


sponsor是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“贊助者,贊助商;贊助(活動、節目等); 為慈善活動捐資”等。 [1] 
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈspɒnsə(r)] 美 [ˈspɑːnsər]
n. 贊助者,贊助商;(培訓或教育的)資助者;(慈善活動的)捐款者,捐資機構;法案的倡議者;擔保人,保證人;(宗教事宜中的)引領人
v. 贊助(活動、節目等); 為慈善活動捐資,為義賽捐款;倡議,提交(法案等);主辦,促成;縱容;為……擔保
[ 複數 sponsors 第三人稱單數 sponsors 現在分詞 sponsoring 過去式 sponsored 過去分詞 sponsored ] [1] 


Project Sponsor 項目發起人 ; 項目發起人項目贊助者 ; 發起人
title sponsor 冠名贊助商 ; 冠名單位 ; 冠名贊助
co-sponsor 聯席保薦人 ; 副保薦人 ; 協辦單位
Sponsor-investigator 申辦研究者 ; 牯
brand-sponsor decision 品牌使用者決策 ; 品牌歸屬決策
Highly Trusted Sponsor 高度可信擔保方 ; 擔保人 ; 度的包管黌舍
Sponsor Member 級會員 ; 贊助會員 ; 發起成員 ; 贊助成員
Gold Sponsor 黃金贊助商 ; 贊助商 ; 金牌贊助 ; 以贊助者 [1] 


  • Please could you sponsor me for my school's campaign for Help the Aged? 請問你們能贊助我開展我校的“幫助老年人”活動嗎?
  • The company plans to sponsor television programmes as part of its marketing strategy. 公司計劃贊助電視節目,以此作為營銷策略之一。
  • Adidas is an official sponsor of the World Cup, so its logo appears on the field. 阿迪達斯是世界盃的官方贊助商,所以,它的標誌出現在賽場上。
  • State art councils help sponsor local arts and crafts festivals which draw crowds of tourist consumers. 國家藝術委員會為當地能吸引大量遊客的工藝品藝術節提供贊助。
  • "We can't let that happen," says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead sponsor of four bills recently introduced. “我們不能讓這種情況發生。”參議員邁克·科瓦爾説。邁克·科瓦爾是最近提出的四項法案的主要發起人。
  • The sponsor is the Trickle Up Program, a non-profit organization founded by New Yorkers Glen and Mildred Leet. 贊助商是涓流計劃,該計劃是一個由紐約州人格倫和米爾德里德·利特創辦的非盈利組織。
  • Adidas is the well-known sponsor behind the World Cup ball and other soccer-related merchandise (jerseys, shorts, cleats). 阿迪達斯一直贊助着世界盃比賽和其他一些足球相關的配件(足球衫、短褲、鞋子)。
  • It's possible for them to get attention from other members while reflecting a little glory onto the brands that sponsor them. 他們有可能獲得其他成員的關注,同時也會因為能得到這些品牌的贊助而感到榮耀。
  • Critics even complain that McDonald's, whose logo symbolises calorie excess, should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup. 批評者甚至抱怨道,麥當勞的商標就象徵着熱量超標,不應該允許它贊助世界盃。
  • In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it – just like the adverts on F1 cars. 作為回報,這個男生説他會讓公司在這隻手上放奔馳標誌並贊助它——就像F1 賽車上的廣告一樣。
  • When you define the project, you make sure that you have an agreement with the project sponsor on what work should be completed in this project. 當你定義項目時,要確保與項目發起人就項目中應該完成的工作達成一致。
  • Will you sponsor me for a charity walk I'm doing? 我正在參加競走義賽,請您捐款好嗎?
  • She found a company to sponsor her through college. 她找到一家願資助她讀完大學的公司。
  • We have to make the states that sponsor terrorism pay a price. 我們得讓那些縱容恐怖主義的國家付出代價。
  • Call the family service agencies to find out if they sponsor this kind of sheltered housing. 打電話給家庭服務機構,看看他們是否資助這種福利性住房。
  • The library may sponsor a language group you could join. 圖書館可能會發起一個語言小組,你可以加入其中。
  • Doctors will sponsor Isabelle's family. 醫生們將會資助伊莎貝爾的家人。
  • It makes providing funds for terror activities a criminal offense and would freeze bank accounts of those who sponsor terrorism. 該法案將為恐怖活動提供資金定為犯罪行為,並將凍結那些支持恐怖主義的人的銀行賬户。
  • Spamhaus listed the SpamIt.com organization as the world's single largest sponsor of spam. 國際反垃圾郵件組織將 SpamIt.com 組織列為全球垃圾郵件最大的贊助商。
  • She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership. 她是我的入黨介紹人。
  • BMW signed up as a sponsor. 寶馬做了我們的贊助商。
  • He had a sponsor or two. 他有一或兩位贊助人。
  • The sponsor threatened not to pay up. 贊助商以不付款為要挾。
  • Have you found the sponsor? 你找到擔保人了嗎?
  • Let's sponsor a car-racing team to prove it. 讓我們來贊助一個賽車隊來證明這一點。
  • Start by clarifying exactly who the project's sponsor is. 可以通過明確誰是項目發起人入手。
  • Ensure that the sponsor approves scope-change requests. 確保資助人認可範圍變更請求。
  • Identifying the project manager is easy, but who is the sponsor? 確定項目經理不難,但項目贊助人呢?
  • Having a good executive sponsor for any project is a great thing. 對於任何項目來説,有一個好的執行發起人都很重要。 [1] 