


hijack,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“劫持;強行控制”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈhaɪdʒæk] 美 [ˈhaɪdʒæk]
v. 搶劫,劫持;強行控制,操縱
n. 劫持事件(或行為)
[ 複數 hijacks 第三人稱單數 hijacks 現在分詞 hijacking 過去式 hijacked 過去分詞 hijacked ] [1] 


Hijack Hunter 間諜掃描 ; 安全輔助工具
Browser Hijack 瀏覽器劫持 ; 瀏覽器挾制 ; 器劫持
Session Hijack 會話劫持 ; 會話挾制
hijack an airplsne 劫機
proxy hijack 代理劫持 ; 署理挾制
Brand Hijack 品牌綁架 [1] 


  • Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week. 劫持過程中,每一分鐘都像一個星期似的。
  • The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack. 頭版是對劫持事件的連續報道。
  • Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk. 兩名男子試圖劫持一架從里加飛往摩爾曼斯克的飛機。
  • It is the aircraft hijack situation in another form. 這是飛機劫持的另一種形式。
  • It's pretty incredible how it has managed to hijack the genes of the algae on which it feeds. 它成功地劫持了食物藻類的基因,實在是不可思議。
  • However, they're more cautious about sharing information with nonmembers, as the organization guards against others developing the ability to hijack and take control of their satellites. 然而,他們在與非成員共享信息時更加謹慎,因為組織會防範其他組織的劫持和控制其衞星的能力得到發展。
  • Obviously it didn't hijack the news agenda in the manner of a major terrorist attack or declaration of war. 顯然,它並沒有以重大恐怖襲擊或宣戰的方式來操控新聞媒體。
  • They're more cautious about sharing information with nonmembers, as the organization guards against others developing the ability to hijack and take control of their satellites. 因為該組織提防他人擁有劫持和控制他們的衞星的能力,他們在與非成員分享信息時更加謹慎。
  • Yesterday they tried to hijack some of our trucks. 昨天他們試圖劫持我們的貨車。
  • The hijack took place just after the plane had taken off. 劫持是飛機剛起飛後發生的。
  • Well, it's ideas — not worms — that hijack our brains. 那些入侵我們大腦的不是寄生蟲,而是一些觀念,它們綁架了我們的大腦。
  • It could also be used to completely hijack the computer, adding it to a botnet. 它也可以用來完全的劫持電腦,加入到一個殭屍網絡。
  • He poses the obvious question: why would anybody want to hijack a ship full of wood? 他提出了一個顯而易見的問題:為什麼有人要劫持的滿載木頭的船?
  • Depending on your web application, there may be more ways to hijack the user's account. 依靠不同的web應用,可能有更多的劫持用户賬户的方法。
  • Some feed on the host's tissue directly, or hijack its molecular machinery to reproduce. 有些寄生蟲和病原體直接以寄主的組織為食,或者劫持寄主的分子機構進行繁殖。
  • Hijack one such account, and you can exploit a whole network of trusting and trusted contacts. 只要劫持到這樣一個賬號,你便可以得到網絡的信任,同時利用信任的聯繫人。
  • This complexity means you can't just hijack any old cell produced by natural neurogenesis. 這種複雜性意味着你不能僅僅用自然神經新生的產物隨意替代舊的細胞。
  • The document cookies can allow the attacker to hijack sessions or log in with stolen credentials. 文檔cookies可以允許攻擊者劫持會話或使用所竊取的憑證進行登錄。
  • An attacker can observe the original file name and hijack it before you recreate it the second time. 攻擊者都有可能觀察到原始的文件名稱,並在您第二次重新創建它時非法控制它。
  • It was huge, all chrome and neon, and the owner was very proud of it; he had helped hijack the truck himself. 機器的主人對此非常自豪,雖然這是靠幫助別人搶劫貨車得來的。
  • Do I hijack this villager's slick motorcycle and get there in style? Do I just parachute my way down the cliff? 我是搶下村民那輛光潔的摩托車瀟灑一把呢,還是從懸崖傘降下去?
  • Third is Europe’s inability to speak with one voice, and the ability of national interest groups to hijack policy. 第三種想法是歐洲無法發出一致的聲音,各個國家的利益可以阻礙政策的實施。
  • The idea behind quantum computation is to hijack some of the "spookiness" in the area of physics known as quantum mechanics. 量子計算依據的想法是劫持一些在物理學領域稱之為量子力學的“幽靈”。
  • There should not be more attempts to hijack this multilateral process, which represents our best hope to achieve final results. 這個多邊的談判進程代表了我們取得最終結果的最好願望,不應該有更多的劫持企圖。
  • Resource hijack — Sending messages that lock or reserve resources on the target server as part of a never-completed transaction. 資源劫持(hijack)——作為一項永遠無法結束的事務的一部分,發送鎖定或佔用目標服務器資源的消息。 [1] 