


於強,男,1962年10月生,安徽阜陽人,西北農林科技大學水土保持研究所、中國科學院水利部水土保持研究所研究員,教授,博士生導師。 [1] 
職    業
籍    貫


於強 於強
1991/09-1994/10,南京氣象學院(現南京信息工程大學)農業氣象專業,學士學位 [1] 


2005年澳大利亞聯邦科工組織(CSIRO)Sir FrederickMcMaster Fellow
2015年入國家人才項目專家 [1] 


中國氣象學會生態環境與農業氣象專業委員會副主任,中國農學會農業氣象分會副理事長,中-澳水資源聯合研究中心秘書長,全球水系統計劃中國委員會(GWSP-CNC)委員,中國民主同盟中央科技委員會委員,International Journal of Plant Production編委,Open Forest Science Journal編委,Agricultural Water Management特邀主編(Guest Editor)。 [1] 






1.Eamus, D., Huete, A., andYu, Q., 2016. Vegetation Dynamics: A Synthesis of Plant Ecophysiology, Remote Sensing and Modelling.劍橋大學出版社
3.Jin, N., Tao, B., Ren, W., Feng, M.C., Sun, R., He, L., Zhuang, W., Yu, Q., 2016. Mapping irrigated and rainfed wheat areas using multi-temporal satellite data.Remote Sensing, 8(3): 207 doi:10.3390/rs8030207.
4.Li, X.L., Joshua Philp, Roger Cremades, Anna Roberts, He, L., Li, L.H.,Yu, Q., 2016. Agricultural vulnerability over the Chinese Loess Plateau in response to climate change: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity.AMBIO.45(3): 350-360. doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0727-8.
5.He, L., Asseng, S., Wu, D.R., Yang, X.Y., Zhuang, W., Jin, N.,Yu,Q., 2015.Impacts of recent climate warming, cultivar changes, and crop management on winter wheat phenology across the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 200: 135-143.
6.Ma, X.L., Huete, A.,Yu,Q., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Beringer, J., Hutley, L.B., Kanniah, K.D., Cleverly, J., and Eamus, D., 2014.Parameterization of an ecosystem light use-efficiency model for predicting savanna GPP using MODIS EVI.Remote Sensing of Environment,154: 253-271.
7.Yu, Q., Li, L., Luo, Q.Y., Derek, E., Wang, E.L., Nielsen, D.C., Xu, S.H. and Chen, C., 2014.Year patterns of climate impact on wheat yields. International Journal of Climatology. 34: 518-528.
8.Ma, X.L., Huete, A.,Yu, Q., Natalia, R.C., Davies, K., Broich, M., Ratana, P., Beringer, J., Lindsay, B.H., James, C., Boulain, N. and Eamus, D., 2013.Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics in savanna vegetation phenology across the North Australian Tropical Transect.Remote Sensing of Environment, 139: 97-115.
9.Zhao, G., Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z.K., Wang, E.L., Song, X.D. andYu, Q., 2013.Impact of agricultural management practices on soil organic carbon: simulation of Australian wheat systems.Global Change Biology, 19(5): 1585-1597.
10.Chen, C., Wang, E.L.,Yu, Q.and Zhang, Y.Q., 2010.Quantifying the effects of climate trends in the past 43 years (1961-2003) on crop growth and water demand in the North China Plain.Climatic Change, 100(3-4): 559-578.
11.Lu, P.L.,Yu, Q., Wang, E., Liu, J.D. and Xu, S.H., 2008.Effects of climatic variation and warming on rice development across South China.Climate Research, 36(1): 79-88.
12.Yu, Q., Wang, E.L. and Smith, C.J., 2008.A modelling investigation into the economic and environmental values of 'perfect' climate forecasts for wheat production under contrasting rainfall conditions.International Journal of Climatology, 28(2): 255-266.
13.Zhang, Y.Q.,Yu, Q., Jiang, J., and Tang, Y.H., 2008.Calibration of Terra/MODIS gross primary production over an irrigated cropland on the North China Plain and an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau.Global Change Biology, 14(4): 757-767.
14.Peng, C.H., Ouyang, H., Gao, Q., Jiang, Y., Zhang, F., Li, J. andYu, Q., 2007.Environment - Building a "green" railway in China.Science, 316(5824): 546-547.
15.Wang, J.,Yu, Q.and Lee, X., 2007. Simulation of crop growth and energy and carbon dioxide fluxes at different time steps from hourly to daily. Hydrological Processes, 21(18): 2474-2492.
16.Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G.N., Xu, S., Kozak, J., Ma, L. and Ahuja, L., 2007.Energy balance simulation of a wheat canopy using the RZ-SHAW (RZWQM-SHAW)model.Transactions of the ASABE, 50(5): 1507-1516.
17.Yu, Q., Xu, S.H., Wang, J. and Lee, X.H., 2007.Influence of leaf water potential on diurnal changes in CO2and water vapour fluxes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 124(2): 161-181.
18.Fang, Q.X.,Yu, Q., Wang, E.L., Chen, Y.H., Zhang, G.L., Wang, J. and Li, L.H., 2006.Soil nitrate accumulation, leaching and crop nitrogen use as influenced by fertilization and irrigation in an intensive wheat-maize double cropping system in the North China Plain.Plant and Soil, 284(1-2): 335-350.
19.Li, L.H.,Yu, Q., Zheng, Y.F., Wang, J. and Fang, Q.X., 2006.Simulating the response of photosynthate partitioning during vegetative growth in winter wheat to environmental factors.Field Crops Research, 96(1): 133-141.
20.Lu, P.L.,Yu, Q., Liu, J.D. and Lee, X.H., 2006.Advance of tree-flowering dates in response to urban climate change.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 138(1-4): 120-131.
21.Wang, J.,Yu, Q., Li, J., Li, L.H., Li, X.G., Yu, G.R. and Sun, X.M., 2006.Simulation of diurnal variations of CO2, water and heat fluxes over winter wheat with a model coupled photosynthesis and transpiration.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137(3-4): 194-219.
22.Wu, D.R.,Yu, Q., Lu, C.H. and Hengsdijk, H., 2006.Quantifying production potentials of winter wheat in the North China Plain.European Journal of Agronomy, 24(3): 226-235.
23.Yu, Q., Saseendran, S.A., Ma, L., Flerchinger, G.N., Green, T.R. and Ahuja, L.R., 2006.Modeling a wheat-maize double cropping system in China using two plant growth modules in RZWQM.Agricultural Systems, 89(2-3): 457-477.
24.Yu, Q., Zhang, Y.G., Liu, Y.F. and Shi, P.L., 2004.Simulation of the stomatal conductance of winter wheat in response to light, temperature and CO2changes.Annals of Botany, 93(4): 435-441.
25.Yu, Q., Liu, Y.F., Liu, J.D. and Wang, T.D., 2002.Simulation of leaf photosynthesis of winter wheat on Tibetan Plateau and in North China Plain. Ecological Modelling, 155(2-3): 205-216. [1] 


