


詞    性
釋    義


field of honor n.戰場,決鬥場
guard of honor n.儀隊,儀仗隊
honor system n. 榮譽制度
guest of honor n. 主賓
maid of honor n. 1.女,女儐相
matron of honor n. (已婚的)首席女儐相,主要伴娘
point of honor n. 有關個人名譽之事, 面子問題
word of honor【法】 諾言
Enterprise honor 企業榮譽 ; 聯繫我們 ; 企業聲譽 ; 公司榮譽
Honor hold 榮耀堡 ; 榮譽堡 ; 光榮堡 ; 光彩堡
Our Honor 醫院榮譽 ; 我們的榮譽 ; 公司榮譽 ; 機構榮譽
HONOR STUDENT 榮譽學生 ; 福見真紀 ; 三好學生 ; 榮譽生
Honor certificates 獲獎證書
Hospital honor 醫院榮譽 ; 診療設備 ; 尖端設備 ; 榮譽資質
Secret Honor 秘密的榮譽 ; 秘密的榮耀
Christophe Honor 奧諾雷 ; 克里斯多夫何內 ; 歐諾黑 ; 克里斯托弗·奧諾雷
honor class 榮譽班 ; 榮譽課程 [1] 



a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinctionan award for bravery
[同] honor, honour, accolade, award, laurels
the state of being honored[同] honor, honour, laurels
[反] dishonor, dishonour
the quality of being honorable and having a good namea man of honor[同] honor, honour[反] dishonor, dishonoura woman's virtue or chastity[同] honor, honour, pureness, purity


bestow honor or rewards uponToday we honor our soldiers
The scout was rewarded for courageous action
[同] honor, honour, reward
[反] disgrace, dishonor, dishonour, attaint, shame
show respect towardshonor your parents!
[同] abide by, honor, honour, observe, respect


  • 1He won the Medal of Honor for his actions in 1943.他因在1943年的勇敢行為獲得榮譽勳章。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2What is the Honor Code about?《榮譽準則》是關於什麼的?
  • 3Japan never had that honor.日本從來沒有過這樣的榮譽。
  • 4He considered it an honor.他把這當做一種榮譽。
  • 5It is truly an honor.這真是一種榮譽。
  • 6My school has a rule called the Honor Code.我的學校有一條規則叫做榮譽守則。
  • 7And they don't often make school honor rolls.他們並不經常出現在學校的榮譽榜上。
  • 8It's the highest honor given by the university.這是大學授予的最高榮譽。
  • 9Believe me, your Honor, the fault was not mine.請相信我,尊敬的先生,這錯不在我。
  • 10I don't know, what would a synonym today be for honor?我也不知道,現在榮譽的同義詞是什麼?
  • 11It's my great honor to attend the award ceremony today.很榮幸今天我能參加頒獎儀式。
  • 12In Pakistan, 1000 women die in honor killings every year.在巴基斯坦,每年有1000名婦女死於榮譽謀殺。
  • 13As for me, it was honor to have such a close friend like you.對於我來説,有你這樣的好朋友是我的榮幸。
  • 14I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.在我的無知面前,我是謙卑的,這其中有着我的榮譽和我的報酬。
  • 15This was a great honor, but Alexandra's style of painting was all her own.這是一個巨大的榮譽,但亞歷山德拉的繪畫風格完全是她自己的。
  • 16It's an honor for the bank, too, for the training and experience it's given you.它為你提供了培訓和經驗,這對銀行來説,也是一種榮譽。
  • 17Does it suggest that England's history, its heritage and its honor are in jeopardy?這是否意味着英格蘭的歷史、傳統和榮譽正處於危險之中?
  • 18But it's an honor for the bank, too, for the training and experience it's given you.但對銀行來説,這也是一種榮譽,因為它為你提供了培訓和經驗。
  • 19On behalf of my government, I have the honor to convey to you the following content.我榮幸地代表我國政府向您轉達如下內容。
  • 20Today, consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor.如今,同時為五家企業提供諮詢或自由職業服務是一種榮譽。
  • 21If you made a promise, you must honor it.如果你做出了承諾,就必須遵守它。
  • 22On that day, people remember and honor their ancestors.在這一天,人們緬懷和紀念他們的祖先。
  • 23The honor belongs to all the member of our team.榮譽屬於我們隊的全體隊員們。
  • 24This was done to honor Shakespeare, the most famous English writer.這是為了紀念英國最著名的作家莎士比亞。
  • 25After three years, he won a first class honor degree in natural science.三年後,他獲得了自然科學一級榮譽學位。
  • 26He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.他必須在前五名才能贏得這項榮譽。
  • 27Back then, only the lead actress had the honor to wear a special bracelet.那時候,只有女主角才有幸佩戴特製的手鐲。
  • 28To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.人們為了對它表示敬意,拍攝了一部名為《中國女排》的電影。
  • 29In India, Teachers' Day is celebrated on September 5 in honor of the second president of India.在印度,教師節在9月5日慶祝,以紀念印度第二任總統。
  • 30You deserve the honor.你應該得到這份榮譽。 [1] 
  • 1.    honor  .有道詞典[引用日期2020-07-20]