


revive,英語單詞,主要用作動詞。作動詞時譯為“使復原,使復甦;重新喚起,重新記起;重新使用,使復興”等 [1] 
類    型
詞    性


英 [rɪˈvaɪv] 美 [rɪˈvaɪv]
v. (使)復原,(使)復甦;重新喚起,重新記起;重新使用,使復興;重新上演
[ 第三人稱單數 revives 現在分詞 reviving 過去式 revived 過去分詞 revived ] [1] 


Revive his 避風頭
endure present hardships to revive 卧薪嚐膽
revive the west 振興西部
Omnilux Revive 歐美娜紅光 ; 治療儀 ; 紅光光動力治療儀
Road to Revive 復興之路
Ocean Revive 海洋活力空間 ; 海洋隱世聖殿 ; 晚水上別墅 ; 日出美景水上別墅
acdsee revive 看圖軟件 ; 老牌看圖軟件 ; 圖像 ; 圖像瀏覽 [1] 


  • 1The paramedics couldn't revive her.護理人員無法使她甦醒。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The economy is beginning to revive.經濟開始復甦。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Their efforts to revive him were futile.他們努力使他甦醒,但失敗了。《牛津詞典》
  • 4They made frantic attempts to revive him.他們拼命地努力讓他甦醒過來。《牛津詞典》
  • 5He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.他正在徵求復甦蕭條經濟的建議。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism.應對自動化的挑戰凸顯出美國重振其日漸衰落的商業活力的必要性。
  • 7The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism: Starting new companies must be made easier.應對自動化的挑戰凸顯出美國重振其日漸衰落的商業活力的必要性:必須讓新公司的創辦變得更容易。
  • 8This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.這部電影意在使她漸趨衰敗的事業再現輝煌。《牛津詞典》
  • 9She has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay.她一直在設法再次展開同工同酬的辯論。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The proposal is a thinly disguised effort to revive the price controls of the 1970s.這項提議是恢復20世紀70年代物價控制的一種幾乎不加掩飾的努力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Rainfall can revive them in a matter of hours.降雨可以在幾小時內使它們恢復生機。
  • 12What else can do this dry-out-and-revive trick?還有什麼東西也能耍這種乾枯後又復甦的把戲呢?
  • 13His interest in other matters did not seem to revive, and he grew apparently languid and depressed.他對其他事情的興趣似乎並沒有恢復,他明顯變得無精打采和沮喪了。
  • 14Hard times continued to revive popular demands for regulating business and softening the harsh edges of laissez-faire capitalism.艱難的時期繼續恢復了人們對規範商業和緩和自由資本主義的尖鋭的要求。
  • 15Mr. Cameron's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the "beef war" of 1996, another unhappy Tory European memory.卡梅倫先生的團隊並不打算恢復約翰·梅傑在1996年的“牛肉戰爭”期間嘗試的不作為政策,這是保守黨在歐洲留下的另一個不愉快的記憶。
  • 16Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake's bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again.現在有人擔心,計劃修建的穿越湖底的輸油管道可能會重新造成污染,導致魚類數量再次下降。
  • 17The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.這位英國財政大臣表示,他計劃重啓國際貨幣基金組織去年提出的一項計劃,該計劃迄今尚未提供任何幫助。
  • 18Hope the economy can revive soon.希望經濟能夠儘快復甦。
  • 19They will not revive today.今天,這些現象不會再次復興。
  • 20Elizabeth now began to revive.伊麗莎白現在也算鬆了口氣。
  • 21That's the only way to revive Kunqu.這是復興崑曲的唯一途徑。
  • 22When will Banks revive?銀行什麼時候復甦?
  • 23How to revive an ageing economy?如何使衰老的經濟重獲新生?
  • 24These flowers will revive in water.這些花在水中會再活。
  • 25So, why not revive Doha?所以,為什麼不重啓多哈?
  • 26That will make it hard to revive Doha.這將使多哈回合難以恢復。
  • 27It was to revive local artisanship, "he said."我們必須復興本土的手工藝,“他説。”
  • 28Finally, Medics heal and revive other players.最後一種是醫護兵,他能治療和復活其他玩家。
  • 29Let's revive it.讓我們恢復它。
  • 30Could a new business model revive drug discovery?新的商業模式能否讓藥品開發得以復甦? [1] 