


cite,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“引用,援引”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [saɪt] 美 [saɪt]
v. 引用,援引;引證,引以為例;傳喚,傳訊;嘉獎,表彰
n. <美>引用,引文
[ 複數 cites 第三人稱單數 cites 現在分詞 citing 過去式 cited 過去分詞 cited ] [1] 


cite /saɪt/ CET4 TEM4 ( citing, cited, cites )
1.V-T If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying. 引用 [正式]
2.V-T To cite a person means to officially name them in a legal case. To cite a reason or cause means to state it as the official reason for your case. 引證
3.V-T If someone is cited, they are officially ordered to appear before a court. 傳訊 [美國英語] [法律] [usu passive]
4.V-T If a judge cites someone, he or she officially names them in a critical way in court. 指控 [美國英語] [法律] [1] 


cite an example 舉例;引用一個例子
let us cite 舉例而言 [1] 


  • Can you cite another case like this? 你能舉另外一個像這樣的實例嗎?
  • It would be an endless task to cite such living examples. 這樣的實例舉不勝舉。
  • The third rule is to be ready to cite options and consequences. 第三條規則是準備好列舉選項和結果。
  • It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the depressing state of literacy. 對我來説,幾乎沒有必要列舉所有關於人們讀寫能力的證據,這些證據令人沮喪。
  • When experts cite possible harm from the commercialization of laser enrichment, they often point to Iran. 當專家列舉激光濃縮商業化可能帶來的危害時,他們常常指向伊朗。
  • A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of a energy-trading company, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals. 施韋策和他的同事引用的一個典型例子是2004年一家能源交易公司倒閉的事件,在該公司中,經理們用經濟獎勵來激勵銷售人員達到特定的收入目標。
  • It is important to cite examples to support your argument. 用實例來證明你的論點是重要的。
  • The officials didn't cite particular reports. 官員們沒有引用特定的報道。
  • The last factor I cite here concerns popular culture. 我在這裏提到的最後一個因素與流行文化有關。
  • Now, the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals. 現在,更新世野生動物保護的倡導者提出了兩個主要目標。
  • The court may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled more freedom. 法院還會希望給警察留出空間,讓他們可以在很多情況下享有更多自由。
  • The court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled more freedom. 儘管如此,法院還會希望給警察留出空間,讓他們可以利用享有更多自由。
  • There are the parents who cite their own children's hectic schedules as anecdotal proof that the data are nonsense. 有些父母以自己孩子密密麻麻、目不暇接的日程表為依據,來説明那些數據是胡扯。
  • In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctive of itself. 事實上,在皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)四代人的數據中,千禧一代並沒有將職業道德作為其獨特之處。
  • Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service. 老師們也不斷報告自己能力欠缺,無法滿足小學生們的精神健康需求,並且經常提到缺乏來自英國國家醫療服務體系的訓練、專業知識培訓以及支持。
  • Don't cite personality problems. 不要引用個人的問題。
  • They can cite many missteps. 他們可以舉出不少敗筆。
  • What evidence do these skeptics cite? 這些人引用了什麼證據來證明他們的懷疑呢?
  • It did not cite a source. 但消息並未引用消息來源。
  • Why do judges cite Shakespeare or Kafka? 法官有什麼必要引用莎士比亞或卡夫卡呢?
  • One-third cite the need to reduce their debt. 三分之一的人表示要減輕自己的負債。
  • They cite a text that's actually about divorce. 他們引用了關於離婚的經文。
  • Many venture capitalists cite a lack of “exit options”. 許多風投資本家援引“出口選擇”的缺乏來解釋。
  • She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation. 她能説出許多無限期分居案例的案卷摘要。
  • Other ethical issues, let me cite one that comes in light. 還有其他道德上的問題,讓我引用一個例子。
  • I can cite a recent, personal incident as a great example. 我可以舉一個最近發生在我身上的例子。 [1] 