


spray,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“噴霧液體,噴劑;噴霧器;噴,噴塗”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [spreɪ] 美 [spreɪ]
n. 噴霧液體,噴劑;噴霧器;噴,噴塗;噴霧狀物;浪花,飛沫;(用作裝飾的)小樹枝,小花枝;(戴在身上的)一簇花,枝狀飾物
v. 噴,噴灑(液體);(使)飛濺,(使)飛散;噴農藥;在……上噴塗料(或油漆);向……掃射(子彈);用於體育運動中踢(或擊、扔)(方向不定或不準的球);撒尿(以示領地佔有);(臭鼬)用臭液弄濕
【名】 (Spray)(英)斯普雷(人名)
[ 複數 sprays 第三人稱單數 sprays 現在分詞 spraying 過去式 sprayed 過去分詞 sprayed ] [1] 


spray nozzle 噴嘴 ; 噴頭 ; 噴霧嘴 ; 濺水噴嘴
spray gun 噴槍 ; 噴漆槍 ; 噴射槍 ; 噴塗槍
Water Spray 噴水 ; 水噴霧 ; 噴霧 ; 保濕噴霧
spray jet 噴霧器 ; 噴嘴 ; 噴霧口 ; 發散噴射
Spray Up 噴塗成型 ; 噴附成形 ; 噴射成型
spray cooling 噴霧冷卻 ; 噴淋冷卻 ; 噴霧降温 ; 噴射冷卻
spray pond 噴水池 ; 噴淋池 ; 噴池
spray powder 噴塗 ; 噴霧粉 ; 噴粉 ; 印刷噴粉
aerosol spray 氣霧噴霧器 ; 噴霧劑 ; 氣溶膠噴霧 [1] 


  • I bought a spray to kill the weeds. 我買了一種噴劑可以除草。
  • He spray-painted his name on the wall. 他把自己的名字用噴漆噴在了牆上。
  • He doesn't spray against pests or diseases. 他沒有噴農藥來防治害蟲或疾病。
  • The officers blasted him with pepper spray. 該警察用胡椒粉噴霧劑噴他。
  • A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit. 一種尼古丁噴劑可以幫助吸煙者戒煙。
  • The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint. 這些牆壁已被人用噴漆破壞得一塌糊塗。
  • The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint. 牆上被人用噴漆塗得亂七八糟的。
  • The nasal spray was new on the market and highly efficacious. 這種鼻腔噴霧劑是市場新品,非常有效。
  • The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences. 教導年輕人如何給汽車噴漆和修理護欄。
  • A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres. 掛在拖拉機上的噴霧器用五加侖液量能噴灑十英畝地。
  • Farmers can use the spray to kill weeds without harming the soy crop. 農民們能用噴霧器來除草而不傷大豆作物。
  • If he put his finger over the nozzle he could produce a forceful spray. 如果他把手指按在噴嘴上,就可以產生強力的噴射。
  • Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower. 只限晚間使用殺蟲劑,並且不要對花期植物噴藥。
  • If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper. 如果木炭確實點不着,噴一種專用液體噴霧劑,再用一根長蠟燭把它點燃。
  • This spray will finish off the insects. 這噴霧劑能殺死這些蟲子。
  • Their answer was to spray seawater on the clouds. 他們的答案是把海水噴到雲層上。
  • With one hand on the handle bar, he fired the spray. 他一隻手按在把手上,打開了噴霧劑。
  • Why dose a whole field with chemicals if you can spray only where they are needed? 如果你可以只在需要的地方噴灑化學藥品,為什麼要在整個田地裏噴灑呢?
  • Police said they had found in this man's pockets another souvenir and a chili-pepper spray. 警方表示,他們在這名男子的口袋裏發現了另一紀念品和一個辣椒噴霧器。
  • A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children. 一種新的流感疫苗以無痛的鼻噴劑接種,對兒童有效。
  • For a healthy fried egg, brush a nonstick skillet with a smidge of oil or cooking spray. And you'll get crispy edges without much fat. 要做一個健康的煎蛋,用少量油或者烹飪噴霧先刷一下不粘鍋。然後你就會做出邊緣酥脆的雞蛋而不含太多脂肪。
  • Indoors, you put a white sheet on the ground, spray some insecticide on walls and ceilings, and the mosquitoes fall on your feet one by one. 在室內,你在地上放一個白牀單,然後在天花板和牆上噴上一些殺蟲劑,蚊子就一個一個地掉在你的腳邊。
  • Mix a 50/50 solution of isopropyl alcohol and water into a small spray bottle if you've got one—if not, just dab your cloth into the solution. 將 50/50的異丙醇和水混合到一個小噴霧瓶中,如果你有的話——如果沒有,就把你的布輕拍入溶液中。
  • Since children seldom develop serious complications from influenza, no significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray. 由於兒童很少出現流感的嚴重併發症,因此為兒童廣泛接種鼻腔噴霧疫苗不會帶來顯著的公共衞生效益。
  • I gave the plants a quick spray. 我給這些花草略微噴了噴水。
  • We were dripping wet from the spray. 我們被水花打濕了。
  • Spray rose up from the surface of the water. 水花從水面上濺起來。
  • A cloud of fine spray came up from the waterfall. 飛瀑濺起一片水霧。
  • The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall. 月亮在瀑布濺起的水霧中映出了一道彩虹。
  • Second, spray (噴) the oil on the shoes. 第二,在鞋上噴油。 [1] 