


1979年10月生,教授,博導。交通運輸部科技英才,上海市人才發展基金獲得者,上海深遠海洋裝備材料工程技術研究中心副主任,上海市重型破冰船關鍵鋼材協同創新中心技術委員會委員。2009年博士畢業於中國海洋大學海洋化學專業,2015年加拿大卡爾加里大學訪問學者。主要從事海洋工程材料腐蝕與防護,海洋極端環境裝備材料研發與應用。近年來,主持國家自然基金2項,省部級重點與面上項目10餘項。研發了極地破冰船低温鋼焊接材料,並取得中國船級社認證。圍繞船舶壓載艙防護與南海耐蝕鋼等領域,研發了“生物礦化鋼”,並在寶鋼得到初步應用。近年來獲得省部級獎勵3項,發表SCI論文69篇,其中一區論文30餘篇,封面論文1篇,出版專著2部,授權發明專利6項。第七屆國際海洋防腐與防污論壇分會主席,2022國際腐蝕防護與應用大會分論壇國內召集人。擔任中國腐蝕與防護協會海洋污損防護技術專業委員會委員,表面工程青工委委員,Frontiersin microbiology客座主編, Corrosion Communication青年編委,中國腐蝕與防護學報編委。
國    籍
民    族
職    業
《海洋材料的微生物附着腐蝕》,在ACS,Corrosion Science上發表多篇論文
職    稱


