


Manufacture,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“(用機器大量)生產,製造”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)] 美 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər]
v. (用機器大量)生產,製造;編造,捏造;生成,產生(一種物質)
n. 大量製造,批量生產;工業品;製造業
[ 複數 manufactures 第三人稱單數 manufactures 現在分詞 manufacturing 過去式 manufactured 過去分詞 manufactured ] [1] 


manufacture procedure 製程 ; 工廠生產流程
Cost of manufacture 生產成本 ; [會計] 製造成本 ; 製造 ; 出產成本
skillful manufacture 製作精巧 ; 製造精良
manufacture management 製造治理 ; 打造辦理 ; 製造
Original Equipment Manufacture 原始設備製造商 ; 初始設備製造商 ; 原廠委託製造 ; 原設備製造
Accuracy of manufacture 製造精度
lean manufacture 精益生產 ; 精益製造 ; 精益生產方式 ; 精實生產
Base cost of manufacture 基本生產成本 ; 基本出產成本 ; 郟
Original design manufacture 原始設計商 ; 原始設計製造商 ; 原始設計製造 ; 按原始設計製造 [1] 


  • They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials. 他們生產被稱為熱塑材料的塑料類製品。
  • Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Cadbury use franchisers to manufacture, bottle and distribute their products within geographical areas. 可口可樂、百事可樂和吉百利公司利用特許經銷商在一定的地區內生產、罐裝和銷售其產品。
  • Brookman & Langdon were said to manufacture the most desirable pens and these necessarily command astonishingly high prices. 據説布魯克曼蘭登公司製造的鋼筆最令人滿意,而這必然地導致高得驚人的價格。
  • The equipment is of our own manufacture. 這設備是我們自己製造的。
  • They set up a branch in Dubai to manufacture coffee roasters. 他們在迪拜設立了一家分公司,生產咖啡烘焙機。
  • Now they lead in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. 現在他們在製造大規模殺人武器方面領先。
  • The other good thing about the patches is that apparently they'll be cheap to manufacture. 補丁的另一個好處是,它們的製造成本很低。
  • The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a searchlight. 他首先可能想到的是用燈籠或探照燈製造光源。
  • Why Britain did not pass laws restricting the small-scale manufacture of clothing in the colonies? 為什麼英國沒有通過法律限制殖民地的小規模服裝生產?
  • He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. 他試圖用苯胺批量製造奎寧,苯胺是一種廉價且容易獲得的煤焦油廢料。
  • There are many procedures involved in the manufacture of food that result in greenhouse gases and other pollutants. 食品生產有許多道工序,這會帶來温室氣體和其他污染物。
  • The study showed that a single new desktop machine created emissions of almost half a tonne during its manufacture. 該項研究表明,一個新的台式電腦在其生產過程中要產生近半噸的碳排放量。
  • Three large companies and seven small companies currently manufacture a product with potential military applications. 三家大公司和七家小公司目前正在生產一種具有潛在軍事用途的產品。
  • This process allows the manufacture of clear, tinted and coated glass for buildings, and clear and tinted glass for vehicles. 這一方法能夠生產出建築用的透明、染色並且鍍膜的玻璃,還可以生產出車輛用的透明並且染色的玻璃。
  • As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treat sick people. 隨着我們進入未來,3D打印將徹底改變我們的購物方式、生產方式和治療病人的方式。
  • Spices not only dramatically improved the taste of the European diet, but also were used to manufacture perfumes and certain medicines. 香料不僅極大地改善了歐洲飲食的口味,而且還被用於製造香水和某些藥物。
  • These microplastics included a substance commonly known as PET and widely used in the manufacture of clothing and food and liquid containers. 這些塑料微粒包括一種通常被稱為PET的物質,廣泛用於服裝、食品和液體容器的製造。
  • Public distrust of scientists stems in part from the blurring of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. 公眾對科學家的不信任部分源於對科學與技術、發現與製造之間界限的模糊。
  • The slugs can manufacture chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants that captures energy from sunlight, and hold these genes within their body. 蛞蝓可以製造葉綠素——讓植物從太陽光獲取能量的綠色色素——並把這些基因保留在他們體內。
  • The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries—tobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads. 剩餘的百分之六十五(最近進行了城市化處理)在新興產業中工作,這些產業包括煙草、木材、煤炭和鐵製造以及鐵路。
  • Suppose a United States-owned company establishes an overseas plant to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the same product in the United States. 假設一家美國公司建了一個海外工廠生產一種產品,而其競爭對手在美國國內生產同樣的產品。
  • So admired were these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacture. 這些瓷器如此受人稱讚,以至於鼓勵了仿瓷陶器的發展,鼓勵了其製造方法的研究。
  • Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products that sell well and have overstocks of others. 那些必須在銷售季節之前就確定新產品要生產多少的公司,往往會生產出銷量好的產品,而其他產品則庫存過剩。
  • A study by the University of Manchester calculated the emissions of CO2—the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change—at every stage of microwaves, from manufacture to waste disposal. 曼徹斯特大學的一項研究計算了二氧化碳(造成氣候變化的主要温室氣體)在微波爐生產的每個階段的排放量,從產品製造到廢物處理。
  • When considering quantities, we would ideally like to have some estimates for overall production from particular sites of pottery manufacture and for overall consumption at specific settlements. 在考慮數量的時候,我們最好能夠對陶器特定生產地的總體產量和特定聚居地的總體消費做出一些估計。
  • The factory was turned over to the manufacture of aircraft parts. 這家工廠轉產飛機部件。《牛津詞典》
  • Not one of them could see anything of this exquisite manufacture. 誰都看不到這件精緻的作品。
  • Until now, this technique could only be used to manufacture two-dimensional objects. 到目前為止,該技術還只能用於構建二維的結構。
  • Now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom. 當這布還在織的時候,皇帝就親自去看它了。
  • I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software and advise clients on how to use them. 我知道貴公司生產電腦,準備軟件,還為客户提供使用軟件的建議。 [1] 