


forge,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意為“鍛鐵爐,鍛造車間”。作動詞時意為“形成,締造;偽造,假冒;穩步前進;鍛造;偽裝,假冒”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [fɔːdʒ] 美 [fɔːrdʒ]
v. 形成,締造;偽造,假冒;穩步前進;鍛造;偽裝,假冒
n. 鍛鐵爐,鍛造車間
【名】 (Forge)(美)福格(人名)
[ 複數 forges 第三人稱單數 forges 現在分詞 forging 過去式 forged 過去分詞 forged ] [1] 


forge ahead 繼續進行,取得進展
forge piece 鍛件
forge press 鍛壓機
forge iron 攪煉生鐵;鍛鐵
forge welding [機] 鍛焊 ; [機] 鍛接 ; 鍛接焊 ; 鍛造熔接
Forge ahead 鋭意進取 ; 向前邁進 ; 奮發進取
Forge API 整合包 ; 已經安裝好了的
forge shop 鍛工車間 ; 鍛造車間 ; 鍛工場 ; 鍛爐
Poster Forge 海報製作軟件 ; 海報製作工具 ; 簡單海報製作工具 ; 海報製作
forge furnace 鍛爐 ; 鍛造爐 ; [機] 鍛造加熱爐 ; 鍛造用爐
Hammer forge 錘鍛 ; 錘鍛法
forge tongs 鍛工鉗 ; 火鉗 [1] 


  • 1They agreed to forge closer economic ties.他們同意建立更密切的經濟聯繫。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.他再次發誓要繼續推進他的改革計劃。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Not long ago, just being in IRC was enough to forge bonds between chatters.不久前,只需參加因特網中繼聊天就足以在聊天者之間建立聯繫。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.蘇聯是第一個在馬克思主義的旗幟下建立新的經濟體制的國家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The prime minister is determined to forge a good relationship with the country's new leader.該首相決意與該國的新領袖建立良好的關係。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to "globalize."降低成本的途徑之一將是與外國公司結成聯盟或通過適當的兼併進行國際性擴張–簡言之,就是“全球化”。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The roar from this Dickensian forge in the port of Penang is part of a greater reverberation across Asia.檳榔嶼港的這家類似狄更斯式的熔爐裏傳來的轟鳴聲,是整個亞洲更大反響的一部分。
  • 8If tea is a factor in the combination lock, why didn't Japan forge ahead in a tea-soaked industrial revolution of its own?如果茶葉是解開密碼鎖的要素的話,為什麼在一次茶葉起着重要作用的工業革命中,日本本身並沒有取得進展呢?
  • 9It would have been relatively easy for a person with knowledge of metals to melt down bronze objects and forge them into coins.對懂金屬的人來説,熔化青銅製品並將其鍛造成硬幣是相對容易的。
  • 10In the summer, bull trout forge 50 miles upstream from Lake Koocanusa to spawn in the Wigwam River drainage in British Columbia.夏天,鱒魚從 Koocanusa 湖逆流而上50英里,到不列顛哥倫比亞威格沃姆河的排水系統產卵。
  • 11It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive eating away your self-esteem and irritating others.它可以建立更好的人際關係,幫助你應付生活,或者它可以腐蝕你的自尊,激怒別人。
  • 12On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.另一方面,類似於新聞記者每天在報道和評論新聞時會與生活建立起聯繫,它把這些概念與日常實際聯繫起來。
  • 13Face the rough weather of struggle and forge ahead.迎着鬥爭的風浪前進。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 14The utility model relates to a forge and press combined type central water-cooled oxygen lance spray head assembly.本實用新型涉及一種鍛壓組合式中央水冷氧噴槍噴頭總成。
  • 15We forge our own path.我們走出我們自己的路。
  • 16But such an alliance would be hard to forge.但是這種聯盟卻很難形成。
  • 17This is a skill that they forge in grad school.這是他們要在學院裏學習掌握的能力。
  • 18Because somebody's a painter, therefore he can forge.因為只要是個畫家,他就可以偽造。
  • 19We need catalysts to forge these new partnerships.為了培育這些新的合作伙伴關係,我們需要催化劑。
  • 20This year, China-ASEAN relations continue to forge ahead.今年,中國同東盟關係繼往開來。
  • 21Use this time to forge relationships, not just look for the job.要利用這段時間來加強人際關係,而不僅僅是找工作。
  • 22So, taking this into consideration, just cautiously forge ahead.因此,要仔細考慮,並謹慎地向前進行。
  • 23The walls are partly destroyed, however, the forge grids remain.牆體已有部分毀壞,然而,窗户的鐵絲網還在。
  • 24But she has also managed to forge cordial relations with business.不過,她也與商界建立了良好的關係。
  • 25Turkey and Qatar have hosted gatherings to forge opposition fronts.土耳其與卡塔爾都召開了會議,促反對派整合力量。
  • 26They were extremely difficult to forge and the penalties were heavy.它們極難偽造,且造假的刑罰嚴厲。
  • 27Companies have a group of vibrant, high-quality talent to forge ahead.公司擁有一批朝氣蓬勃、鋭意進取的高素質人才隊伍。 [1] 