

phrase是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意思是“短語, 習語, 措辭, 樂句”,作及物動詞時意思是“用……方式表達,以……措辭表達”等。 [1] 
詞    性
類    別


英 [freɪz] 美 [freɪz]
n. 短語,詞組;慣用語,習語;樂句;(芭蕾)舞句
v. 用……方式表達,以……措辭表達;把(樂曲)分成短句
[ 複數 phrases 第三人稱單數 phrases 現在分詞 phrasing 過去式 phrased 過去分詞 phrased ] [1] 


Phrase Search 短語檢索 ; 短語搜索 ; 詞組檢索 ; 詞組搜索
Phrase reading 成組視讀 ; 組視讀 ; 意羣閲讀 ; 短語閲讀
phrase degradation 短語降格
set phrase 固定搭配 ; 固定詞組 ; 成語 ; 固定短語
gerundial phrase 動名詞短語 ; 動名詞詞組
idiomatic phrase 常用的固定短語 ; 熟語
conjunctive phrase 連接短語
participle phrase 分詞片語 ; 分詞短語
key phrase 關鍵短語
noun phrase 名詞短語
verb phrase 動詞短語;動詞詞組
prepositional phrase 介詞短語
phrase structure 短語結構;詞組結構
catch phrase 妙句;引人注意的文句
pet phrase 口頭禪 [1] 


  • 1We bought a Danish phrase book.我買了一本丹麥常用語手冊。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Who coined the phrase 'desktop publishing'?誰創造了desktop publishing(桌面出版)這個詞組?《牛津詞典》
  • 3The Italian phrase can be rendered as 'I did my best'.這個意大利語的短語可以譯為“我盡力了”。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He used a phrase I hate: "You have to be cruel to be kind."他用了一句我討厭的習語:“要想善良,就得殘忍。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression.這個短語很可能是一個阿拉伯語常用表達的譯文。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6A writer spends many hours going over and over a scene—changing a phrase here, a word there.作家花許多個小時反覆潤色一個場景—這兒改個短語,那兒改個單詞。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.在句子I spoke to the driver of the car中,the driver of the car是名詞短語。《牛津詞典》
  • 8In the phrase 'Paris, the capital of France', 'the capital of France' is in apposition to 'Paris'.在短語Paris, the capital of France中,the capital of France是Paris的同位語。《牛津詞典》
  • 9In the phrase 'you are', the verb 'are' is in the second person and the word 'you' is a second-person pronoun.在短語you are中,動詞are是第二人稱形式,而單詞you是第二人稱代詞。《牛津詞典》
  • 10Which phrase shows the change of lifestyle?哪一句展現了生活方式的改變?
  • 11The phrase means to fix something with glue.這個短語的意思是用膠水固定某物。
  • 12Sorry, but I still don't quite understand that phrase.抱歉,可是我仍然不是很理解那個短語。
  • 13The phrase impressed her so much that she copied it down.這句話給她留下了深刻的印象,於是她把它抄了下來。
  • 14What does the underlined phrase "calm down" mean in Chinese?劃線短語“calm down”在中文裏是什麼意思?
  • 15The giddy little Lady Jane fired a simple Greek phrase at Tom.輕浮的潔恩小公主對湯姆説了一句簡單的希臘話。
  • 16The meanings we associate with the phrase will change accordingly.我們對這個短語意思的理解將隨之改變。
  • 17"Tennis" is the object of the verb "play" in the phrase "play tennis".在“打網球”這個短語中,“網球”是動詞“打”的賓語。
  • 18She played with the word, "metal", and the French phrase, "femme fatale".她擺弄起單詞 “metal” 和法文詞組 “femme fatale” 。
  • 19Please fill in the blank at the end of the text with a proper word or phrase.請在課文末尾的空白處填上適當的單詞或短語。
  • 20This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.這個短語起到了承上啓下的作用。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 21Let students know how to use the new phrase "be allowed to" and "be not allowed to".讓學生知道如何使用新短語 “be allowed to” 和 “be not allowed to”。
  • 22How often do you start a tale of fame and fortune, comedy, or tragedy with this phrase?你多久會用這個短語來開始一個關於名利、喜劇或悲劇的故事?
  • 23Of course, when the phrase melting pot was popular, there was also the idea of being "different".當然,當這個短語大熔爐流行的時候,也有“與眾不同”的概念。
  • 24For lack of a better phrase, we might call this approach "factually false, but socially accurate."由於缺乏一個更好的措辭,我們可以稱這種方法為“事實性錯誤,但社會性準確”。
  • 25While doing extensive reading, you don't have to puzzle over every single word or phrase in the passage.在進行泛讀時,不用仔細琢磨文中的每個單詞或短語。
  • 26For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds.第二和第三篇閲讀材料,會一句一句或一個詞組一個詞組地讀,間隔15秒。
  • 27Oh well, no news is good news, to coin a phrase.噢,常言道,沒有消息就是好消息。《牛津詞典》
  • 28The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.這種説法是對間諜行為的常用外交辭令。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 29She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.用她自己最喜歡的字眼説,她是個“沒有不清白過去的女人”。《牛津詞典》 [1] 