

declare,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,主要意思為“宣佈,聲明;斷言,宣稱”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [dɪˈkleə(r)] 美 [dɪˈkler]
v. 宣佈,聲明;斷言,宣稱;申報;放棄擊球,宣佈結束賽局
[ 第三人稱單數 declares 現在分詞 declaring 過去式 declared 過去分詞 declared ] [1] 


declare oneself 顯露身分;發表意見
declare for v. 表明贊成(擁護)
nothing to declare 綠色通道;不需報關
declare war on v. 發動進攻;對…宣戰
declare on 宣佈
nothing to declare 不需報關 ; 綠色通道 ; 緝私羣英 ; 不用報海關
goods to declare 報關物品 ; 報關 ; 色通道 ; 申報通道
declare at the customs 報關 ; 公佈
declare goods 申報貨物 ; 報貨清單 ; 翻譯
Declare class 報關類
declare bankruptcy 宣告破產 ; 是什麼意思
declare one's love to sb 公開表示對某人的愛
declare oneself 發表意見 ; 表明態度 ; 宣佈自己的身分 ; 顯露身分 [1] 


  • 1I declare this festival open.我宣佈慶祝活動開始。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Do you have anything to declare?你有什麼要申報的嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 3I declare this bridge open.我宣佈大橋正式啓用。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府已經準備好宣佈永久停火。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime.很少有人敢宣稱他們反對這個政權。《牛津詞典》
  • 6His lawyers are confident that the judges will declare Mr. Stevens innocent.他的律師們確信法官們會宣佈史蒂文斯先生無罪。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The judge said he would declare a mistrial if the jury did not reach its verdict today.法官説,如果陪審團今天不能作出裁決的話,他就宣佈失審。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8I declare it's too bad, that it is!我宣佈這太糟糕了,真的太糟糕了!
  • 9Why did SAG AFTRA declare a strike against some video game publishers?為什麼 SAG AFTRA 宣佈罷工來反對一些電子遊戲發行商?
  • 10Why don't they land right on the White House lawn and declare themselves?他們為什麼不直接降落在白宮草坪上,宣佈自己的身份呢?
  • 11You can use "make sure" to declare that you want something or something needs to be done.你可以用“make sure”來聲明想要某東西或某事必須做到。
  • 12Its heroes might declare the madness of reality, but reality inevitably triumphed over them.它的英雄們也許會宣告現實的瘋狂,但現實不可避免地戰勝了他們。
  • 13Obviously mindful of the publicity value of the situation, Journal editor George Lundberg appeared on TV to declare, "Age doesn't matter."《華爾街日報》主編喬治·倫德伯格顯然意識到了這一事件的宣傳價值,他在電視上宣稱:“年齡並不重要。”
  • 14The cultural organization didn't vote to declare Venice a World Heritage Site In Danger is because UNESCO has become "intensely politicized".文化機構沒有投票宣佈威尼斯為瀕危世界遺產,因為聯合國教科文組織已經變得“高度政治化”。
  • 15Obama is only the most prominent public figure to declare inequality Public Enemy No.1 and the greatest threat to reducing poverty in America.奧巴馬宣稱不平等是公眾的頭號敵人,也是美國減少貧困的最大威脅,但他只是宣佈這一論調的最著名的公眾人物。
  • 16The insect, Tutaabsoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.卡杜納州是尼日利亞最大的西紅柿生產地,這種名為番茄斑潛蠅的昆蟲破壞了那裏80%的農場,致使當地政府宣佈進入緊急狀態。
  • 17The insect, Tuta absoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato-producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.這種名為番茄斑潛蠅的昆蟲,已經摧毀了尼日利亞最大的番茄產地——卡杜納80%的農場,導致當地政府宣佈進入緊急狀態。
  • 18She says the main reason the U.N. cultural organization didn't vote to declare Venice a World Heritage Site In Danger is because UNESCO has become "intensely politicized".她説,聯合國文化組織沒有投票宣佈威尼斯成為世界瀕危遺產地的主要原因是聯合國教科文組織已經變得“極度政治化”。
  • 19I should, at this point, declare my interest.到了這個時候,我應該申明我的利益關係。《牛津詞典》
  • 20It is difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms are reluctant to declare their losses.很難確定一個準確的數字,因為各家公司不願公佈它們的虧損情況。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21I can declare in no uncertain terms that not praising children can lead to their lack of confidence.我可以毫不含糊地説,不讚揚孩子會導致他們缺乏自信。
  • 22Higher-income children are more likely to declare boredom and expect their parents to solve their problems.高收入家庭的孩子更有可能感到無聊,並希望父母幫他們解決問題。
  • 23Have you got anything to declare?你有什麼東西需要報關的嗎?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 24We first declare some variables.我們首先聲明一些變量。
  • 25When do we declare victory?什麼時候我們能宣佈勝利?
  • 26B: Do you have anything to declare?有什麼要申報的嗎?
  • 27A: Do you have anything to declare?有什麼要申報的嗎?
  • 28I have a few things to declare.我有一些東西需要申報。 [1] 