


explode,主要用作動詞,主要意思為“(使)爆炸,爆破”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪkˈspləʊd] 美 [ɪkˈsploʊd]
v. (使)爆炸,(使)爆破;急劇擴大,激增;(情感)迸發,爆發;推翻,破除;爆響,發出巨響;迅速移動
[ 第三人稱單數 explodes 現在分詞 exploding 過去式 exploded 過去分詞 exploded ] [1] 


explode /ɪkˈspləʊd/ CET4 TEM4 ( exploding, exploded, explodes )
1.V-T/V-I If an object such as a bomb explodes or if someone or something explodes it, it bursts loudly and with great force, often causing damage or injury. 使爆炸; 爆炸
2.V-I If someone explodes, they express strong feelings suddenly and violently. (情感) 迸發
3.V-I If something explodes, it increases suddenly and rapidly in number or intensity. 暴漲
4.V-T If someone explodes a theory or myth, they prove that it is wrong or impossible. 推翻 (理論等) [1] 


explode into 爆發出…
Group Explode 組炸開
X EXPLODE 分解 ; 剖析 ; 炸開
I'm Gonna Explode 爆裂青春 ; 爆炸
explode loudly 猛烈爆炸 ; 激烈爆炸
Explode Layer 設置應用粒子的層
Explode Text 分解文字 [1] 


  • The bomb was primed, ready to explode. 炸彈已準備好,可隨時引爆。
  • The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second. 那枚炸彈必須在百萬分之一秒內爆炸。
  • At last, a women's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful. 終於有一家婦女雜誌起來推翻瘦即美的神話。
  • Explode they did, starting in the 1630s. 從17世紀30年代開始,它們就爆發了。
  • Unless we really do explode the internet. 除非我們真的引爆互聯網。
  • They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode. 當你感覺自己要怒火爆發的時候,它們會幫助你冷靜下來。
  • Other kinds of corn have less water and do not pop. When you heat a seed of corn, the water inside makes the corn explode. 其他種類的玉米水分少,不易爆開。當你加熱一粒玉米種子時,裏面的水會使玉米爆炸。
  • A few blocks east of Gratiot, multicoloured polka dots, stripes and squiggles appear on the street, then the houses explode in a riot of colours and textures. 厄特往東幾個街區,街上出現了五顏六色的圓點、條紋和曲線,接着便是房屋在豐富的色彩和花紋的中爆裂。
  • These are the facts that explode their so-called economic miracle. 這些就是戳穿他們所謂的經濟奇蹟的事實。
  • Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her? 你害怕在她面前突然大哭或勃然大怒嗎?
  • They explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs. 它們就像一顆顆美味的小炸彈,在你的嘴裏爆炸。
  • They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived, but she thought the car was going to explode. 他們告訴她在急救人員到來之前不要動,但她認為汽車要爆炸了。
  • Maybe the bully wants you to explode. 也許那個惡霸想讓你生氣。
  • If you keep all of these emotions bottled up inside, it's going to explode sometime. 如果你一直讓所有情緒積聚在你心裏,那遲早它們會爆發的。
  • Land mines are small bombs hidden in the ground and designed to explode when someone steps on them. 地雷是隱藏在地下的小炸彈,當有人踩到它們時,就會爆炸。
  • Finally, you have an unregulated market place, no government constraints, where prices could explode. 最後,你有一個不受監管的市場,沒有政府的約束,價格可能會暴漲。
  • He has a short fuse, and they poke and prod to see if he will explode. 他易於激動,因此他們故意撥弄他,看看他是否會發火。
  • They then explode, as supernovae. 然後,它們像超新星一樣爆炸。
  • ANALYSIS: Why Does a Star Explode? 分析:為什麼恆星會爆炸?
  • The battery will explode. 珀曼説,“電池會爆炸。
  • Our stock is about to explode. 我們的庫存快要撐爆了。
  • I'm not going to explode. 我不會爆炸。
  • Maybe it will explode. 也可能會爆炸。
  • Prepare for your brain to explode. 現在讓你的大腦準備好接受衝擊吧!
  • Or does it explode? 它是不是還會爆炸?
  • The reactors began to explode and melt down. 反應堆發生了爆炸和熔燬。
  • But she does want to explode some myths. 不過,她的確想戳破一些神話。
  • Stress can build up and explode into problems. 壓力可能積蓄並爆發出問題。 [1] 