegang Li. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 7-alkoxyhesperetin derivatives. Med Chem Res, (2011) 20:1200–1205
65. Xiao-fei Jiang, xiao-li Ye, Baoshun Zhang and Xue-gang Li. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 8-Alkyl Coptisine Derivatives. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2011, 23(9): 3849~3852
66. Kai He,Xuegang Li,Xin Chen,Xiaoli Ye,Jing Huang,Yanan Jin,Panpan Li,Yafei Deng,Qing Jin,Qing Shi,Hejing Shu 。Evaluation on Antidiabetic Potential of Selected traditional Chinese Medicines in STZ-induced Diabetic Rats。Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 137:1135~1142。2011.
67. Xiao-li Ye,Wen-wen Huang,Zhu chen,Xue-gang Li,Ping Li,Ping Lan,Liang Wang,Ying Gao,Zhong-qi Zhao,Xin Chen。Synergetic Effect and Structure- Activity Relationship of 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase Inhibitors from Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010. 58 (5):3132–3138.
68. H.-P. Wei, X.-L. Ye, Z. Chen, Y.-J. Zhong, P.-M. Li, S.-C. Pu, X.-G. Li. Synthesis and pharmacokinetic evaluation of novel N-acyl-cordycepinderivatives with a normal alkyl chain. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 44:665~669。
69. Li-Jun Wang, Xiao-Li Ye, Zhu Chen, Xue-Gang Li, Qing-Lei Sun, Bao-Shun Zhang, Xiao-Gang Cao, Gang Yu, Xiao-Hua Niu. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 3-octyloxy -8-alkyljatrorrhizine derivatives. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2009, 11(4):365~370。
70. G.-J. He a, X.-L. Ye, X. Moua, Z. Chen, X.-G. Li a。 Synthesis and antinociceptive activity of capsinoid derivatives。European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009。44:3345~3349。
71. Zhu Chen, Xue-Gang Li, Yong-Sheng Xie and Xiao-Li Ye. 9-O-Butyl-berberrubine bromide. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, E65,o1370。
72. Xiaoli Yea, Li Xua, Xuegang Li b,∗, Zhu Chenb, Baoshun Zhangb, Lujiang Yuanb, Xing Chenb, Huajin Zhanga, Wen Changa, Shengliang Suna。 Antibacterial mechanism of houttuyfonate homologues against Bacillus subtilis。Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects。350 (2009):130–135。
73. WANG Li-Jun,YE Xiao-Li, LI Xue-Gang*, YU Gang, Cao Xiao-Gang,liang yan-tin,zhang hua-san。Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 3-alkoxy-jatrorrhizine Derivatives。Planta Medica, 2008, 74:290~292。
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75. Yuan Luijiang,Ye Xiaoli, Li Xuegang. Effect of octadecanoyl acetal sodium sulfite series with different numbers of double bond on their immunologic and surface activities. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2007, 9(1):49~58.
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