


slot,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“狹槽;位置”等,英式讀音[slɒt]。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [slɒt] 美 [slɑːt]
n. (可投入東西的)狹長孔,狹槽;(在一系列事件中為某事安排的)時間,空檔;(組織、團體等中的)位置,職位
v. 把……投入窄孔中,把……放到指定位置;為……安排時間,安置; 與……融洽相處,適應(生活方式);<非正式>(足球運動員)準確射門進球;鹿的足跡(slots)
【名】 (Slot)(英、荷)斯洛特(人名)
[ 複數 slots或slot 第三人稱單數 slots 現在分詞 slotting 過去式 slotted 過去分詞 slotted ] [1] 


time slot 時間空檔;(電視或廣播電台的)播放時段
slot machine 自動售貸機
slot antenna 縫隙天線;槽孔天線
key slot n. 鍵槽
single slot 單插槽;單翼縫
slot width 齒縫寬度
stator slot 定子槽
card slot 板槽,插卡槽
slot wedge 槽楔;槽邊緣
expansion slot 擴充槽,擴充插槽
rotor slot 轉子線槽 [1] 


  • Somebody else can take your slot. 別人可以取代你的位置。
  • One of the things I find interesting is that it tells you exactly how much memory is in each memory slot on themotherboard. 我發現一件有趣的事情是,它確切地告訴你在另一個板上的每個內存槽中有多少內存。
  • I can slot you in between 3 and 4. 我可以把你插到第3和第4之間。
  • He dropped a coin into the slot and dialled. 他把一枚硬幣投進了那個投幣口,然後撥了號。
  • He has a regular slot on the late-night programme. 他在深夜節目中有一檔固定欄目。
  • I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone. 我往付費電話的投幣口裏投了一枚25分的硬幣。
  • Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance. 來訪者們可以提前一週或一週以上預約一個時段。
  • Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks. 他們的唱片在最近六週佔據排行榜首位。
  • 90 percent of listeners stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot. 在這個節目改變了播放時間段後,90%的聽眾依然繼續收聽。
  • It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July. 該節目從最初的8月檔移到7月值得關注。
  • Not long ago, a mysterious Christmas card dropped through our mail slot. 不久前,一張神秘的聖誕卡片從我們的信箱裏掉了出來。
  • Getting flight experience should help them win a slot on the station, says Stern. 獲得飛行經驗應該有助於他們在空間站贏得一席之地,斯特恩説。
  • Mind you, a very particular kind of nothing: the nothing that stands in the empty slot in the middle. 注意,這是具有特殊含義的“沒有”:“沒有”指的是中間的空隙。
  • They have to earn their slot in the chain, and that success will be closely watched by the rest of the industry. 他們必須在產業鏈中贏得一席之地,而那一成功將受到業內其他企業的密切關注。
  • The British Olympic Association (BOA) has said that to earn a slot, a team must be capable of "a credible performance". 英國奧運協會(BOA)聲稱,隊伍要拿得出“可信的成績”才能取得參賽席位。
  • Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side. 把你的腳尖(大腳趾在上,小指在下)楔入裂縫中去,直到你的足弓的部分,膝蓋保持向外。
  • Try to slot it in as a to-do list item and you'll manage only goal-focused reading—useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling kind. 試着將它當作代辦事項列在任務清單裏,你只能進行目標集中式閲讀——有時候有用,但是並非是最令人滿足的閲讀方式。
  • Disney-Marvel's "Captain America: Civil War" took the second slot, followed by Warner's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, " and Fox's "Deadpool ". 迪士尼-漫威的《美國隊長3:內戰》位居第二,華納的《蝙蝠俠大戰超人:正義黎明》,福克斯的《死侍》緊隨其後。
  • You just add your name and phone number to this list and check a time slot, although it looks like the only times left are next Monday morning and Thursday evening. 你只需要把你的名字和電話號碼添加到這個列表中,然後查看時間安排,儘管看起來剩下的時間好像只有下週一早上和週四晚上了。
  • DM1 1 slot Data, Medium rate. DM1 1時隙數據,中速。
  • Private Slot Portlet application. portlet專用槽(portlet private slot)。
  • He dropped a coin into the slot. 他把一枚硬幣投進孔裏。
  • It goes through a slot with a diode. 它通過有二極管的凹槽。
  • Please put a coin into the slot. 請把錢幣放進投幣口。
  • FHS 1 slot Frequency Hopping Sequence. FHS1時隙跳頻序列。
  • SCO packets are always 1 slot in length. SCO數據包時隙長度始終是1時隙。
  • Slot them into my schedule for the day. 把它們放到我的日計劃表裏邊。
  • Enter the slot Numbers from your spreadsheet. 輸入電子表格中的槽號。
  • It frees the slot and modifies the global list. 它負責釋放槽位並修改全局列表。 [1] 