1. 微生物腐蝕及抑制腐蝕機理研究
2. 耐微生物腐蝕特種鋼鐵材料的研發
3. 海洋微生物在環境領域的功能化應用 [1] 
1. Na Guo,Qianyu Zhao, Xinrui Hui, Zhangwei Guo, Yaohua Dong, Yansheng Yin, ZhenshunZeng*, Tao Liu*. Enhanced corrosionprotection action of biofilms based on endogenous and exogenous bacterial cellulose.Corrosion Science 194 (2022) 109931. (SCI-1區,IF: 7.2)
2. Zhangwei Guo, Xinrui Hui, Qianyu Zhao, Na Guo, Yansheng Yin, Tao Liu*. Pigmented Pseudoalteromonaspiscicida exhibited dual effects on steel corrosion: Inhibition of uniformcorrosion and induction of pitting corrosion. Corrosion Science 190 (2021)109687 (SCI-1區,IF: 6.3)
3. Na Guo,Yanan Wang, Xinrui Hui, Zhenshun Zeng, Zhangwei Guo, Yansheng Yin, Tao Liu*. Marine Bacteria InhibitCorrosion of Steel via Synergistic Biomineralization. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 66(2021) 82–90 (SCI-1區,IF: 5.04)
4. Tao Liu⁠, Shuai Pan, YananWang, Zhangwei Guo, Weiquan Wang, Qianyu Zhao, Zhenshun Zeng, Na Guo. Pseudoalteromonaslipolytica accelerated corrosion of low alloy steel by the endogenouselectron mediator pyomelanin. Corrosion Science 162 (2020) 108215 (SCI-1區,IF: 6.3)
5. Zhangwei Guo, Weiquan Wang, Na Guo, TaoLiu*, Xiaoxue Wang*.Molybdenum-Mediated Chemotaxis of Pseudoalteromonaslipolytica Enhances Biofilm-Induced Mineralization on Low Alloy Steel Surface.Corrosion Science 159 (2019) 108123 (SCI-1區,IF: 6.3)
6. Tao Liu#*, Yanan Wang, Shuai Pan, Qianyu Zhao, Caiyi Zhang, Shan Gao, Zhangwei Guo,Na Guo, Wolfgang Sand, Xueting Chang, Lihua Dong, Yansheng Yin. Theaddition of copper accelerates the corrosion of steel via impedingbiomineralized film formation of Bacillus subtilis in seawater. CorrosionScience 149 (2019) 153–163 (SCI-1區,IF: 6.3)
7. Tao Liu#, Zhangwei Guo,Zhenshun Zeng, Na Guo, Yanhua Lei, Shibin Sun, Xueting Chang,Yansheng Yin*,Xiaoxue Wang*. Marine Bacteria Provide Lasting Anti-CorrosionActivity for Steel via Biofilm-induced Mineralization. ACS applied materials& interface 10 (2018) 40317−40327 (SCI-1區,IF: 8.49,封面論文)
8. Tao Liu#, Y. Frank Cheng*, Mohita Sharma, GerritVoordouw, Effect of fluid flow on biofilm formation and microbiologicallyinfluenced corrosion of pipelines in oilfield produced water. Journal ofPetroleum Science and Engineering 156 (2017) 451–459. (SCI-1區,IF: 2.4)
9. Zhangwei Guo, Zeyun Chai, Tao Liu*, Shan Gao, Xinrui Hui, CaiyiZhang, Na Guo, Lihua Dong,Pseudomonas aeruginosa-accelerated corrosion of Mo-bearinglow-alloy steel through molybdenum-mediating chemotaxis and motility,Bioelectrochemistry 144 (2022) 108047.
10. Zhangwei Guo, Qing Ruan, Tao Liu*, Xiaomin Mao, Zeyun Chai, Na Guo,Lihua Dong,Microbiologicallyinfluenced corrosion of Cu by marine ammonifying Alcaligenes aquatilisbacterium, Bioelectrochemistry 145 (2022) 108052.
11. Tao Liu#, Y. Frank Cheng*, The influence of cathodic protectionpotential on the biofilm formation and corrosion behaviour of an X70 steel pipelinein sulfate reducing bacteria media. Journalof Alloys and Compounds 729 (2017) 180-188. (SCI-1區,IF: 4.1)
12. Tao Liu#, Bing Yin, Yansheng Yin*. ComplementaryEffects of Nanosilver and Superhydrophobic Coatings on the Prevention of MarineBacterial Adhesion. ACS Applied materials & interfaces 4 (2012) 4683-4690.(SCI-1區,IF: 8.49)
13. Xueting Chang, Ruirui Hu, Shibin Sun, Jingrong Liu, Yanhua Lei, Tao Liu*, Lihua Dong,Yansheng Yin,Sunlight-chargedelectrochromic battery based on hybrid film of tungsten oxide and polyaniline,Applied Surface Science 441 (2018) 105-112. (SCI-1區,IF: 4.4)
14. Tao Liu, Lihua Dong, Tong Liu, Investigations on reducing microbiologicallyinfluenced corrosion of aluminum by using superhydrophobic surfaces.Electrochimica Acta 55 (2010) 5281-5285. (SCI-1區,IF: 5.1)
15. 趙倩玉,惠芯蕊,康健,王亞楠,郭娜,劉濤*,尹衍升. 模擬海洋大氣環境下生物礦化膜抑制低合金鋼腐蝕行為研究. 表面技術.2021(6)272
1. 國家自然科學基金項目(面上),41976039,海洋微生物協同誘導礦化膜的調控機理及其防腐功能研究,2020/01-2023/12,63萬,在研,主持
2. 交通運輸部高層次人才培養項目,南海特種耐蝕鋼的研發及學術交流,2016/01-2017/12,7萬,在研,主持
3. 上海市自然科學基金項目(面上),19ZR1422100,海洋環境中微生物活性/電化學耦合作用對金屬材料腐蝕過程的影響及其界面反應研究,2019/07- 2022/06,20萬元,在研,主持 [1] 
1. 腐蝕電化學原理與應用(本科)
2. 微生物材料微生物腐蝕研究方法概論(本科)
3. 海洋工程材料表面防護(研究生)
1. 尹衍升; 董麗華; 劉濤; 常雪婷, 海洋材料的微生物附着腐蝕, 北京科技出版社, 2012 (國家科技出版基金資助)
2. 尹衍升; 劉濤; 董麗華; 屈少鵬; 範春華, 深海極端環境服役材料, 科學出版社, 2017 (國家科技出版基金資助)
1. 中國腐蝕與防護協會 海洋污損防護技術專業委員會 委員
2. 中國表面工程協會 青年工作委員會 委員


1. 海洋工程材料表面功能調控及防護研究, 教育部自然科學二等獎,2017
2. 海洋腐蝕防護功能塗層的設計及應用基礎研究, 國家海洋局創新成果一等獎,2011 [1] 