


sphere,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“球體,球,球形”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [sfɪə(r)] 美 [sfɪr]
n. (活動、興趣、專業知識的)範圍,領域;球體,球,球形;社會階層;勢力範圍;<文>蒼穹,天,天空;<文>天體;天體外殼;地球儀
vt. 使……成球形;包圍;放入球內
[ 複數 spheres 第三人稱單數 spheres 現在分詞 sphering 過去式 sphered 過去分詞 sphered ] [1] 


public sphere 公共領域 ; 公共空間 ; 公共範疇 ; 公眾領域
celestial sphere [流] [天] 天球 ; [天] 天體 ; 附於眾星天 ; 渾天
Dyson sphere 戴森球 ; 戴森球體 ; 戴森圈
unit sphere 單位球
Hill sphere 希爾球 ; 土衞八上的赫爾空間
Bloch sphere 布洛赫球面 ; 布洛赫球 ; Bloch球
Riemann sphere 黎曼球面
bounding sphere 包容球
Inscribed Sphere [數] 內切球 [1] 


  • Because the earth spins, it is not a perfect sphere. 因為地球旋轉,所以它不是個完完全全的球體。
  • This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US. 這一地區先前屬於美國的勢力範圍。
  • We have this massive activity sphere. 我們有這個巨大的活動範圍。
  • Remember that we need to multiply it by the volume here, the volume of some sphere we've defined. 記住我們需要把它乘以體積,乘以某一個我們已定義的球體的體積。
  • The word "boundaries" refers to the fact that God assigns each of us a field or sphere of service. “界限”這個詞指的是上帝賦予我們每個人一個領域或服務範圍的事實。
  • If you know how high you are and where you are around, in principle you know where you are on the sphere. 如果你知道你所在的高度和周圍的位置,原則上就可以確定你在球面上的位置。
  • With every reason to believe that life in the persistence of it is driving us out of our terrestrial sphere, etc. 我們有充分的理由相信,生命的持續存在正在把我們趕出我們居住的地球,等等。
  • Anything you do that advances your presence—especially in a larger sphere, outside the communities you know—is a net win. 你所做的任何能夠提升你的存在感的事情——尤其是在一個更大的範圍內,在你所熟悉的團體之外所做的事——都是一種淨贏。
  • The key development lies in the ability of the sphere, an optical device, not only to remain invisible itself but to slow light. 關鍵在於光纖球功能的開發,一種光學設備,不僅要保持自身的不可見性,還要能減緩光線。
  • Both were essential and neither was superior to the other; they were not in conflict but complementary, each with its own sphere of competence. 兩者都是必不可少的,沒有一個是優於另一個的;它們互不衝突反而相輔相成,各有其本身的職權範圍。
  • When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography. 當儲層足夠大時,這種熾熱岩石的一個球體強行通過上地幔上升到地球表面,在地形上形成一個寬闊的隆起。
  • She could neither read nor write, yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal. 她既不會讀書也不會寫字,但在她自己的領域裏,沒人能超越她或與她平起平坐。
  • It was but yesterday I thought myself a fragment quivering without rhythm in the sphere of life. 就在昨天,我還以為自己是一塊碎片,在生命的蒼穹中毫無節奏地顫動着。
  • Some have compared the building as looking like a trophy because at the top there is a huge sphere made out of glass. 一些人將大樓比作一座獎盃,因為它的頂部有一個巨大的、全部由玻璃製成的球。
  • Milton uses the language of these two parables to get at this problem that has resonances in every conceivable sphere. 彌爾頓用這兩則寓言來解釋這個在所有能想到的領域都有共鳴的問題。
  • It's conventional—that is to say, the language in the public sphere belongs to all of us, and there's perhaps a certain sort of romantic loss in that. 這是常見的——也就是説,公共領域的語言屬於我們所有人,也許那中間少了一些浪漫的意味。
  • Why isn't this ant a big sphere? 這隻螞蟻為什麼不是一個大圓球?
  • They are symmetries of the sphere. 這就是球的對稱性。
  • The earth is a sphere. 地球是一個球體。
  • We all know that the earth is a sphere. 我們都知道地球是一個球體。
  • Therefore, the atmosphere is merely a sphere. 因此大氣層只不過是一個球體。
  • That is a parametric equation for the sphere. 那是球體的一個參數方程。
  • Let's do a second example with the same sphere. 還是這個球面,我們來做第二個例題。
  • We now know the Earth is not a perfect sphere. 我們現在知道地球不是正圓形的球體。
  • They are unchanging, that's the heavenly sphere. 它們亙古不變,那是神聖的領域。
  • The defined scope is called the Compensation Sphere. 這個定義的範圍稱為補償域。
  • The argument to sphere represents the radius of the sphere. sphere的參數表示了球體的半徑。
  • SPIEGEL: the family is the private sphere par excellence. 鏡報:家庭純屬是私人領域。
  • Theory suggests that this cloud should be an almost perfect sphere. 這個理論認為電子雲團的形狀應該是一個幾乎完美的球形。 [1] 