


destroy,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,意為“破壞,毀滅;殺死,人道毀滅;徹底打敗”等。 [1] 


英 [dɪˈstrɔɪ] 美 [dɪˈstrɔɪ]
v. 破壞,毀滅;殺死,人道毀滅(受傷、生病或危險的動物);徹底打敗,擊潰;毀掉……的生活,使垮掉
[ 第三人稱單數 destroys 現在分詞 destroying 過去式 destroyed 過去分詞 destroyed ] [1] 


DESTROY WASH 破壞洗 ; 粉碎洗 ; 損壞洗 ; 破損洗
Destroy All Cars 破壞所有車輛 ; 摧毀所有車輛 ; 所有車輛爆炸
Destroy Character 刪除角色 ; 銷燬角色 ; 刪去腳色 ; 取消角色
Do Not Destroy The Harmony 不要傷了和氣
Point Click Destroy 點擊搞破壞
SEEK & DESTROY 探索並征服 ; 尋找與破壞 ; 探究並降服 ; 哥特式金屬
Search&Destroy 爆破模式 ; 爆破形式
Destroy Gunners SP 毀滅槍手 ; 毀滅槍手第二季 ; 毀滅槍手SP ; 機器人大戰 [1] 


  • 1Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.任何改革都將破壞、敗壞我們的憲法。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town.他説軍官們已威脅要摧毀這座小鎮。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The company produces chemicals that destroy ticks and mites.該公司生產消滅壁蝨和蟎蟲的化學品。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.政府着手完全徹底地摧毀這個組織。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The dispute could destroy Australia's hard-won reputation for industrial stability.這場糾紛可能會摧毀澳大利亞辛苦得來的產業穩定聲譽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Customs men put dynamite in the water to destroy the cargo, but most of it was left intact.海關人員把炸藥放入水中以摧毀貨物,但大部分貨物卻完好無損。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.該病毒實際上能破壞那些白血球,使身體極易受到其他感染。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Some worrywarts have predicted that if the scientists actually do create a new universe, it might destroy the existing one.一些杞人憂天的人預測説,假如科學家真的能夠造出一個新宇宙,它也許會摧毀現存的宇宙。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9They destroy only about half of the crops.他們只摧毀了一半的作物。
  • 10Destroy the old world and build a new one.破壞舊世界,建設新世界。
  • 11When they collide, they destroy each other.所以當它們碰撞時,它們會互相毀滅。
  • 12We destroy it through the backwards process.我們通過逆向過程來破壞它。
  • 13A wildfire can destroy everything in its way.一場野火可能會破壞一切。
  • 14You can destroy my house without destroying me.你可以摧毀我的房屋,但無法摧毀我本人。
  • 15They can quickly rally out to destroy a powerful enemy.他們可以很快的集結出海去消滅一支強大的敵軍。
  • 16Remember to destroy every structure in every hive complex.記得摧毀每一個蜂房裏的每一個結構。
  • 17Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.不要讓一個季節的痛苦破壞了其他所有季節的快樂。
  • 18The melting ice cover will destroy the great Antarctic wilderness.正在融化的冰層將摧毀廣袤的南極荒野。
  • 19Don't let the regret of one season destroy the beauty of the rest.不要讓一個季節的遺憾破壞了其他季節的美麗。
  • 20The government should protect the value of the money and not destroy it.政府應該保護貨幣的價值,而非摧毀它的價值。
  • 21They can threaten some native species or even destroy and replace others.它們可以對一些本地物種產生威脅,甚至摧毀和取代其他物種。
  • 22He decides to destroy the gods and he is thwarted by a water god named Ea.他決定毀滅眾神,卻被一位名叫 Ea 的水神所挫敗。
  • 23The building of roads and hotels can quickly destroy those very beautiful places.建設道路和旅館會迅速破壞那些十分美麗的地方。
  • 24If we continue to destroy forests, land desertification will be an inevitable result.如果我們繼續破壞森林的話,土地沙漠化將會是必然的結果。
  • 25Some people think that if they get out of control, nano-robots could destroy the Earth.一些人認為,如果納米機器人失去控制,它們可能會摧毀地球。
  • 26We should remember this before we assume that technology is out to destroy traditional culture.在我們認為技術要破壞傳統文化之前,我們應該記住這一點。
  • 27The antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?反對吸煙的遊説團體要破壞我們的生活方式,而政府應該置若罔聞嗎?
  • 28Too much snow, for example, can smother trees, and avalanches and snow creep can damage or destroy them.例如,太多的雪會使樹木窒息,雪崩和積雪蔓延會損壞或摧毀樹木。
  • 29They will soil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you.它們會弄髒你的房子、毀壞你的財物、狂吠、打架,甚至咬你。
  • 30Ducks have never been popular with farmers like my grandfather anyway because they sometimes destroy crops.反正鴨子從來沒有得到過像我祖父這樣的農民的歡迎,因為它們有時會破壞莊稼。 [1] 