

involve,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“牽涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使捲入”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪnˈvɒlv] 美 [ɪnˈvɑːlv]
v. 牽涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使捲入;(使)參加,加入;使承擔,使面對
[ 第三人稱單數 involves 現在分詞 involving 過去式 involved 過去分詞 involved ] [1] 


involve in 參與;涉及;捲入,陷入
involve deeply 使全神貫注 ; 埋頭於 ; 深深陷入
involve e 包含 ; 牽涉 ; 使捲入 ; 涉及
Involve Theory 涉入理論
implicate involve 牽涉連累 ; 株連
They involve 牽涉面
to involve 包括 ; 捲入 ; 負累 ; 央及
involve both bearning and teaching 涉及教與學兩方面
They involve a 牽涉面 [1] 


  • 1The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.這種療法不涉及任何人造藥物的使用。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Most political questions involve morality in some form or other.多數政治問題牽涉到這樣或那樣的道義性。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Mass whale strandings involve four or more animals.大規模鯨魚擱淺的現象涉及到四種或更多種動物。
  • 4There is much uncertainty about what it will involve.它將涉及的內容具有很多不確定性。
  • 5The use of these materials does involve some inherent questions.對這些材料的使用確實涉及了一些固有的問題。
  • 6It's not just that the middles of fiction involve these processes of delay.不僅僅是小説的中間部分牽涉到這些耽誤的過程。
  • 7"The two cases I'm familiar with didn't involve open data or code," he says.“我熟悉的這兩種情況不涉及公開數據或代碼。”他説。
  • 8Such feedbacks might involve ice on land and sea, clouds, or water vapor, which also absorb radiant heat.這種反饋可能涉及陸地和海洋上的冰、雲或水蒸氣,這些也會吸收輻射熱。
  • 9Other physical processes in space, processes that don't involve living organisms, can create amino acids.在宇宙中其他的一些物理過程,那些不牽涉到生物體的過程,是可以創造出氨基酸的。
  • 10Regarding the appearance of celebrities in advertisements that do not involve host selling, the evidence is mixed.至於名人代言廣告並不涉及“主角”銷售,證據是複雜的。
  • 11These games are not really simulations of war, otherwise, they would also involve plenty of scenes of soldiers firing on Hummers.這些遊戲並不是真實的戰爭模擬,否則這遊戲還應該包含大量的士兵們在悍馬上射擊的場景。
  • 12Other links may involve changes in brain temperature and the release of neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve impulses.)另一種聯繫可能會涉及到大腦温度的變化和神經遞質(傳遞神經衝動的物質)的釋放。
  • 13Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.大多數空中憤怒事件都與酗酒有關。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14A retrofit may involve putting in new door jambs.房子翻新可能需安裝一些新的門框。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15Repairs involve skilled labour , which can be expensive.修理需要熟練技工,人工費會很昂貴。《牛津詞典》
  • 16The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考試將包括回答一些關於一張照片的問題。《牛津詞典》
  • 17Parents should involve themselves in their child's education.父母應當參與孩子的教育。《牛津詞典》
  • 18We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.我們希望參加慶典的人越多越好。《牛津詞典》
  • 19I don't want to do anything that will involve me in a long-term commitment.我不想做任何會使自己做出長期承諾的事情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 20The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.學校無可指摘的目的是讓家長更多的參與到孩子的教育中來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.下階段的行動包括部署來自12個國家的三萬五千多名士兵。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 22Should students involve in rulemaking?學生應該參與規則制定嗎?
  • 23I suppose it must involve some practical work?我想這一定包括一些實際工作吧?
  • 24This is a great way to involve family members and friends.這是一個讓家人和朋友參與進來的好方法。
  • 25They often involve consumers in trying the craft themselves.他們經常讓消費者親自參與嘗試這種手工活動。
  • 26This will involve a huge transition to low-carbon energy systems.這將涉及到向低碳能源系統的巨大轉變。
  • 27And this will involve a huge transition to low-carbon energy systems.這將涉及到向低碳能源系統的巨大轉變。
  • 28It will involve 15,000 police, private security and military personnel.該項目將包括1.5萬名警察、私人安保人員和軍事人員。
  • 29Now, all of these problems involve significant costs for all businesses.現在,所有這些問題涉及所有企業的高額成本。
  • 30Global workforce development doesn't always have to involve travel abroad however.然而,發展全球勞動力並不總是需要去到國外。