


axe,英文單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“斧,斧子”,作動詞時意為“削減,(用斧)砍”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [æks] 美 [æks] [1] 


n. ,斧子
v. 削減,撤銷;解僱,開除;(用斧)砍
【名】 (Axe)(英)阿克斯,(瑞典)阿克塞(人名)
[ 複數:axes 第三人稱單數:axes 現在分詞:axing 過去式:axed 過去分詞:axed ] [1] 


ice axe:冰鎬 ; 冰杖 ; 冰斧 ; 破冰斧
battle axe:戰斧 ; 戰鬥斧 ; 出版者
Fire Axe:消防斧 ; 斧頭 ; 太平斧 ; 消防用斧
Hand Axe:手斧
Axe mastery:支配斧頭 ; 斧系 ; 野蠻人的斧系掌握技能 ; 精通斧術 [1] 


axe /æks/ CET4 TEM4 ( axing, axed, axes )
AM usually ax
1.N-COUNT An axe is a tool used for cutting wood. It consists of a heavy metal blade that is sharp at one edge and attached by its other edge to the end of a long handle. 斧子
2.V-T If someone's job or something such as a public service or a television programme is axed, it is ended suddenly and without discussion. 被砍掉 [usu passive] [1] 


  • She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe. 她用斧頭把他的顱骨劈成兩半。
  • Then the woodcutter let his axe fly – Thwack! Everyone heard it. 然後那個伐木工脱手甩出了斧頭。哐!的一聲,每個人都聽見了。
  • He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr. Cox, who came at him with an axe. 他堅持説他是在自我防衞,因為考克斯先生手持斧頭向他逼過來。
  • The edge of this axe has turned. 這把斧子捲了刃了。
  • The youth drew out the axe and let him go. 年輕人拔出斧頭,讓他走了。
  • I strike bad people's heads off; and I hear that my axe rings! 我專砍壞人的腦袋;我聽到我的斧頭在顫動!
  • He had an axe brought, and they cut down the tree, but found no one upon it. 他叫人拿來一把斧子,他們砍倒了樹,卻在上面找不到人。
  • The stuff in the car would include a kettle, a dish, a blanket, a chair, a bucket and an axe. 車上的東西包括一個壺、一個盤子、一條毯子、一把椅子、一個提桶和一把斧頭。
  • Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm. 艱苦掙扎的默西賽德公司有多達300名工人面臨被解僱。
  • Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe. 病人高興的是當地醫院得以免遭關閉。
  • She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety. 她毫無私心,這樣做只是出於對他們安全的擔心。
  • You take away his axe. You tell him about how important trees are. 你拿走他的斧頭,告訴他樹木有多重要。
  • He looks like he's got an axe to grind. Better have a talk with him. 他看來是牢騷滿腹,你最好找他談談。
  • The heavy axe was awkward to use. 這把重斧頭不好用。
  • Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 請把這把斧頭的刃磨快。
  • First, you have to have a sharp axe. 首先,你要有把鋒利的斧子。
  • The day Dad attacked Mum with an axe. 那一天,爸爸手中的斧頭砸向了媽媽。
  • Axe the tax on taxis. 削減出租車的税費。
  • A bloodstained axe was found at the scene. 現場有一把染有血漬的斧頭。
  • It's the hand axe. 它,便是手斧。
  • They use an axe and disfigure the rhino's face. 他們用斧頭砍,把犀牛的臉都砍壞了。
  • I got the axe. 我被開除了。
  • The executioner put down his axe and stood quietly. 劊子手放下了斧子,一言不發地站着。
  • When you have finished using the axe, please replace it. 當你用完斧子後,請放回原處。
  • There axe many kinds of Thanksgiving Days in the world. 世界上的感恩節多種多樣。
  • George Osborne is taking the axe to middle-class entitlements. 喬治·奧斯本拿中產階級利益開刀。 [1] 