

bury,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時意為“埋,埋葬;埋藏,隱藏;掩藏情感;把頭/臉埋進……;嵌入”等 [1] 
詞    性
發    音


英 [ˈberi] 美 [ˈberi]
v. 埋,埋葬;埋藏,隱藏;掩藏情感;把頭/臉埋進……;嵌入,插入;埋頭於,專心於(bury oneself in);證明……是錯的;<非正式>輕鬆戰勝,擊敗
【名】 (Bury)(英、西)伯裏,(法)比裏,(德、意、羅、波、捷、匈)布里,(俄)佈雷(人名)
[ 第三人稱單數 buries 現在分詞 burying 過去式 buried 過去分詞 buried ] [1] 


bury the hatchet 言歸於好 ; 和好 ; 捐棄前嫌 ; 破鏡重圓
Bury St Edmunds 聖埃德蒙茲伯裏 ; 貝里聖埃德蒙茲 ; 伯裏聖埃德蒙茲 ; 聖埃德蒙
Bury North 北貝里
Metropolitan Borough of Bury 貝里都市自治市
Bury my Heart 葬心 ; 魂歸傷膝谷
Bury Me High 衞斯理之霸王卸甲 ; 霸王卸甲 ; 衞斯理
Bury a shot 投籃命中 ; 投籃擲中 ; 詳細翻譯
bury alive 活埋 ; 坑殺 ; 詳細翻譯
bury it 埋葬這 ; 同上 ; 埋葬它 [1] 


  • 1'Good place to bury the bodies,' she joked with black humour.“真是個掩埋屍體的風水寶地。”她以黑色幽默打趣道。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Bury the old world and build a new one.埋葬舊世界,建設新世界。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3If I die, bury me under the juniper-tree.如果我死了,就把我埋在檜樹下。
  • 4Huck said: "Do they always bury it as deep as this?"哈克説:“他們總是埋得這麼深嗎?”
  • 5Well—if you say so; what'll we do with this—bury it again?好吧——既然你這麼説;我們拿這個怎麼辦——再把它埋起來?
  • 6"Good," thought Huck, "they will bury it in the old quarry."“好吧,”哈克想,“他們會把它埋在石坑裏。”
  • 7Gray squirrels bury nuts one at a time in a number of places.灰松鼠在很多地方一次埋一個堅果。
  • 8In this field you dig a hole and in the hole you bury a gold piece.在這塊地裏挖一個洞,在洞裏埋一枚金幣。
  • 9"Very well," he thought, "let them bury it there; it won't be hard to find."“很好,”他想,“讓他們把它埋在那兒吧。這並不難找。”
  • 10The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.軍隊組織各隊去挖出被困者,埋葬死者。
  • 11I went with the Fox and the Cat to the Field of Wonders to bury the gold pieces.我和狐狸和貓一起去奇蹟之地埋金幣。
  • 12Some birds build their nests on the ground, while others bury their eggs under the ground.有些鳥在地上築巢,有些則把蛋埋在地下。
  • 13There's a spade in "Home Burial", the spade that's used to bury the couple's little child.“土葬”中有一把鐵鍬,就是用來埋葬這對夫婦的小孩的鐵鍬。
  • 14You'll have to bury yourself in your studies if you want to pass the entrance examinations.要想通過入學考試,你必須埋頭讀書。
  • 15She had learnt to bury her feelings.她已經學會了感情不外露。《牛津詞典》
  • 16Soldiers helped to bury the dead in large communal graves.士兵們協助將死者埋葬在大型公共墓地裏。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17I was horrified that people would think I was dead and bury me alive.人們會以為我死了而將我活埋的想法讓我極度恐懼。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18It is time to bury the hatchet and forget about what has happened in the past.是言歸於好並忘記過去發生的事的時候了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 19Dig a pit and bury the garbage.挖一個坑把垃圾埋掉。
  • 20People usually burn or bury (埋) it.人們通常把它進行焚燒或填埋處理。
  • 21We can bury it out of sight.我們能將其埋葬於視野之外。
  • 22Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is to counter it with a splashy new announcement.每個政壇老手都知道,掩蓋壞消息的最好方法是用一個引人注目的好消息來反擊。
  • 23Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the GlassSteagall act.桑迪·威爾在上世紀90年代整合了花旗集團,並在此過程中幫助廢除了《格拉斯-斯蒂格爾法案》。
  • 24Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the Glass-Steagall act.桑迪·威爾在20世紀90年代整合了花旗集團,並在此過程中幫助廢除了《格拉斯-斯蒂格爾法案》。
  • 25Let's bury "work-life balance" and think bigger and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.我們不要想着“平衡工作和生活”,而要從更大的角度更好地思考工作與生活的滿足感,少一點平衡,多一點生活。
  • 26Qinfen: I'll bury them for you.秦奮:我替你們挖抗埋了。
  • 27I will dig a hole, and bury it.我準備挖個洞,把他們埋起來。
  • 28Do they bury them in Canada?他們把倖存者埋在了加拿大? [1] 