


ape,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“猿,類人猿”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [eɪp] 美 [eɪp]
n. 猿,類人猿;粗野的人,蠢人
v. 模仿
【名】 (Ape)(意)阿佩(人名)


APE FLAC 無損音樂 ; 無損音樂格式 ; 式文件 ; 無損格式
ape form 猿形
ape man 猿人 ; 人類起源 ; 從猿到人 ; 你來自猩猩
APE DIET 類人猿瘦身法
GO APE 發瘋 ; 神魂顛倒 ; 狂熱起來 ; 變的狂熱 [1] 


  • 1Ape conservation tackles both of these issues head on.類人猿保護直接解決這兩個問題。
  • 2When humans first emerged as a species, they shared the planet with many types of ape.當人類首次作為一個物種出現時,他們依舊跟多種類人猿共存。
  • 3Kivell and Schmitt think this suggests the independent evolution of knuckle-walking behavior in the two African ape lineages.凱威爾和施密特認為這表明了在兩個非洲類人猿譜系中關節行走行為的獨立進化。
  • 4The ape shoulder is good for hanging from a tree, but when our ancestors started walking on two legs, the shoulder started to change.猿猴的肩膀有利於其在吊在樹上,但是當我們的祖先開始以兩條腿走路以後,猿猴的肩膀也開始發生變化。
  • 5This is not because God created them to poke fun at us; it is because humans and chimps are descended from the same relatively recent primitive ape.這並不是因為上帝創造它們來嘲笑我們;而是因為人類和黑猩猩都是同一個比較近期的原始猿人的後裔。
  • 6Indeed, the etiquette in this situation calls for you to ape his behavior — take out your smartphone and pretend to check all the things going on in your life.確實,碰到這樣的場合,禮數會告訴你去模仿他的行為——同樣掏出你的手機,假裝查看上面發生的所有事情。
  • 7As a zoologist focusing on the studies of apes and monkeys, I've been studying why humans evolved to become the naked ape, and why skin comes in so many different shades around the world.作為一名專注於猿類和猴子研究的動物學家,我一直在研究為什麼人類會進化成裸猿,以及為什麼世界各地的人們皮膚會有這麼多不同的色調。
  • 8We used to ape the teacher's southern accent.我們過去常模仿老師的南方口音。《牛津詞典》
  • 9That creature was the Asian Gigantopithecus, or "Giant Ape."這種生物就是亞洲巨猿,也叫巨人猿。
  • 10Our facial structure bears some resemblance to that of an immature ape.我們的面部結構就與幼猿十分相似。
  • 11There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of them.他們的性格既殘暴,又狡猾。
  • 12That could be because his wrists and hands were still pretty ape-like.這可能是因為他的手腕和雙手仍然相當於猩猩的爪子。
  • 13One of these gene machines, a social and bipedal ape, began to imitate.這些“基因機器”其中的一個,一個羣居的兩足人猿開始了模仿。
  • 14Soon she attracted the curiosity of the one-year-old baby ape she adopted.這很快便引起了她收養的一歲小猩猩的好奇。
  • 15Teco was born on June 1, 2010 and is the first baby bonobo at Great Ape Trust.Teco出生於2010年6月1日,是Great Ape Trust第一隻嬰兒矮黑猩猩。
  • 16In King Kong, the ape captures Ann, a young lady who visits the ape's island.在2005年的《金剛》電影中,當年輕漂亮的安小姐到金剛居住的島上游玩時,金剛俘獲了她。
  • 17A hominid is really any extinct ape more closely related to us than the chimpanzee.原始人類中任何一個滅絕的猿物種和我們的關係都比黑猩猩更密切。
  • 18Species of human lice thus mirror the splits in the tree of ape and human evolution.人體上的蝨子物種反映了猿和人類進化歷程的分節點。
  • 19It is unknown whether Hanno referred to gorillas, another species of ape, or humans.但是沒有談到Hanno是否知道大猩猩是猿或人的一種。
  • 20When humans first emerged as a species they Shared the planet with many types of ape.當人類首次作為一個物種出現時,他們與許多種類的猿分享了這個星球。
  • 21It's that cartoon sequence: You see a hairy ape man with a heavy brow hunched in profile.那就是這個卡通序列:你先是看到一個毛茸茸的彎腰駝背的額頭沉重的猿人的側面。
  • 22The question, then: Why stand and walk on two legs when our ape Cousins get by on four limbs?問題就隨之而來了:為什麼在我們的類人猿親戚們還在用四肢行走的時候,我們就已經直立並用兩足行走呢?
  • 23The giant ape has been recreated digitally and is more life-like and terrifying than ever.新電影中的大猩猩經過數碼技術製作,比原來的更加生動可怕。
  • 24Other Scenic Spots: Xiaozhaigou Nature Reserve, Doutuan Mountain, Yuanwang (Ape King) cave.其它風景區:小寨溝自然保護區,竇團山,猿王洞。
  • 25The earthquake hit the Great Ape House and Think Tank Exhibit during afternoon feeding time.下午餵食的時候,地震襲擊了類人猿館和智庫展覽。 [1] 