


Wizard,英語單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞動詞及物動詞不及物動詞),主要意思為“巫師,術士;卓越的,傑出的”等。 [1] 
詞    性
英 [wɪzəd] 美 [wɪzərd]


英 [ˈwɪzəd] 美 [ˈwɪzərd]
n. 巫師,術士;能手,奇才;嚮導程序
adj. 卓越的,傑出的,極好的,奇妙的;男巫的,巫術的
vi. 練習巫術
vt. 召喚
[ 複數 wizards ] [1] 


wizard of oz 綠野仙蹤(童話)
Setup Wizard 設置嚮導 ; 安裝嚮導 ; 設定精靈
Add-A-Plotter Wizard 打印機添加嚮導 ; 打印機增加嚮導 ; 雙擊添加打印機嚮導 [1] 


  • The wizard recited a spell. 巫師唸了一道咒語。
  • What does a wizard look like? 巫師是什麼樣子的啊?
  • This action opens the wizard. 該操作將會打開向導程序。
  • The wizard cannot be started. 無法啓動向導程序。
  • Invite a Subject Wizard to Help. 讓一個主題嚮導來幫助他。
  • I'm an angel, not a wizard. 我是天使,不是巫師。
  • Are you not a great wizard? 你不是一個偉大的巫師嗎?
  • Every wizard can feel it. 每個巫師都能感覺到它。
  • She knew a man, a wizard. 她曾經認識一個男巫。
  • He thinks he's a wizard. 他覺得他是一個巫師。
  • My Mum is a witch, and I'm a wizard. 我媽媽是女巫,我是男巫。
  • I shouldn't have tricked the wizard. 我不該欺騙巫師的。
  • That's a fairy story about a wizard. 那是一個關於巫師的童話故事。
  • A wizard is never late. 巫師永遠不會遲到。
  • Enter a project name in the wizard, please. 請在嚮導程序中輸入項目名。
  • Save and close your wizard project, please. 請保存並關閉嚮導項目。
  • And I came along because I want the wizard to help me. 我隨他們一起來了,因為我想讓巫師幫幫我。
  • The boy wizard landed fourth place, and Lord Voldemort only just made the top twenty at number 17. 這個小男巫排在第四位,而伏地魔則在前二十名中排第17位。
  • For the next decade, Radcliffe plays the boy wizard Harry Potter, Watson is smarty-pants Hermione, and Grint is insecure but loyal Ron. 在隨後的十年中,拉德克利夫扮演了這個小巫師哈利·波特,沃特森飾演那個總是很自作聰明的赫敏,而格林特則成為雖然不自信但十分忠誠的羅恩。
  • Spotlights and shadows from camera equipment are visible on the grass as Dorothy and the Scarecrow dance off singing "We're off to see the Wizard". 當桃樂茜和稻草人唱着“我們要去看巫師”的時候,可以看到草地上的聚光燈和攝像機設備的陰影。
  • That mistake had been made in the mid-seventies when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation. 上世紀70年代中期,他們就犯過那樣的錯誤,當時他們從哈佛大學招募了一名第一名的畢業生,這名畢業生恰好是一名女性,也是税務方面的奇才。
  • The wizard spoke these words. 這位巫師説了一些話。
  • She's a wizard with computers. 她是計算機天才。
  • When the wizard saw it, he came to Leo. 當巫師看到時,他來到利奧面前。
  • Suddenly, Leo showed the tail and remembered what the wizard had said. 突然,利奧露出尾巴,想起了巫師説過的話。
  • One day, an old wizard went by the village and saw Leo being bullied. 有一天,一個老巫師路過村莊,看到利奧正被欺負。
  • "It's a magic tail." the wizard said, "When someone wears it and acts bravely, he or she will turn into a strong lion." “這是一條神奇的尾巴。”巫師説,“當有人戴上它並且表現得勇敢的時候,他/她就會變成強壯的獅子。”
  • "You are great." said the wizard, "But have you ever seen a lion fighting? No one fights with lions because they know how brave and strong lions are." “你真了不起,”巫師説,“但你見過獅子打架嗎?沒有人會和獅子打架,因為他們知道獅子是多麼勇敢和強壯。”
  • He's a wizard at playing the piano. 他十分擅長彈鋼琴。
  • story about a wizard. 那是講一個男巫的童話。 [1] 