

auxiliary,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞名詞,主要意思為“輔助的;備用的,後備的;助手,輔助人員”等。 [1] 
詞    性
釋    義


英 [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri] 美 [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]
adj. 輔助的;備用的,後備的
n. 助手,輔助人員;外國援軍士兵,僱傭兵;附屬機構;志願隊;輔助艦船;助動詞
[ 複數 auxiliaries ] [1] 


auxiliary equipment 輔助設備,附屬設備;備用設備
auxiliary power 廠用電力
auxiliary system 輔助系統
auxiliary material 輔助材料
auxiliary shaft 副軸;輔助豎井
auxiliary function 輔助功能;輔助函數
auxiliary device 輔助裝置,輔助設備;附屬裝置
auxiliary machinery 輔助機器
auxiliary machine 輔助機械;備用機器
auxiliary information 輔助信息
auxiliary service 附屬服務設備;附屬服務
auxiliary verb 助動詞
auxiliary power supply 自備供電設備
auxiliary engine 輔助動力機
auxiliary circuit 輔助電路
textile auxiliary 紡織助劑
auxiliary storage 輔助存儲器(等於auxiliary memory)
auxiliary power unit (apu) 輔助動力單元
auxiliary operation 輔助操作
auxiliary pump 輔助泵 [1] 


  • 1Esperanto was invented as an auxiliary language.世界語是作為輔助語發明的。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Esperanto is an artificial language, designed to serve internationally as an auxiliary means of communication among speakers of different languages.世界語是一種人造語言,目的是充當國際上不同語言使用者之間交流的輔助手段。
  • 3The government's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.政府首要關注的是擴充軍隊與後備軍。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The tissue culture technology about shoot-tip and stem with auxiliary bud of Kalanchoe Blossfeldian were studied.研究了甘藍的芽尖和莖與腋芽的組織培養技術。
  • 5Auxiliary power systems failed.輔助電力系統失效。
  • 6I was advised to take auxiliary light.有人勸我帶上輔助照明設備。
  • 7Imitate data skew using an auxiliary table.使用輔助表模仿數據傾斜。
  • 8So, an auxiliary cube and a view must be created.因此必須創建一個輔助多維數據集和一個視圖。
  • 9He also brought an auxiliary engine with him.他還帶了一個輔助的發電機。
  • 10The second auxiliary constructor accepts just a label.第二個輔助構造函數只接受一個標籤。
  • 11Auxiliary storage devices will augment the memory capacity.輔助存儲設備可以加大內存容量。
  • 12For packaging auxiliary resources associated with components.用於打包與組件相關聯的輔助資源。
  • 13The code of this auxiliary function can be found in encode.js.這個輔助函數的代碼可以在encode . js中找到。
  • 14A data entry cannot entirely rely on an auxiliary object class.數據條目不能完全依靠輔助對象類。
  • 15This avoids cluttering up the core content with auxiliary material.這樣可以避免把核心內容與輔助資料混在一起。
  • 16Namespace declarations for UBL 2.0 Invoice and auxiliary namespaces.UBL 2.0 Invoice的名稱空間聲明和輔助名稱空間。
  • 17The first auxiliary constructor accepts a label and a single callback.第一個輔助構造函數接受一個標籤和一個單獨的回調函數。
  • 18Auxiliary object classes are meant to serve some very specific purpose.輔助對象類是為了滿足一些非常特定的目的。
  • 19The third configuration group in Listing 2 defines an auxiliary region.清單2中的第3個配置組定義了一個輔助區域。
  • 20The fourth auxiliary rule is to be able to work and save for a long time.第四條輔助規則是有能力工作而且長時間積累。
  • 21There are three types of object classes: abstract, structural, and auxiliary.對象類有三種類型:抽象、結構性和輔助性。
  • 22The second auxiliary rule for becoming rich is to pick your education carefully.致富的第二條輔助規則是要精心地選好所受的教育。
  • 23ButtonWithCallbacks defines two auxiliary constructors for the user's convenience.ButtonWithCallbacks定義了兩個方便用户使用的輔助構造函數。
  • 24Geoff Boycott estimated that the current England team has an auxiliary staff of 13.根據Geoff Boycott的估計,現在的英格蘭隊有輔助職員13名。
  • 25The main git package contains the git executable and a few auxiliary git applications.主git包包含git可執行文件和一些輔助git應用程序。
  • 26Furthermore, there is an additional auxiliary cube which contains the approval dimension.此外,有一個包含審批維度的額外的輔助多維數據集。
  • 27At slow speeds, it runs only on an electric motor powered by the ship's auxiliary turbine.低速航行時,它僅僅依靠該船一個由輔助渦輪驅動的電動馬達提供動力。
  • 28Scala distinguishes between a primary constructor and zero or more auxiliary constructors.Scala可以區分主構造函數和0個或多個輔助構造函數。
  • 29Separating some auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) for journal files was essential to our test.在日誌文件中分隔輔助存儲池(ASP)在我們的測試中是必要的。 [1] 