


reed,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“蘆葦;茅草;簧片,簧舌;簧樂器;用蘆葦蓋”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [riːd] 美 [riːd]
n. 蘆葦(稈);<英>(蓋屋頂用)茅草;<文>蘆笛;與蘆葦相似的人或物;<文>箭,矢;小凸嵌線腳(reeds);(吹奏樂器的)簧片,簧舌;簧樂器;(磁性繼電器或磁力開關)接觸器;筘,鋼箍
v. 用蘆葦蓋,用蘆葦裝飾
【名】 (Reed)(西、意、瑞典)雷德,(英)裏德(人名)
[ 複數 reeds 第三人稱單數 reeds 現在分詞 reeding 過去式 reeded 過去分詞 reeded ] [1] 


reed valve 簧片閥
reed switch 舌簧開關;簧片開關
reed pipe 簧管;牧笛
reed flute cave 蘆笛巖
Reed Vole 東方田鼠 ; 沼澤田鼠 [1] 


  • They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water. 他們居住在建在水中木樁上的蘆葦草屋裏。
  • Referee Michael Reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty. 裁判邁克爾·裏德毫不猶豫地判了罰球。
  • Reed credits Thomas Bouchard's work for today's surge in twin studies. 裏德認為,托馬斯·布沙爾的工作促成了如今雙胞胎研究的激增。
  • From Iraq, I flew to Landstuhl, Germany and then on to what is now the Walter Reed Bethesda Naval Hospital. 我從伊拉克飛到德國的蘭施圖爾,然後去了現在的沃爾特里德貝塞斯達海軍醫院。
  • In 1969 he crossed the Atlantic in an Egyptian-style reed boat to prove Egyptian influences in the Americas. 1969年,他乘坐埃及風格的蘆葦船橫渡大西洋,以證明埃及對美洲的影響。
  • "Having said that," Reed adds, "the latest work in epigenetics promises to take our understanding even further." 裏德補充説:“儘管如此,表觀遺傳學的最新研究有望進一步加深我們的理解。”
  • "We wanted to find another method for pinpointing when humans might have first started wearing clothing, " Reed said. “我們想找到另一種方法以確定人類何時開始穿衣服。”裏德説。
  • Geneticist Danielle Reed has worked with many twins over the years and thought deeply about what twin studies have taught us. 遺傳學家丹妮爾·裏德多年來對許多雙胞胎進行研究,深入思考了研究雙胞胎教會了我們什麼。
  • Jenny Reed is the person to see if there are any films you'd like us to stock, as she's taken over responsibility for purchasing those. 詹妮·裏德是負責查看你是否有想讓我們進購的電影的人,因為她已經接管了這些電影的(版權)採購工作。
  • Merzenich is also a co-founder of Posit Science, a company that makes one of the brain training programs used at Walter Reed and other military. 梅澤尼奇也是假定科學公司的創始人之一。現在裏德醫院和其他軍隊用的腦部訓練程序之一,就是這家公司提供的。
  • He did a residency at Walter Reed Medical Center and worked there for years before a transfer to the Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood this year. 他在沃爾特·裏德醫療中心實習,並在那裏工作多年,今年才轉到胡德堡的達納爾陸軍醫療中心。
  • Zongzi, a kind of traditional Chinese food eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival, is stuffed with glutinous rice, beans, meat and many different fillings and is wrapped in bamboo leaves or reed leaves. 粽子是在端午節吃的一種中國傳統食物,裏邊用糯米,豆子,肉和許多不同的料填充,外邊用竹葉或蘆葦葉包裹。
  • Genes can't control everything, argues geneticist Danielle Reed, who also studies twins. 同樣研究雙胞胎的遺傳學家丹妮爾·裏德認為,基因不能控制一切。
  • A reed warbler is feeding a baby cuckoo. 一隻葦鶯正在餵養小杜鵑。
  • No, it is no good; the song has died away into reed-talk. 不,這樣不行;那首歌已經消失,變成了蘆葦的低語。
  • The Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold about 20 trillion cubic feet natural gas. 禮樂灘附近的桑帕吉塔天然氣場被測出至少藴含20萬億立方英尺的天然氣。
  • Mrs. Reed: How about Thursday? 雷德太太:星期四怎麼樣?
  • Reed also appeared on Face the Nation. 裏德也參加了電視節目《面向全國》。
  • A reed swayed by the wind? 要看風吹動的蘆葦嗎?
  • A reed warbler feeds a baby cuckoo. 一隻葦鶯正在餵養小杜鵑。
  • Reed blames the CIA. 裏德為此怪罪於中情局。
  • He was a hippie: who else drops out of Reed? 他曾是個嬉皮士:不然誰會從裏德學院退學?
  • We need reed needlse to speed the deed indeed. 我們確實需要一些蘆葦針來加快行動。
  • John Shelton Reed, a sociologist, is writing it. (約翰沙塔裏得,一位社會學家,正在編寫這樣的一本書)。
  • Reed has made the holiday break an annual practice. 瑞德已經把節日休假作為了每年的慣例。
  • Mandy Merck had come to Oxford from Reed College in Oregon. 曼迪·默克是從俄勒岡州的裏德學院轉來牛津的。
  • So he started visiting the Brain Fitness Center at Walter Reed. 於是,他開始去裏德醫院的腦部康復中心了。
  • I saw a Syrian who held in his hands a thin rod like a reed. 我見到一個敍利亞人,手裏擎一枝蘆葦般的細杆。
  • The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. 靈魂並非直線前進,也不像蘆葦般成長。 [1] 