


disguise,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“假扮,偽裝”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [dɪsˈɡaɪz] 美 [dɪsˈɡaɪz]
v. 假扮,偽裝;掩飾,隱瞞
n. 偽裝物,偽裝
[ 複數 disguises 第三人稱單數 disguises 現在分詞 disguising 過去式 disguised 過去分詞 disguised ] [1] 


in disguise 偽裝;喬裝
a blessing in disguise 塞翁失馬
in the disguise of 偽裝,假扮成;託辭;以……為藉口
franchises-in-disguise 特許加盟 ; 特許減盟 [1] 


  • He tried to disguise his accent. 他竭力掩飾自己的口音。
  • He is a master of disguise. 他是偽裝高手。
  • You'll have to travel in disguise. 你將不得不喬裝出行。
  • She wore glasses and a wig as a disguise. 她用眼鏡和假髮偽裝起來。
  • She made no attempt to disguise her surprise. 她毫不掩飾自己的驚奇。
  • He made no attempt to disguise his agitation. 他無意掩飾他的不安。
  • The chairman tried to disguise his mortification. 主席試圖掩飾自己的極度窘迫。
  • She couldn't disguise the fact that she felt uncomfortable. 她無法掩飾她那不安的心情。
  • Even your next-door neighbour didn't see through your disguise. 甚至你隔壁的鄰居都沒有看透你的偽裝。
  • Abu is not his real name, but it's one he uses to disguise his identity. 阿布不是他的真名,而是一個他用來掩蓋自己身份的假名。
  • It is a master of disguise. 它是偽裝大師。
  • Some cried, "Tis another prince in disguise!" 有些人喊道:“又是一個喬裝的王子!”
  • My disguise is none so good that thou canst pretend thou knowest not thy father through it. 我的偽裝不怎麼好,你不能因為它就假裝不認識你的父親。
  • All three theories could be true. In particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is obvious. 這三個理論都有可能是正確的。特別是香水作為氣味掩飾的作用是顯而易見的。
  • It felt like a pure gift, like grace from God, that may come to a soul that has opened and dropped its violent disguise. 它感覺是一份純淨的禮物,像來自上帝的恩典,可能會降臨到一個已打開並褪去其暴力偽裝的靈魂身上。
  • People tend not to realize that the first question you should always ask yourself, is this really just something that's well-known in disguise? 人們往往沒有意識到,你應該經常問自己的第一個問題是,這真的只是眾所周知的偽裝嗎?
  • Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals. 它們的身體呈流線型,後肢完全消失,身體上長出了尾片和噴水孔,所有這些特徵都無法掩飾它們與陸生哺乳動物之間的親緣關係。
  • Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality. 為了解決這一矛盾,哈里斯得出結論,弗恩戰略性地使用華麗的修辭,在顯見的常規之下掩蓋她的顛覆目的。
  • She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment. 看到他們難堪的樣子她不禁喜形於色。
  • They tried to disguise the modesty of their achievements. 他們盡力誇大取得的成績。
  • A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise. 投自由民主黨的票不過是改頭換面投工黨的票。
  • The dramatic silhouettes, part ocean liner, part funfair, all disguise the difficulties within. 那動人心魄的輪廓,那遠洋油輪的一隅,那遊樂場的一角,這一切都將內部的困難掩蓋了起來。
  • So successful had she been at hiding her identity that she even managed to disguise it from herself. 她曾經那樣成功地隱藏她的身份,以至於她甚至自己成功地偽裝了自己。
  • A blessing in disguise, then? 因禍得福,然後呢?
  • She tried to disguise her real feelings. 她試圖掩飾自己的真實情感。
  • If you must, wear a disguise and trust no one. 如果你必須這樣做,先喬裝打扮,而且不要相信任何人。
  • Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise. 被開除對我來説是因禍得福。
  • A challenge is simply an opportunity in disguise. 一次挑戰也就是一個被偽裝的機會。 [1] 