

acclaim,英語單詞,主要用作動詞名詞,主要意思為“讚揚,稱讚,高度評價,為……喝彩”等。 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性
釋    義


英 [əˈkleɪm] 美 [əˈkleɪm]
v. 讚揚,稱讚,為……喝彩
n. 讚揚,稱譽,高度評價
[ 第三人稱單數 acclaims 現在分詞 acclaiming 過去式 acclaimed 過去分詞 acclaimed ] [1] 


win worldwide acclaim 贏得廣泛讚譽
critical acclaim 好評如潮 ; 新金屬 ; 一致好評 ; 高度評價
won international acclaim 贏得國際間的讚許
Wide acclaim 廣泛好評
worthy of acclaim 值得受人尊敬的 ; 值得稱讚的
to acclaim 稱讚 ; 誇稱 ; 歡呼
International Acclaim 得到國際認可 ; 國際上的讚揚
acclaim m 稱讚 ; 歡呼 ; 歡迎 [1] 


  • 1He received acclaim as a champion of the oppressed.他作為被壓迫者的捍衞者而受到了讚譽。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Elgar received many honours and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.埃爾加獲得了很多榮譽和歡呼,但是他常常把自己看成一個失敗者。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3In her work, she revealed a side of nature so exotic, dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received much acclaim.她的作品向當時的歐洲人揭示了自然界充滿異國情調、富有戲劇性和價值的一面,因此她獲得了很多讚譽。
  • 4The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.這部電影深得評論和公眾的讚揚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.安傑拉·巴西特因她出色的表演而贏得了評論界的讚揚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6"Critical acclaim from people who don't know what they're talking about is meaningless," he claims dismissively.“來自不懂自己在説什麼的評論者們的讚揚是沒意義的,”他輕蔑地説。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7While at Bell Laboratories, Shannon developed information theory, but shunned the resulting acclaim.在貝爾實驗室的時候,香農發展了信息理論,但避開了隨之而來的讚美。
  • 8He is not the only one basking in acclaim.不僅僅是他一個人沉浸在人們的讚揚之中。
  • 9Her performance won her much critical acclaim.她的表演大獲評論界讚頌。
  • 10Such acclaim changes attitudes to cable generally.這樣的讚譽改變了人們一直以來對有線頻道的看法。
  • 11The point is not mere verbal acclaim of God as suzerain.並不是僅僅是口頭上承認上帝為領主。
  • 12His achievements earned him the acclaim of the scientific community.他的成就贏得了科學界的讚譽。
  • 13Already, their stores and website have received national acclaim.確實,他們的系列店和網站在美國都是備受好評的。
  • 14So he had published Native Son in 1940 to great acclaim, a very successful novel.他在1940年出版了《土生子》,廣受好評,是一部很成功的小説。
  • 15In January 2004, two Chinese authors published a book which won international acclaim.二〇〇四年一月,兩位中國作者出版了一本贏得國際讚譽的書。
  • 16All five Asian artists ranked last year by Artprice have won international acclaim.Artprice所列去年躋身世界前10的五位亞洲藝術家,全都已經獲得了國際上的承認。
  • 17I have been lucky because many of my books have received acclaim from literary critics.我實屬幸運,因為我寫的許多作品都得到了文學評論家的讚賞。
  • 18If America had denounced Charlie, he had his family-- and the acclaim of the rest of the world.儘管美國對查理橫加指責,他卻擁有一個團聚的家庭,還享有世界其他各國的讚譽。
  • 19Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, o Lord.知道向你歡呼的,那民是有福的。耶和華阿,他們在你臉上的光裏行走。
  • 20His witty and often macabre tales won him critical acclaim and he was a successful short-story writer.他的機智和恐怖的故事常常為他贏得好評,他是一個成功的短篇小説作家。
  • 21His efforts to improve relations with the North brought international acclaim but not lasting success.金大中致力於改善韓朝關係的舉措贏得了國際社會稱讚,但並沒有帶來持續成功。
  • 22Her company, which went public to great acclaim a year ago, has not found the going so easy since.一年前她的公司高調上市,從此就再沒有引起轟動過。
  • 23While these Marshall Headphones were teased early this year, they finally hit in December to wide acclaim.雖然這些馬歇爾耳機在年初的時候被取笑過,但他們終於在12月獲得了廣泛好評。
  • 24But the path from innate talent to wealth, fame and universal acclaim was not entirely straightforward.但是從天賦英才到財富、名望和舉世讚譽之間的道路依然是曲折的。
  • 25Wins acclaim for balancing hit films such as Love Actually with art films such as The Girl with a Pearl Earring.2003年,在熱門電影《真愛至上》和藝術電影《戴珍珠耳環的女孩》中的表現均可圈可點。
  • 26While the hotel’s grounds, location and amenities deserve acclaim, the rooms under its roof are equally fantastic.旅店的位置和設施讓人讚不絕口,而它的房間也同樣精彩。
  • 27The movie has received wild acclaim worldwide for its depiction of the ghastly diamond-funded civil war in Sierra Leone.這部電影因其對塞拉·列儂恐怖的以鑽石為基礎的內戰的描寫而廣受好評。
  • 28Recent computer hardware updates from Apple, as opposed to the iPod and iPad lines, have been met with critical acclaim.最近蘋果電腦硬件升級的舉動引來極大歡呼。
  • 29Obama received lots of acclaim for appointing Chu, the physicist and a Nobel Prize winner, to run the department of energy.奧巴馬在任命朱管理能源部這件事上得到了很多讚賞。朱是一位物理學家及諾貝爾獎得主。 [1] 