


cascade,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“小瀑布,傾瀉”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [kæˈskeɪd] 美 [kæˈskeɪd]
n. 小瀑布(尤指大瀑布的一支);傾瀉,流注;瀑布狀物;傾瀉(或湧出)的東西;(很快發生的)一連串事情;(尤指信息或知識等的)連續傳遞過程;(一個過程中前一個引發後一個的)連續階段,一系列裝置
v. (水)傾瀉,流注;大量落下,垂下;連續傳遞,傳授;使(裝置,物品)串聯
[ 複數 cascades 第三人稱單數 cascades 現在分詞 cascading 過去式 cascaded 過去分詞 cascaded ] [1] 


cascade control 串級控制;[計]級聯控制
cascade development 梯級開發;幹顯影
cascade system 串級系統
cascade impactor 階式碰撞取樣器 [1] 


  • If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies. 如果一家公司倒閉,可能會引起一連串的破產。
  • Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back. 她的長髮瀑布般地傾瀉在後背上。
  • He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans. 他隨着一連串的油桶跌落墜地。
  • A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America. 第三種類型的山可能是由於火山活動形成的,一般發生在活動性褶皺帶地區,如北美西部的喀斯喀特山脈。
  • This is also called transitive proxy, delegable proxy and delegate cascade. 這也被稱為可傳遞代理、可委託代理和委託級聯。
  • The firework went off in a cascade of colour. 煙火散開像一片五彩繽紛的瀑布。
  • Cascade Falls is highly recommended. 瀑布是我們極力推薦的。
  • Then there's a cascade and then the theme comes back. 然後出現一連串音符,緊接着迴歸主題。
  • This has resulted in a cascade of entrepreneurship. 這導致了創業的級聯反應。
  • This massive cascade of snow followed a six-day storm. 為期6天的風暴過後開始了這場大規模的雪崩。
  • American withdrawal might produce a cascade of problems. 美國的撤軍可能會製造一堆問題。
  • Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery light. 在他們身後,瀑布閃爍着銀光飛瀉而下。
  • The result is a cascade of the views offset by these values. 結果是按這些值疊放的視圖。
  • Sometimes you want the deletes to cascade; other times you don't. 有時候您希望刪除操作能夠實現級聯;有時候不希望這樣。
  • But straight couples more often find a way to stop the cascade. 但是直人伴侶通常能找到辦法來阻止這種崩潰。
  • The project of this cascade was thought over thoroughly by the emperor. 這個小瀑布工程據説完全由大帝本人想出。
  • Any of the previously mentioned attributes will cascade if applied to an. 如果應用到,則之前提到的所有屬性將串聯起來。
  • Otherwise, a single query could cascade to loading the entire database. 否則,一個簡單的查詢就能級聯地加載整個數據庫。
  • You'll end up with a cascade-the same sort of cascade your browser applies. 您最終將得到一個級聯——瀏覽器應用的相同種類的級聯。
  • The collapse of one big financial company could cascade through the industry. 一間大型金融公司破產可能會讓整個業界轟然倒塌。
  • Trouble for a supplier to a company's parts supplier can cascade across an industry. 一個公司的零件供應商的麻煩可能波及到整個行業。
  • In the latter case, the configuration might cascade or be reconciled into a final result. 在後一種情況下,配置可以級聯或融解到最終結果中。
  • Trouble for a supplier to a company’s parts supplier can cascade across an industry. 一個公司的零件供應商的麻煩可能波及到整個行業。
  • If you started triggering productive habits, those would cascade to feeling more motivated. 如果你養成一些有益的習慣,那麼這些習慣會讓你覺得越來越有動力。
  • That process creates engagement with the present moment and releases a cascade of other benefits. 這個過程引起對當下時刻的全神貫注並引出一連串的其他好處。
  • The resulting cascade of electrons and holes is easy to detect, showing that light has struck . 隨之而來經過放大的電子跟空穴很容易檢測到,這就表明有光線經過。
  • In addition, these new reference items might cascade and affect established architectural standards. 此外,這些新的參考項可能層疊並且影響已經建立的體系結構的標準。
  • Standing causes sudden stretching and pulling of this ligament, and this can start the pain cascade. 站立會導致突發性的韌帶拉伸,這種拉伸時疼痛加劇。
  • Specifically its operation doesn't cascade to the associated instances; you must handle them by yourself. 尤其是它的操作並不會記聯到所關聯的實例上;你必須自己來處理它們。 [1] 