


monitor,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“顯示器,監控器;監視/聽”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈmɒnɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈmɑːnɪtər]
n. 顯示器,監控器;監視儀,監護儀;監督員,監察員;(學校裏的)班長,級長;(電台的)監聽員;揚聲器;巨蜥;淺水重炮艦
v. 監視;監聽(外國廣播或電話);監控(無線電或電視傳輸信號)
[ 複數 monitors 第三人稱單數 monitors 現在分詞 monitoring 過去式 monitored 過去分詞 monitored ] [1] 


monitor system 監控系統;執行系統
computer monitor 電腦顯示器
remote monitor 遙控監視器;遠距離監控裝置
video monitor 顯示器;視頻監視器
pressure monitor 壓力監測器
lcd monitor 液晶顯示器
display monitor 監視器;顯示監視器
blood pressure monitor 血壓監護儀
class monitor 班長
tv monitor 電視監視器
monitor screen 監視屏
line monitor 線路監聽器
fire monitor 防火監控器
patient monitor 病人監護儀
performance monitor 性能監控器
christian science monitor 基督教科學箴言報
television monitor 電視監視器
color monitor [計]彩色監視器
power monitor 功率監控器,功率檢查裝置
digital monitor 數字監視器 [1] 


  • Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure. 你的醫生會監測你的血壓。
  • The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness. 心臟監控器顯示低意識水平。
  • Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting. 官員們未曾獲許監控選舉。
  • He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor. 他那時正在電視監控器上觀看一場網球賽。
  • Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case. 定期召開會議監控案件的進展情況。
  • The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation. 警方利用電子跟蹤器監視緩刑期間的青年罪犯。
  • We selected him as our monitor. 我們選他當我們的班長。
  • He was elected monitor. 他當選為班長。
  • She serves as the monitor in our class. 她是我們班的班長。
  • He is the monitor. 他是班長。
  • Monitor their children's watching of TV programs. 監督孩子看電視節目。
  • As a monitor, he has many duties outside his study. 他是班長,有很多社會工作。
  • The computer will then monitor all of the car's movements. 電腦會監測汽車的所有活動。
  • I had a thirst to prove myself when I was elected monitor. 當我被選為班長時,我有一股想要證明自己的慾望。
  • In each group, the biggest or oldest pupil is made a monitor. 在每個小組中,最大的或最年長的學生被任命為班長。
  • We all picked Mike as our monitor because he's very responsible. 我們都選麥克做我們的班長,因為他非常負責。
  • They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor deer activity. 他們為監控鹿的活動而安裝的攝像機甚至給她錄了像。
  • Our monitor gains fame for being generous with his money to help others. 我們班長因慷慨解囊而得到好名聲。
  • We all have a high opinion of our monitor because he is always willing to help. 我們都對我們班長評價很高,因為他總是樂於助人。
  • The third hypothesis is the monitor hypothesis, which is central to his theory. 第三個假説是監督假説,這是他理論的核心。
  • There are already many devices on the market that claim to monitor and aid sleep. 市場上已經出現很多設備,據説這些設備可以監測和幫助睡眠。
  • They should monitor their websites better so that children do not sign up too early. 他們應該更好地監控自己的網站,讓孩子們不會過早註冊。
  • The five hypotheses form what he calls the monitor model of second language learning. 這五種假設形成了他所説的第二語言學習的監控模式。
  • As the last beats in the heart monitor trailed off, I knew Lyra had left my life forever. 當心髒監測器上的最後一次跳動逐漸停止時,我知道萊拉已經永遠離開了我的生活。
  • They should either monitor their websites better so that children do not sign up too early. 他們應該更好地監控他們的網站,這樣孩子們就不會過早地註冊。
  • Our monitor is a man of iron will who gets up at 5 o'clock every morning to read English aloud. 我們的班長是一個意志堅強的人,他每天早上五點起牀早讀英語。
  • Paul JJ Payack, president of the Global Language Monitor, brushed off the criticism, saying his method was technically sound. 全球語言監測機構主席保羅·JJ·帕亞克對這些批評不以為然,稱他的方法在技術上是可行的。
  • This script will not be necessary when the later configuration of mon is done to automatically monitor for active realservers. 當完成 mon的後續配置以自動監控活動的 realserver 後,就不需要再使用這個腳本。
  • Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor companies. 基金經理們不適合監管公司。
  • The details of today's flights are displayed on the monitor. 今天航班的詳細情況都列在顯示屏上。 [1] 