


tram,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“<英>有軌電車;用煤車運載”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [træm] 美 [træm]
n. <英>有軌電車;<史>(煤礦用的)煤車,礦車
v. 用煤車運載
[ 複數 trams 第三人稱單數 trams 現在分詞 tramming 過去式 trammed 過去分詞 trammed ] [1] 


Peak Tram 山頂纜車 ; 山頂電車 ; 山纜車 ; 山頂纜車德語
tram stop 有軌電車停靠站 ; 地鐵站
by tram 坐有軌電車 ; 乘有軌電車 ; 乘電車 ; 乘坐電車
City Circle Tram 有軌電車 ; 環城電車 ; 免費觀光車
Tram Car 有軌電車 ; 電車
tram rail 電車軌道 ; 軌道 ; 電車軌 ; 翻譯
tram silk 緯絲 [1] 


  • In 1882, the city's first electric tram cars went into service. 1882年,該市第1批電車投入使用。
  • No money can be spent on the construction and operation of the tram. 沒有錢可以用於有軌電車的建設和運行。
  • The project will also upgrade existing tram lines and bicycle paths. 該項目還將改善現有的電車線和自行車道。
  • Jens commuted to Parliament by bike or tram and does not take out bodyguards on weekends and holidays. 延斯去國會上班都是騎自行車或者坐有軌電車,週末和節假日出門也不帶保鏢。
  • In North America, there are many cities with tram networks including San Francisco, Pittsburgh and Toronto. 在北美,包括舊金山、匹茲堡和多倫多在內的很多城市也都有電車網絡。
  • Melbourne's large tram network has made car use in the inner city much lower, but the outer suburbs have the same car-based structure as most other Australian cities. 墨爾本龐大的軌道電車網絡大大降低了私家車在市中心的使用率,但是遠郊地區卻與其他大多數的澳大利亞城市一樣,有着同樣的基於私家車的交通結構。
  • You can get to the beach easily from the centre of town by tram. 你可以很容易地在市中心坐有軌電車到達海灘。
  • I don't know which tram I should take now, so I wait with her. 我不知道我現在應該乘哪輛電車,所以我和她一起等。
  • The tram was so much fun! 這個有軌電車可太好玩了!
  • Oh, no. You should take Tram No. 12. 噢,不是。你應該乘12路有軌電車。
  • Shall we tram it home or bus it home? 我們乘電車回家還是乘汽車回家?
  • Tram 'and' tramcar 'are British terms. 有軌電車'和'電車'是英國的術語。
  • Then we transferred from a bus to a tram. 然後我們從公共汽車換成電車。
  • Come on, walk with me a bit, till the tram. 來吧,和我一起走一段,到有軌電車那兒。
  • This bus looks more like a tram... who knows. 公交車看起來更像有軌電車…誰知道呢。
  • And I can get across town faster than a taxi or tram. 就是穿城而過,我也要比的士或電車快。
  • The tram went a long way through the poor suburbs. 電車走過一段長長的道路,穿過破敗的郊區。
  • And she wants me to walk with her as far as the tram. 她想讓我陪她走到有軌電車那兒。
  • The next day I felt like I'd been run over by a tram. 第二天,我感覺自己像被車子撞過似的。
  • A similar situation also prevailed in its tram service. 它的有軌電車系統也是相似的情況。
  • She would have five shillings clear after paying tram fare. 付了電車費後,她還會剩下整整五先令。
  • I don't know which tram I should get now and I wait with her. 我不知道我現在應該乘哪輛電車,所以我和她一起等。
  • Every few minutes a tram trundles through the shopping centre. 每隔幾分鐘就會有電軌車從購物中心穿過。
  • The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo. 來自有軌電車的流浪者用洗髮水淹沒火腿漢堡。 。
  • The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo. 來自有軌電車的流浪者用洗髮水淹沒火腿漢堡。
  • If it's a lose, I get naught - not even a penny for me to ride home on the tram. 如果輸了,我就沒戲了——坐電車回家的錢拿不出。
  • Meanwhile we've got off the tram and Ada Ida is waiting for another tram to come. 與此同時,我們下車了,安達正在等待下一輛電車。
  • A few tram stops beyond the baroque splendour is a structure that has little to do with glory. 幾個超越巴洛克式輝煌的電車站是帶有少許榮耀的結構。 [1] 