


tribute,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“禮物,頌辭,行為”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈtrɪbjuːt] 美 [ˈtrɪbjuːt]
n. (表示敬意的)禮物頌辭行為;(良好效果或影響的)體現,顯示;(尤指舊時一國向他國交納的)貢品,貢金;<史>(用於支付礦工工資,或給礦廠主、出租人的)礦石份子
adj. (尤指團體或音樂家)(通過模仿)表演著名樂曲的
[ 複數 tributes ] [1] 


pay tribute 致敬;朝貢
online tribute 網上悼念 ; 網上吊唁 ; 對逝者進行網上悼念
silent tribute 默哀
pay tribute to 表示敬意 ; 稱讚 ; 歌頌 ; 致敬 [1] 


  • 1The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity.董事讚揚她為慈善事業所做的一切。《牛津詞典》
  • 2At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.在葬禮上,她最早的朋友對她的一生和工作給予了高度的讚揚。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie.丹尼斯讚揚了富勒在 Valse à la Loie 裏的二重唱。
  • 4It has no religious significance; the founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland.它沒有宗教意義;該運動的創始人將其作為對瑞士的致敬。
  • 5Countless generations of Tuareg warriors ruled this realm, demanding tribute from merchants plying the caravan routes.無數代的圖阿雷格勇士統治着這片土地,嚮往來於商隊路線上的商人索要貢品。
  • 6Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting.悲傷的事件從來都不容易處理,但是演講中對失去親人致敬並讚揚他們的貢獻會讓人感到安慰。
  • 7Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produced.早期終止印第安人對混合血統的貢品和税收的承諾來得緩慢得多,因為新的國家仍然需要這些政策產生的收入。
  • 8Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produced.早期終止印第安人對混合血統的貢品和税收的承諾來得緩慢得多,因為新的國家仍然需要這些政策產生的收入。
  • 9The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.口語可以發揮各種重要的作用:説服或鼓舞人心、傳達信息、表達敬意、娛樂,或者簡單地介紹某人或某物或接受某物。
  • 10The song is a tribute to Roy Orbison.這首歌是敬獻給羅伊·奧比森的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.他的康復充分顯示了各位醫生高超的醫術。《牛津詞典》
  • 12The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work.這個獎項是對她多年全心全意工作的恰如其分的褒獎。《牛津詞典》
  • 13This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.本書是對先驅們大無畏精神恰如其分的獻禮。《牛津詞典》
  • 14His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism.他的成功是辛勤工作和兢兢業業的結果。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15They called the event "a tribute to heroes," which was a nice touch.他們把這次活動稱為“向英雄致敬”,這是個點睛妙筆。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the president.她偏離了預先準備的講稿,對總統表示了敬意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made the pavilion well-known at that time.唐初王勃的《滕王閣序》使滕王閣在當時名聲大噪。
  • 18We should pay tribute to soldiers died in defence of our country.我們應該向保衞祖國而犧牲了的軍人表示敬意。
  • 19As a tribute to Switzerland, the symbol was the Swiss flag reversed.作為對瑞士的獻禮,這個標誌是倒轉的瑞士國旗。
  • 20Northup has many descendants, who gathered together in Saratoga Springs on July 24, 1999, for a tribute to their ancestor.諾瑟普有很多後代,1999年7月24日,他們聚集在薩拉託加斯普林斯,向他們的祖先致敬。
  • 21The provincial police commissioner, Perumal Naidoo, has paid tribute to his men who died in the shoot-out.省警察專員佩魯馬爾·奈多向在槍戰中喪生的士兵致敬。
  • 22All rose and stood in silent tribute.全體起立默哀。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 23Shew me the tribute money.拿一個上税的錢給我看。
  • 24"I expect they're the tribute," she said.“我想它們是貢品”她説。
  • 25That is a tribute to the country's success.這是對該國的成功的讚頌。
  • 26Call it a collage, an approximation, or a tribute.你可以稱它為拼貼、接近或致敬。
  • 27The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.被征服者只得向征服者稱臣納貢。
  • 28Our recognition and deepest tribute goes out to them.我們向他們致以認可與最深的敬意。
  • 29Many CARDS left there paid tribute to those lost.在那裏留下了許多給逝者留言的卡片。
  • 30We should tribute to all teachers of young children.我們要向所有培養孩子的老師致敬。 [1] 