

probability,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“可能性;機率;[數] 或然率”。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti] 美 [ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti]
n. 可能性,或然性;可能發生的事,可能真實的事;(數)概率,幾率
[ 複數 probabilities ] [1] 


probability distribution 概率分佈
probability theory 概率論
probability density 概率密度;幾率密度
failure probability 失效概率
probability density function 機率密度函數;概率密度分佈函數
probability analysis n. 概率分析
high probability 高可能性
detection probability 探測概率;發現概率
probability and statistics 概率論與數理統計;概率與統計
probability statistics 概率統計
error probability 錯誤概率;概率誤差
transition probability 轉移概率;躍遷概率
conditional probability 條件概率;條件幾率
theory of probability 概率論
probability distribution function 概率分佈函數
in all probability 多半,很可能
joint probability 聯合機率,聯合概率
damage probability 損傷概率
probability of failure 故障幾率;失效概率;崩塌概率
posterior probability 後驗概率;事後概率 [1] 


  • There seemed to be a high probability of success. 成功的幾率似乎很高。
  • Without a transfusion, the victim's probability of dying was 100%. 不輸血的話,該患者的死亡概率是100%。
  • There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease. 民眾感染這種疾病的概率為60%。
  • The probability is close to zero. 可能性近乎零。
  • Currently, I'm learning the Probability course. 目前我正在修概率論課程。
  • One of the first principles of probability theory is called the multiplication rule. 概率論的基本原理之一叫作乘法法則。
  • If something is probable, you mean that you can trust it, so probability means trustworthiness. 如果有什麼是很可能的,你的意思是你可以信賴它,所以可能性意味着可信賴度。
  • According to the experts, the side of the risk depends on both its probability and seriousness. 根據專家的説法,風險取決於它的可能性和嚴重性。
  • Third, the probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases as we have frequent and continuous contact. 第三,當我們有頻繁和持續的接觸時,主要羣體凝聚力增強的可能性也增加了。
  • We are talking about probability, but what we're saying is that most probable radius is further away from the nucleus. 我們討論的是概率,但我們説的是最可能的半徑,離原子核更遠。
  • When we do this, we can see this probability distribution curve that has the maximum probability of finding an electron here. 當我們這樣做時,我們可以看到該概率分佈曲線在此處找到電子的最大可能性。
  • "We as a society need to understand that when we don't punish lying,we increase the probability it will happen again," Ariely says. 艾瑞里説:“作為一個社會,我們需要明白,如果我們不懲罰説謊的話,我們就會增加它再次發生的可能性。”
  • Doing those probability density dot graphs, we can get an idea of the shape of those orbitals, and we know that they're spherically symmetrical. 通過那些概率密度圖,我們可以知道軌道的形狀,我們知道它們是球形對稱的。
  • They found that after a surprise departure, the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increased by nearly 20%. 他們發現,在意外離職後,該公司隨後不得不重申盈利的可能性增加了近20%。
  • The predictions of quantum mechanics, however, give only the probability of an event, not a deterministic statement of whether or not the event will occur. 然而,量子力學的預測只給出事件發生的概率,而不是事件是否會發生的確定性陳述。
  • In 1994, Rudolf Raff and colleagues at Indiana University in the USA decided to use genetics to put a number on the probability of evolution going into reverse. 1994年,美國印第安納大學的魯道夫·拉夫和他的同事們決定用遺傳學的方法來計算進化發生逆轉的概率。
  • The probability that actual remains of soft tissue will be preserved is improved if the organism dies in an environment of rapid deposition and oxygen deprivation. 如果生物體死於一個快速沉積和缺氧的環境,那麼軟組織殘骸實際保存下來的可能性會提高。
  • Early 20th-century biologists came to a similar conclusion, though they qualified it in terms of probability, stating that there is no reason why evolution cannot run backwards. 20世紀早期的生物學家也得出了類似的結論,不過他們從概率的角度對其進行了限定,稱沒有理由可以説明進化不能倒退。
  • These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere. 這些反應增加了不完全燃燒的可能性,更有可能釋放未燃盡和光化學活性碳氫化合物到大氣中。
  • The probability is that prices will rise rapidly. 物價有可能會迅速上升。
  • It now seems a probability rather than just a possibility. 這件事似乎十拿九穩,而不是僅有可能。
  • Formal talks are still said to be a possibility, not a probability. 正式談判據説仍有可能,但不是很可能。
  • In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions. 他很可能未了解到行動的後果。
  • A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate. 在目前的經濟形勢下,降低利率大有可能。
  • If you've owned property for several years, the probability is that values have increased. 如果你已擁有財產幾年了,很可能價值已經增漲了。
  • The Republicans had better get used to the fact that in all probability, they are going to lose. 共和黨人最好習慣他們很可能會失敗的事實。
  • Think about the probability: the chances of your line being the fastest are only one in three. 想一想這個概率:你的隊伍最快的幾率只有三分之一。
  • If you really needed to take out a lot of tissue, the cancer had, in all probability, already spread through the system. 如果你真的需要取出很多組織,癌症很可能已經蔓延到了整個系統。
  • It may determine whether one should choose nonprobability sampling or probability sampling. 它可以決定一個人應該選擇非概率抽樣還是概率抽樣。
  • Do you know what a probability is? 你們知道什麼是概率嗎? [1] 