


《教育技術學專業英語》2009年11月由北京大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吳軍其 [1] 
作    者
嚴莉 [2] 
9787301158524 [1] 




吳軍其,博士,華中師範大學教育技術系副教授,研究方向為教育技術學、信息技術教育、遠程教育,擔任教學媒體理論與實踐、信息技術課程教學論、信息技術課程教學技能訓練、遠程教育原理與技術、教育資源設計與開發、教育技術學專業英語、現代教育技術等課任課教師。 [2] 


Table of Contends
Part 1 The Outline of Educational Technology 7
Unit 1 The basic concepts of Educational Technology 7
Text A What is Educational technology? 8
Text B Perspectives and meaning of educational technology 9
Text C Research Methods of Educational Technology 10
專業英語簡介 15
Unit 2 The History of Educational Technology 17
Text A Research Methods of Educational Technology 17
Text B A Critical Period of Educational Technology: 1950~1970 18
Text C Current Status of Educational Technology 20
專業英語的詞彙特徵 23
Unit 3 The Practice and Future of Education Technology 25
Text A Four Perspectives on Educational Technology 25
Text B The professionalization of the Field 27
Text C Future Trends in Educational Technology 28
Text D Your Future in the Field 29
專業英語常見的語法現象 33
Part 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Educational Technology 36
Unit 4 Learning Theories 36
Text A The importance of learning theory to education technology 36
Text B The Behaviorist Orientation to Learning 37
Text C Cognitivism and Gagne's Model of Learning 39
Text D Constructivism 40
專業英語翻譯的標準 44
Unit 5 Communication Theories 47
Text A Defining Communication 47
Text B Communication system 48
Text C Communication Theory 49
Text D Two typical models of communication theory 50
從句的翻譯(Ⅰ) 55
Unit 6 Instructional Theories 58
Text A A Brief introduction to instructional theory 58
Text B Taxonomy of Educational Objectives 59
Text C Gagne's Theory of Instruction 61
Text D Elaboration Theory 62
從句的翻譯(Ⅱ) 66
Unit 7 Systems Theory 68
Text A The systems view 68
Text B What is Systems Theory 69
Text C The Functions of Systems Theory 70
Text D General Systems Theory 71
被動句的翻譯 75
Part 3 Media、Technology and learning 78
Unit 8 Brief Introduction to Several Media and Technologies 78
Text A Multimedia 78
Text B Hypermedia 80
Text C Interactive Media 81
Text D Virtual Reality 82
Text E Expert Systems 83
長句的翻譯 88
Unit 9 Information Technology and Education 91
Text A The Informa [2] 