1. 1997-2000中國科學院“百人計劃”項目:“作物生產力機理與模型”。
2. 1998-2003國家自然科學基金重大項目:“我國北方地區農業生態系統水分運行與區域分異規律”子課題“農田生態系統作物-水分關係”。
3. 2000-2003國家自然科學基金面上項目:“地下水對地面過程的作用及對農業生態的影響”。
4. 2004-2006主持海外青年學者合作研究基金“植物-大氣間湍流輸送特徵與碳淨收支模型”。
5. 2005-2006‘Opportunities to use climate information to mitigate the impact of agriculture on the environment’,CSIRO McMaster Fellowship
6. 2007-2010科技部“863計劃”探索導向類項目:“華北平原作物水分過程與產量形成的協同模型”。
8. 2012-2015國家自然科學基金面上項目:“華北平原農業生產對氣候變化的響應機制及其模擬研究”。
9. 2012-2013自然科學基金海外合作基金項目:“氣候變化與波動背景下華北平原作物水-氮交互作用模擬研究”。
11.2013-2014澳中理事會(Australian-China Council):“Effects of Extreme Drought on Carbon and Hydrological Cycles of Terrestrial Ecosystems.”
12.2013-2015澳大利亞研究理事會探索項目(Australian Research Council,Discovery Project):“Australian Savanna Landscapes: Past, present and future.” [1] 
  • 1.    教師  .西北農林科技大學[引用日期2019-11-30]