

brace,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意為“支撐物,支架;牙箍,牙齒矯正器;大括弧,大括號;一對”,作動詞時意為“使作好準備;支撐,加固;抵住,頂住;繃緊”等 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性
hand brace


英 [breɪs] 美 [breɪs]
v. (使)作好準備;支撐,加固;抵住,頂住;(身體或身體某部分)繃緊
n. 支撐物,支架;牙箍,牙齒矯正器;大括弧,大括號;一對(獵獲的鳥);<英>吊褲帶,揹帶;手搖曲柄;(船上的)轉帆索
【名】 (Brace)(美)佈雷斯(人名)
[ 複數 braces 第三人稱單數 braces 現在分詞 bracing 過去式 braced 過去分詞 braced ] [1] 


brace up 下定決心;打起精神
brace yourself 振作精神,振作起來
corner brace 齒輪傳動手搖鑽,角撐
brace bit 弓形手鑽嘴 ; 曲柄鑽 ; [機] 鑽孔器 ; 搖鑽
hand brace 手搖鑽 ; 曲柄鑽 ; 足搖鑽
ratchet brace 棘齒弓鑽 ; 棘輪搖鑽 ; 棘輪曲柄鑽 ; 棘輪扳鑽
diagonal brace 對角拉筋
brace for 準備 ; 籌備 ; 括號為 ; 為大括號
angle brace [建] 角撐 ; 斜撐
Brace up 緊握球棒 ; 奮起 ; 打起精神
bit brace 手搖鑽 ; 曲柄鑽頭 ; 搖鑽柄 ; 曲柄鑽
crank brace [機] 曲柄鑽 ; 手搖鑽 [1] 


  • 1Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof.在頭頂上,光線照射出支撐屋頂的舊木頭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Once they made him wear a brace but he fretted so he was downright ill.有一次,他們讓他戴上支架,但他焦躁不安,因此病得很重。
  • 3We have an internal brace that prevents the tissues from stretching but still allows you to mobilize the joint with some confidence.我們會有一個內部支撐架,可以防止組織被拉長,但是它仍然可以讓你自信地活動關節。
  • 4There was the wonder I felt when I saw a brace of mountain like, spotted, black-and-white horses clopping down a dusty road through clouds of powdered clay.當我看到一對山,就像黑白斑點的馬,踏着塵土飛揚的道路,穿過塵土飛揚的粘土時,我感到了一種奇妙的感覺。
  • 5It was easy to think this; but it was hard to brace himself up to try it.這樣想很容易;但他很難壯起膽來去嘗試。
  • 6Huck was given a seat and the old man and his brace of tall sons speedily dressed themselves.哈克坐了下來,老人和兩個高個子兒子很快穿好衣服。
  • 7Brace up!; Pull yourself together!振作起來!《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8Like to the armour's iron brace.盔甲去柱鐵片散。
  • 9Brace yourself, "Gossip Girl" fans.穩住啊,各位《緋聞女孩》的粉絲們。
  • 10BOSTON - Cancer patients, brace yourselves.波士頓- - -癌症病人,堅持住。
  • 11Brace those sagging shelves with more crosspieces.多用橫檔加固那些下陷的架子。
  • 12So I think we brace ourselves a tough year ahead.我認為我們將會面臨形勢嚴峻的一年。
  • 13Non-Americans must also brace for disappointment.非美國人也一定要做好失望的準備。
  • 14He took lessons, and had to wear a hip brace for a year.他上了芭蕾課,還戴了一年的矯正器。
  • 15When I hit that curly brace, swap's role in life is over.當我以那個花括號結束,swap的角色就結束了。
  • 16Brace yourself, as things are about to get more complicated.做好準備,事情將變得更加複雜。
  • 17GAS USES a circular brace to dereference the same value: (var1).GAS使用圓括號間接引用同樣的值:(var1)。
  • 18They are correct, as the picture suggests, but then I hit that curly brace.它們是正確的,就像那個圖所表示的,然後以那個花括號結束。
  • 19I would be on crutches for a couple of months and in a soft leg brace after that.我還需要拄幾個月枴杖,之後我要戴一個柔軟的大腿支架。
  • 20If that advice is followed, Mr Bernanke should brace for more downward revisions.如果建議被採納,伯納德先生應該鼓起勇氣消減更多。
  • 21What if — now brace yourself — it comes down to one simple reason: your idea sucks.也有可能——你聽好了——它可歸結為一個簡單的原因:你的點子壞了事。
  • 22The knee brace harvests energy generated when someone bends their knee to take a step.當人屈膝邁步時,膝行拉條會儲存能量。
  • 23This is in your seat area and shows the brace position, exits, life jackets and oxygen.卡片在你座位的區域,你可以看到揹帶的位置,出口,救生衣和吸氧的提示。
  • 24As of January 21, forecasters were warning Californians to brace for yet another storm.截至1月21日,天氣預報正在警告加利福尼亞人要打起精神,迎接下一場風暴。
  • 25Those thus challenged must also brace themselves for the coming boom in medical tourism.這些挑戰一定也會在即將到來的醫療旅遊的繁榮中掐緊保健體系的脖子。
  • 26Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more.每例死亡都是一場悲劇,而且我們必須有準備目睹更多的死亡。
  • 27The (left curly brace) should be at the end of the line that begins the compound statement.(左大括號)應在複合語句其實行的結尾處。 [1] 