


belly是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意思是“腹部,肚子;胃,胃口”,作動詞時意思是“鼓起,張滿”等 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性
釋    義


英 [ˈbeli] 美 [ˈbeli]
n. (人或動物的)腹部,肚子;胃,胃口;(物體的)腹狀部分;腹部豬肉切;(絃樂器的)面板
v. 鼓起,張滿
【名】 (Belly)(法、意、葡)貝利(人名)
[ 複數 bellies 第三人稱單數 bellies 現在分詞 bellying 過去式 bellied 過去分詞 bellied ] [1] 


back and belly [口語] , ◎背與腹 , ◎腹背,前前後後;周身,全身,渾身上下 2.[比喻]衣食(通常用於keep someone back and belly) , ◎全然地 , ◎背與腹;渾身上下 , ◎[比喻]衣食 , ◎腹背,前前後後
belly dance 肚皮舞
beer belly 大肚子,啤酒肚
belly dancing 肚皮舞
go belly up [美國俚語] , ◎(如肚皮朝天的魚似的)死亡 , ◎失敗;破產,垮掉,完蛋 , ◎展平的 , ◎死了的 , ◎垮掉的
belly button 肚臍;臍孔
pork belly 五花肉
belly laugh 捧腹大笑
belly up 企業倒閉,破產了的 [1] 


  • 1His big fat belly overhung his belt.他那碩大肥胖的肚子挺在腰帶上面。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She laid her hands on her swollen belly.她把手放在隆起的肚子上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.他又矮又胖,有個很大的啤酒肚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.他制服上衣中間的那個釦子在他的肚子上繃得緊緊的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Tim clasped his hands together and held them loosely in front of his belly.蒂姆十指交叉搭在腹前。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6It's in the crocodile's belly!它在鱷魚的肚子裏!
  • 7Should he or she elect to wear a belly button ring or a barbell?她或者他,選擇佩戴肚臍環還是肚臍鈴?
  • 8I really want to lose some of this belly fat and turn it into muscle.我真的想減掉一些腹部脂肪,把它變成肌肉。
  • 9I really want to lose some of these belly fat and turn it into muscle.我真的想減掉一些腹部脂肪,練成肌肉。
  • 10It seems that I have a big belly to say, but I don't know where to start.彷彿是有一大肚子的話要説,但我卻又不知從何説起。
  • 11That's what the folks at the Belly Button Biodiversity project have found.這正是“肚臍眼微生物差異性”項目小組那幫人所發現的。
  • 12They cling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.它們緊緊地抓住獵食者的腹部,用牙齒和爪子緊緊抓住不放。
  • 13My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry.我的後背覆蓋着又硬又尖的刺,我的腹部柔軟而多毛。
  • 14That back-and-forth movement also adjusts the muscles in your legs and belly.那種前後運動也能調節你腿部和腹部的肌肉。
  • 15Put one hand on your belly just below your ribs and the other hand on your chest.把一隻手放在位於肋骨正下方的腹部上,另一隻手放在胸部上。
  • 16Attempts to brand the belly dance as an act of seduction are both demeaning and distorting.試圖將肚皮舞標榜為一種誘惑行為是貶低和扭曲的。
  • 17She looked at him on every side and saw that something was moving and struggling in his gorged belly.她從四周打量着他,發現在他那飽脹的肚子裏有東西在移動和掙扎。
  • 18No one pays attention to the soul where these hard work comes from, it only needs to satisfy the rich with a big belly.沒有人會關注這些苦功究竟來自哪裏的靈魂,只需要滿足那些大腹便便的富人就好。
  • 19To further improve taste, check out its "belly button": At the blossom end, eggplants have either an oval or round dimple.要進一步改善口感,看看它的“肚臍”:在有花的一端,茄子會有一個橢圓或圓形的小凹。
  • 20She threw balls in the air and caught them in the arches of her feet, above the swell of her belly, between her chin and chest.她把球拋到空中,然後用足弓,或她的肚子,或在下巴與胸口之間接住它。
  • 21We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets.我們都將寵物擬人化,在漂亮的牧羊犬,藍眼睛的暹羅貓,胖肚皮的小豬身上尋找某種精神。
  • 22Karolina Kurkova, a Victoria's Secret Angel, is perfect in every way, except she is missing a belly button. Her navel simply does not exist.《維多利亞秘密》裏的天使卡洛利娜·庫爾科娃每個方面都很完美,但她卻沒有肚臍眼。她的肚臍根本不存在。
  • 23The sergeant threw the frayed sheaf of football-pool coupons aside and snatched the radio. He saluted smartly, his huge belly juggling like a water gourd.警官將破損的足球彩票扔到一邊,抓起了對話機,他瀟灑地敬了個禮,巨大的肚子晃得就像一個水葫蘆。
  • 24Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.每一次插科打諢都引來一陣捧腹大笑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 25Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended.吉羅大腹便便地蹣跚而來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 26Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.去年一位合夥人退出後,這家企業就垮掉了。《牛津詞典》
  • 27He's in the belly of the whale.他正在鯨魚肚子裏。
  • 28If thawed semen is used, it has to be injected directly into the uterus through the ewe's belly wall.如果使用解凍的精液,它必須通過母羊的腹壁直接注入子宮。
  • 29That's not counting the fuel burned in transportation, processing, refrigeration, and other waypoints between farm and belly.這還不包括運輸、加工、冷藏等從生產到消費中各種工序所消耗的燃料。 [1] 